House MD Fans Favourite quotes and icons- dealing with requests

oldmovie posted on Mar 15, 2009 at 12:56PM
I was wondering if anybody would like an icon made specifically for them? At the moment I'm in love with quotes to go along with the icon...SO put down your favourite quote, can be from a movie, book, tv show or song and the character/s you'd like to be in the icon, if you so wish and I'll try and get an icon to you as fast as I can.

Would anybody like to try?

EDIT from AUGUST 14th: I'm better at photoshop now and I'm bored and need something to do, icons seem to be an obsession now, so don't worry about what you request! For now I'm taking 10 requests, once those are filled we can try again.

Request number:

For anybody who cares I'm mrs_huddles at livejournal, if you want to see examples of my icons here's a journal post: link

If you would like a specific screencap just post it, makes it a little easier for me :)

I do any character and any ship :)
last edited on Sep 05, 2009 at 06:24AM

House MD Fans 63 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 63

over a year ago oldmovie said…
Here are some examples I've made:
last edited over a year ago
Here are some examples I've made:
over a year ago oldmovie said…
Just so you guys can see an example of what you would be getting
Just so you guys can see an example of what you would be getting
over a year ago oldmovie said…
One without text if you so wish :)
One without text if you so wish :)
over a year ago PotterGal said…
Ooh om. I've noticed your icons have been so gorgeous! I would love to request one from you. Bu first of all, is this quote too long? :)

"People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges."
over a year ago oldmovie said…
NO the quote is fine I think I can make it work, btw what's the quote from?

And who do you want in the icon?

Just in case the quote is too long I have 2 questions:
1) Can I shorten it?
2) if not is there another one you would like instead?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PotterGal said…
I completely fail for not knowing where it came from. I only know that it's from the author Joseph Newton. I found it online somewhere ages ago and i love it a lot.

Yup you can shorten it and i don't have a specific other one in mind but i can think about it and let you know. :)

Oh and also, i'd like it to be House and Cuddy in the icon (who else, lol) :D
over a year ago oldmovie said…
kk I'll get right on that, I'll make a couple so you have a choice =D
over a year ago PotterGal said…
Yay, that's awesome. :D
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
yay om!

you know me, any hacy icons i would flip over

and if you could make some of Dr. Carter from ER...that would be awesome lol

and an "amantadine binds with proteins" one haha

be as creative as you want...mess with colors, outlines, backrounds, texture, text...whatever you feel like!

you rock!
over a year ago oldmovie said…
I'd be happy to make those for you Numbers :)

Just need a little bit of info first

1) For the Hacy icons, any quote you would like used?
2) Dr. Carter...yeah since I have no idea who that is, would you mind getting me a picture of him, also quote or no quote?
3) the amantadine one, I'm assuming you want Amber?

That's it.
over a year ago oldmovie said…
KK PG I have your icons finished, sorry they're all season 5 Huddy but the quote seemed to work quite well there:

Here are the links:






Hope you like them
last edited over a year ago
KK PG I have your icons finished, sorry they're all season 5 Huddy but the quote seemed to work quite
over a year ago PotterGal said… i already said before and really really want to say again i love them so much. Yup, i too had only season 5 in mind when i think of them in relation to that quote so that's awesome, lol. :D

over a year ago oldmovie said…
Hey Numbers I've got yours.

I didn't make any of Carter just cause I'm not sure exactly what you wanted there :)

But here are the amantadine ones:




Here are the Hacy ones, I hope you don't mind but since you didn't specify a quote I picked some that I like:



last edited over a year ago
Hey Numbers I've got yours. 

I didn't make any of Carter just cause I'm not sure exactly what you
over a year ago Evrythingmaters said…
Awwwww this is such a lovely thing to do :)
really thoughtful :)

*puppy dog eyes*

If its not too much trouble and you dont mind can I please make a request?
What I would really really love is a Hameron icon.. (no surprises there!)

The quote "You couldnt kill her dream" would be perfect, and I dont mind what season

Thank you kindly :)
over a year ago oldmovie said…
No problem Mars....hhhmmm I'm going to have to give that one a bit of thought as to where that quote will fit in, but no fear I'll find a match :)
over a year ago Evrythingmaters said…
Im sure that brain of yours can figure something out :D

Thanks lovely :)
over a year ago oldmovie said…
Well here you are Mars, I hope you like them, I tried a variety of moments between them:






Well here you are Mars, I hope you like them, I tried a variety of moments between them:

over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
big smile
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ME TOO! I bow to your powers of icon making!

Can I have a Foreteen one and/or a Hameron one?

If you go with Foreteen, I don't care what you do. I trust your creativity!
If you go with Hameron, my favourite Hameron scene in the 'Informed Consent' scene when House put his hand on Cameron's shoulder.

I don't really care if they have quotes on them or not. I can't think of anything cool off the top of my head, but if something comes to your mind then go ahead and add something! I also prefer greens and blues and blacks for the colouring, that helps you in anyway. But honestly, I trust that you can make amazing icons, so whatever comes to you creatively, just go for it!
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
hey om...yeah amber for the amantadine one...maybe the pic of right when the bus was hit and her hair starts to fly...know the one im talkin bout??

for Hacy...Vindaloo if you want to make some and throw your own quotes in go for it!

for Carter:: here are some of my fav pics of him:
this is my fav pic: the one i posted on here.

some quotes you can use for Carter:
its hard to say goodbye
the show must go on (for the pic of him with the pool stick posted here)
The Beginning Of the End (for the pic of him laying down and has a shadow of his face by him)

you rock again!!! you are soooooo gettin props for every single one you make! thanks!
hey om...yeah amber for the amantadine one...maybe the pic of right when the bus was hit and her hair
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
or for the carter ones that i didnt have a quote for: you can just do something like this: splash of color w/ the freaky cool cant read like that too.

In my profile pictures link are some already done icons of Carter if you need inspiration xD

lol be as creative as you want!!
last edited over a year ago
or for the carter ones that i didnt have a quote for: you can just do something like this: splash of
over a year ago oldmovie said…
Alright Missy I'll make both Hameron and Foreteen ones ;)

LOL I'll get right on those Numbers, hopefully I'll be able to get them to you by tonight.
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
I thought of a quote that you could include, if you see this in time:

Teardrop on the fire

But don't worry about it if you don't see this before you make them!
over a year ago Evrythingmaters said…
big smile
I love you.

Thanks you so much!! I really love the icons :D
Props for you girly!
over a year ago oldmovie said…
KK Missy here you go here are your icons, some of them I like but others I couldn't get to work right, but oh well here they are:



Numbers I'm getting started on your request tomorrow, just cause I've got a lot of work :)
KK Missy here you go here are your icons, some of them I like but others I couldn't get to work right
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
big smile
I LOVE THEM! Thank you so much!
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
nol big hurry dude!

ive discovered i too am a closet case icon maker lmao! so im in no hurry
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
I'm good at corel draw but not good at icons. So could you please make one for me whenever you can with the quote of
and any image of House?????
PLEASE. *does puppy eyes* Tack du!!!(that's gracias in swedish)(Do I need to write down what's gracias???Yeah I suppossed I didn't)
P.S.The icon is only because I'm sick and it kind of haves puppy eyes
over a year ago Ellen-smile said…
OM! You're amazing! XD You are just plain made of awesome for doing this and I have no requests now, but I will probably get back to you. *thumbs up for OM*
over a year ago JustHuddy said…
I would love if you could make me a Huddy one that says "love of the most exquisite kind". Thank you so much!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
Are you still taking requests??

In case you are and in case for some reason I can't access internet in france i would appreciate it if u could make me an icon that says:

"You have stolen my heart" Huddy of course ;)
I'll let u pick the scene since I'm sure we have the same taste LOL. But if u cant do it, I understand. Thank you anyways, OM :)
over a year ago oldmovie said…
Wow, first of all I'd like to say I'm sorry this took so long for everyone, I've had an unbelievably amount of work and I had to stop going on Fanpop for ages to finish it all, I've got a lot less work now, so hopefully I'll be back a bit :)

Second I've got the icons everyone has requested since I last updated here so here we go!!!


Wow, first of all I'd like to say I'm sorry this took so long for everyone, I've had an unbelievably
over a year ago oldmovie said…
Huddysmacked's turn, I was a little unsure of what exactly you wanted, I hope these are ok:


Huddysmacked's turn, I was a little unsure of what exactly you wanted, I hope these are ok: 

over a year ago oldmovie said…
JustHuddy, I love that quote by the way:


JustHuddy, I love that quote by the way:
over a year ago oldmovie said…
Finally its Melon's turn.

I heard, or rather saw, it was your birthday recently. I'm really sorry I missed it, I hope you had a good one, anyways I hope these icons make up for my absence:


Finally its Melon's turn. 

I heard, or rather saw, it was your birthday recently. I'm really sorry I
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
OMG thank you sooo much I loved them they're awesome!!!!!!
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…

I made this for you:

over a year ago kellinator said…
wow OM you are AMAZING! All these icons are gorgeous! Is it too late to request something?
over a year ago oldmovie said…
No it is not, I've got 5 days left =D
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
Seriously dude, AMAZINGNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago kellinator said…
Ok awesome :) Could you please make a Huddy (duh lol) icon using this line from Gravity by Sara Bareilles: "Something always brings me back to you."

over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
big smile
Love. It. Seriously flailing buddy, this is total AWESOMENESS!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
As if I only just noticed this forum! *headdesk*
OM, you are freaking awesome for offering to make so many icons! <3

If you have the time, could you please make me some Huddy icons with 'Don't you know who you are, you're my shooting star' or 'You're just too good to lose'
Feel free to shorten if too long =]
And pick whichever scene you want

And I know it may not be possible because they don't tend to have a lot of scenes together, but if you can, could you make some Wilteen icons (I know, I know...LOL) with 'You look into my eyes, I go out of my mind...'

Thank you! *hugs for pure awesomeness* =D
over a year ago oldmovie said…
Aw okay no problem CF, I'm just finishing K's icons now, so I'll get right on yours. Wilteen?!!! Alrighty then lol......let's see what I can do.

over a year ago oldmovie said…
Alright here are K's, hope you like, yours are a little different than the rest I've made:


Alright here are K's, hope you like, yours are a little different than the rest I've made: 

over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Thank youu! =D
And don't be mocking my Wilteen-ness! XDD

Here, have some cake ----->
(Stupid emotes, that's the only food there XD)
over a year ago oldmovie said…
Okay I've got some =D

Here are your Huddies:

Here are your Wilteens:
last edited over a year ago
Okay I've got some =D 

Here are your Huddies:
over a year ago housecuddy4ever said…
OM,could you make me a Hugh icon that says "One hot,steamy English muffin"
and 3 LE icons that 2 of which could say "Beautiful,sparkling Gem" and "Queen of the Universe" and one just blank?

I will worship you,I will stalk...I mean hug you,and love you forever :D
You're really awesome for doing this.
over a year ago oldmovie said…
I'd love to, and having a personal stalker sounds nice :)
over a year ago oldmovie said…
Here are the goodies Smexy:

Hugh Laurie icons:

Lisa Edelstein icons:

Here are the goodies Smexy: 

Hugh Laurie icons:
over a year ago Cuddles said…
I also have a request.
Could you make me 2 or 3 LE icons that say:"One must desire something to be alive."? And some Cuddy/Huddy (or both ;)) icons that say:"Think of me long enough to make a memory"?

That would be so awesome. Thanks in advance.
It's so great that you offered to make these icons.
*hugs her* <3