House MD Fans Favourite quotes and icons- dealing with requests

oldmovie posted on Mar 15, 2009 at 12:56PM
I was wondering if anybody would like an icon made specifically for them? At the moment I'm in love with quotes to go along with the icon...SO put down your favourite quote, can be from a movie, book, tv show or song and the character/s you'd like to be in the icon, if you so wish and I'll try and get an icon to you as fast as I can.

Would anybody like to try?

EDIT from AUGUST 14th: I'm better at photoshop now and I'm bored and need something to do, icons seem to be an obsession now, so don't worry about what you request! For now I'm taking 10 requests, once those are filled we can try again.

Request number:

For anybody who cares I'm mrs_huddles at livejournal, if you want to see examples of my icons here's a journal post: link

If you would like a specific screencap just post it, makes it a little easier for me :)

I do any character and any ship :)
last edited on Sep 05, 2009 at 06:24AM

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