House MD Fans Meerkats needed

Olivine posted on Feb 22, 2009 at 07:53PM
Hihooo guys ;] ♥

As you might know I'm collecting meerkats. So far I have 2, Chandlerfan and house_amy2, which I love with all the love in the world ^^ xD

I'm now looking for some more meerkats, I have a big imaginary fanpop house and every meerkat gets their own room with a TV set.

xD So does anyone want to become another meerkat of mine?

(and yes, I am bored studying immunology)

Oh, I thought I might post heeresjoyce's great meerkat list here: :DD

Olivine - Vinekat

HuddyCrazy1331 - Merlon
heeeresjoyce - Mookat
GoodOldPhooners - Phoonkat
Numbers - Numkat
HouseJr - Junkat
Cuddles - Cuddlekat
Mars - Meeraters
Ellen-smile - Ellekat
house_amy2 - Amkat
housecuddy4ever - Meerisa
Chandlerfan - Chankat
Enjoyhuddy- Meerjoy
last edited on Mar 14, 2009 at 08:50PM

House MD Fans 2364 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 2364

over a year ago GoodOldPhooners said…
oooooh! Ooooh! I wanna be your meerkat, Olivine! =)
over a year ago Olivine said…
yaaay you got the job! xDDD ♥

and i'm still accepting more meerkats ;)

*feeds cf, house_amy2 and GoodOldPhooners*

btw do you have a nickname? xD
over a year ago EnjoyHuddy said…
big smile
I wanna be a meerkat too!!
over a year ago EnjoyHuddy said…
ok now this meerkat is going to sleep, because it's late and I am tired =)
nighties ^^
over a year ago Olivine said…
yippie =DD
over a year ago oldmovie said…
*steals all of the meerkats and re-name's them Timon, Pumba and Simba*
over a year ago Olivine said…
aaaaaahhh leave my meerkats alone, om O___O ! go and find your own meerkats! xDD
over a year ago oldmovie said…
MUWHAHAHAHAHAHA *shows pictures of meerkats in slave labour camps with Olivine's home plastered above for propaganda*

SEE WHAT SHE'LL DO TO YOU? Come to me my pretties
over a year ago Olivine said…
*grabs kutner's defibrillators*
over a year ago Ellen-smile said…
Oooooh! I get the reference now! LOL.

OM, look sharp, those things are DEADLY! XD
over a year ago GoodOldPhooners said…
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…

i was like WTF!? when i saw this forum...then i read it...

now im like...WTF!?
why not though, Oli, ill be your meerkat biznitch!
over a year ago house_amy2 said…
*Makes Meerkat-like-cry after seeing the pictures of Meerkats in slave labour camps*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Oooohh a TV! =D
*watches House*

Imagine a meerkat watching House? LOL XD
over a year ago Olivine said…
big smile
yaaay *feeds numbers*

*calls other meerkats*
Popcorn for everyone!
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…

*eats it all* Oooops...there's none left now....
*acts cute* XD
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
*gives CF meerkat shifty eyes for eating ALL THE DAMN POPCORN!!*
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
*laughs at meerkat shifty eyes before realising she's in trouble*
*runs away as fast as a meerkat can* XD
over a year ago adyingsomething said…
*giggles at all the nonsence* :D
over a year ago GoodOldPhooners said…
A meerkat watching House? *giggle*
I wonder what happens if you change the channel...
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
*runs to GOP's room nextdoor so see what happened*

*sees a tv laying on her...*shifty eyes*...runs back to my room and hugs tv with House playing*
over a year ago Olivine said…
*has installed a secret camera in the room of every meerkat*
*secretly watches them* XDDDD
over a year ago GoodOldPhooners said…
Augh...*makes a tunnel to escape anvil*
Hee...*resumes watching House, turns and discovers camera*
HAH! How's THAT for entertainment?!
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
*is a little creeped out by the camera*

*stares at the tv, then back at the camera...then back at the tv...then back at the camera...then back at the tv...*keeps turning between the two*...*
over a year ago DrowningMyFear said…
big smile
TV and popcorn? Hell yesh I'll be your meerkat!
over a year ago GoodOldPhooners said…
*runs to number's room, then back to my room*
Coool. Apparently, there's a different episode on every room in the house.
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
o snap!!!!
whats playin in your room??
over a year ago GoodOldPhooners said…
"Alone", actually.
*rewinds guitar playing/napping again, and again, and again, and again-*shot*
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
*gives me an idea*

*runs back to my room where Failure to Communicate is playing, keeps rewinding the Hacy kiss again, and again, and again, and again*
over a year ago RP_Puzzle said…
*face palm* Oh dear more meerkats to add to my insane attempt at sorting out the House Spot Family Tree. Lol this is hilarious though ^_^. I'm not sure if I want to be a meerkat yet...but I do love cats *points to icon*.
over a year ago GoodOldPhooners said…
*pokes head in Numbers room*
Since *someone* ate the poppycorn...when do we get dinner? D'we hafta hunt? Eat bugs?
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
o yes dinner...

*makes shifty eyes at GOP*
*drools a little as she does it*

"so hungry..."
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
*tries to make more popcorn but accidentally locks self into microwave* *is being cooked* O__O
over a year ago GoodOldPhooners said…
*breaks microwave, then drenches Cf in water*
There we go. Now are grilled grubs any good?
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
*looks at GOP awakwardly...8
even for us meerkats lol

OMG! rushes over to CF to see if she needs CPR!
over a year ago babybell said…
*looks at all the meerkats running around in wondeR*
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
lmao, no...i didnt even know that existed...what is it?
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
*is lying on the floor*
*needs Kutner and his defis...on second thoughts, maybe not Kutner*

Nope I've never watched Meerkat manor LOL Is it any good? =D
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…

starts CPR on CF!!! calls for meerkat mommy!!!!!!!!
over a year ago GoodOldPhooners said…
O_o Can't unseeee...meerkats making out-uh, CPR....
Meerkat Manor is AWESOME. =D *huggles BB*
over a year ago HouseJr said…
wtf did i just walk into?!
over a year ago GoodOldPhooners said…
*tsk* Even I don't know, and I was here the whole time.
We need*dundunduuuun!* OLIVINE.
over a year ago adyingsomething said…
you are forgetting the time difference
cami is sleeping :)
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
*looks around to all the other meerkats staring and wondering what happened*

*...runs away back to my room and hids under the bed*
over a year ago adyingsomething said…
its ok :)
CF just accidently tried to cook herself.. but she is ok now
she is just sleeping :)
*carried little CF to her room and tucks her in* :D
over a year ago GoodOldPhooners said…
Ohhhhhh. That explains it. CF went beddy-bye.
My turn!*snore*
over a year ago adyingsomething said…
*tucks GOP in aswell*
goodnight little meerkats, sweet dreams :D
over a year ago GoodOldPhooners said…
*has many House-dreams, hopes no one tries to dip hand in warm water..or else I won't b as nice as Jimmy.>><<*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago RP_Puzzle said…
LOL silly meerkattys ^_^. I am very curious about this Meerkat Manor show now...
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
*wakes up after a nice long sleep* =D
*is re-energised and alive*
*is running around screaming excitedly*