House MD Fans 10 Things You Did Not Know About...

InesHameron posted on Apr 28, 2009 at 05:23PM
I read a magazine where there is a column called "10 things you did not know about ... (someone famous)". Every weeks it is about someone different.
I thought we could do something similar
in that spot. 10 things really unique and amazing...
What are 10 things that no one here knows about you?

House MD Fans 47 replies

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over a year ago huddysmacked said…
Mmmm I think they know my entire life here.
1. I am a veggier but I can be one at my home.
2. My baptism was in NY.
3. I have a cousin called Frida Barbara Rosaura Stella
4. I love hippies.
5. I went to disney when I was 4. (don't remember a thin)
6. I was afraid of roller coaster until 13
7. My dad hates me and I hate him.
8. I don't have good relationships with family.
9. I always get good grades and never fail.
10. I am best friend of a 38 year old guy. Who is my profesor
over a year ago InesHameron said…
1-I was born on a Friday… 13th!

2-My name is a tribute to one queen (Inês D'Castro) that was murdered(Tragic love story!).

3-I have a birth mark on left leg. It looks like a crocodile ... like Lacoste’s symbol.

4-I have a sister 10 years younger. I hated when I was
only daughter.

5-I had 20 / 20 points in national exam of biology. I'm a little nerd… I write chemical formulas and mathematical exercises in my windows! My mother didn’t like, so she gave me a white board ( just like House’s board)

6-I want to be a neurologist.

7-I “worked” as a model… (but I am not professional). I think that is futile for profession.

8-I did theater in college. My first role is the lead role… a giant ladybird!

9 - I am addicted to Agatha Christie’ books and History’s

10- I’m class leader ( now, last year and the year before…)

So that is me!!
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
1. I crave creative outlets (as many as possible!)
2. Circuses freak me out (and clowns) - but it's not a phobia as such
3. I'm the first person in my family to be doing a languages degree from many many many generations
4. I've never had a pet =[
5. The most important trait I could care for in others is a sense of humour, above anything else - if they lack one, I find it hard to form a friendship with them
6. I want to leave England and live elsewhere after I've graduated (whether it actually happens or not is another thing...XD)
7. I'm very anal about grammar/spelling, despite the fact I very rarely say anything about it
8. I can't stand it when people patronise me >_<
9. I hate authority - I just don't like being told what to do at all
10. I'm a very good planner...which often tends to annoy people =P

There you go! =D
over a year ago xoxJoJoRulesxox said…
1. I am a vegetarian...and feel very strongly about it
2. I have strong opinions, so much so my friends won't debate with me anymore
3. I hate where i live, but love Britian
4. I have met John Barrowman twice,both times i turned into a nervous wreck
5. I like to rave in my kitchen with myself
6. I have a phobia of belly buttons,so bad that if people mention them i start to panic
7. I drink tea by the bucket load
8. I sometimes think im an idiot and that people are annoyed by me....i have no idea why i have the amazing friends that i do
9. I'm so excited about becoming an auntie in August....i hope me and my brother can put our troubles aside :)
10. I have 7 cats, but it doesn't make me the cat lady outta The Simpsons!!!
over a year ago adyingsomething said…
ten? uhm...
1) I am in love. ♥ (as if people didnt know XD)
2) I haven't ate meat in quite some time.
3) I also dislike where I live, too hot for me.
4) My body/skin dislikes the heat.
5) My parents desided to screw with thier childrens names. (Roni, Stevi, Mikeal XD)
6) I am extremely sensitive, though I try not to show it.
7) I can be strong when I need to be.
8) I cry easily; even when im not sad, every emotion.
9) I have a dark past. (lets try to forget that)
10) ♥ I can't wait for the future. :D

over a year ago thirteen_times said…
1) I was scared of the dark till I was 13
2) I was anorexic
3) When I was little I used to take my teddy called Binky EVERYWHERE and I do mean everywhere
4) My friends dyed part of my hair red while I was asleep so at the moment I have a red blob in my hair.
5) I will wait for marriage to have sex
6) My middle name is John
7) I wanted to be an Indian when I was younger
8) I love hugs weather it's receiving a hug or giving a hug
9) I’m a big softy
10) My girlfriend is amazing
over a year ago mrshouse62689 said…
Gosh I don't know if I'm interesting enough to list ten things people might actually care about. Here goes:

1. I hate feet. Seriously. Don't put yours near me.

2. I am the most socially awkward person I've ever met. I have no idea what to do in social situations and I'm basically a hermit. I've gone days without talking to another human being.

3. I love dill pickles. I could eat them daily and not get sick of them.

4. I don't mind heat so much, but I hate humidity. Which doesn't work so well because I live in the Southeastern US, and you don't get heat without humidity here.

5. I love hunting, fishing, and four-wheeling.

6. I think less of people that spell simple words incorrectly or have horribly structured sentences.

7. Everything's gone downhill for me since I graduated high school (about two years ago).

8. I love The Discovery Channel (and TLC, Animal Planet, National Geographic...all of those). Deadliest Catch is one of my favorite shows.

9. I've been told I'm very mature for my age. I can't decide if this is a good thing (as in people don't see me as your typical teenager) or if it's a bad thing (I don't cut loose and have fun as often as my friends...well, what I would have considered my "friends" at one

10. I have alot of problems but I see no need in discussing them because everyone has problems, and that's no reason to bitch about things all the time.
over a year ago house_amy2 said…
1. I'm a people pleaser. I have a lot of difficulty in saying no.
2. I'm very particular about grammar and correct spelling.
3. I hate the cold. Anything below 20 degrees celclius is too cold for me.
4. I would love to join the Australian Navy.
5. I'm very patriotic.
6. I can name nearly every bone in the human body.
7. I'm not particularly fond of clowns.
8. I'm very interested in the news and current affairs.
9. I have messy handwriting.
10. I'm a very logical person.
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
LOL Mrsh I hate feet too. I love the circus don't know why. I think I'm the only weirdo that does. *Highfives Amy* I'm very logic too, I always get As (in exams and tests) because of that.
over a year ago mrshouse62689 said…
I love the circus too! And I've never been scared of clowns but they freak my sister out like nobody's business.
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
LOL I just love them, they're so happy and enjoyable.
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Ughh circuses...*shudders* LOL
I don't know why I don't like's weird XDD
over a year ago house_amy2 said…
Yeah circuses sort of freak me out.... especially the clowns...

Yeah MrsH, feet- I'm also not that fond of them...
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
*fives amy for being sane* =D

Although...I don't know if we would actually be classed as sane...XDD

Ooohh yeahh, I hate feet...they're...(I nearly said useless XD)...ugly LOL
over a year ago lovehousemd_frv said…
1i hate jennifer morrison
2I have an allergy to dust, the sun and so on
3each on my mother's side died of cancer and there is a great opportunity for me and my mother have cancer
4My paternal great-grandmother (which is 72) ran away with a man
54 class (I am now 6) is moved to another town and another school in Bulgaria again!classmates hate me and I hate them
6I am very very white
7for first time i drink alcohol of 4 year
8i'm turkish Muslim
9i'm crazy in pericranium rose ,wedding dresses ,cats,Chase and Jesse
10I am too nice

over a year ago suu said…
big smile
1. I'm left-handed.
2. I'm always correcting people (it can be a good thing or a bad one. It depends.)
3. I'm the tallest girl in my class.
4. I used to play in a basketball team (I still play it in school).
5. I love Maths.
6. I live 10 minutes away from the beach.
7. I've broken my left foot twice already.
8. I hate the sound of a mosquito hanging around your ear (it really annoys me!).
9. I don't like tea.
10. I have a good sense of humor.

That's about it :)
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
1) I have four siblings.
2) I lived in a town near Wiesbaden, Germany for 3 1/2 years, from when I was about 5 to 8.
3) I only just got a cell phone last Christmas.
4) The closet person to a celebrity that I have met is Eoin Colfer. :p
5) I have green eyes.
6) I was named Joyce after my grandmother.
7) I want to learn German, and intend to do at least a semester of college there.
8) I play bassoon, but am learning alto saxophone for marching band (bassoons can't march :( ).
9) I was born in San Antonio, Texas, a city about an hour away from Austin.
10) My mom teaches choir at the middle school level.

Lol, there are some random facts. :p
over a year ago salemslot said…
1) I was born in South Africa.
2) I'm studying Economics.
3) I believe that clowns are evil.
4) I'm colour-blind.
5) I am ashamed that I have never visited the Parthenon(Acropolis) even though it's about 10 minutes from my house.
6) I have a thing with numbers.I can multiply big numbers only using my mind and ANYTHING that is connected to numbers,from telephone numbers to dates and random info is inscipted in my brain forever.It's freaky!
7) I completely believe in the existence of ghosts.
8) I can't stay in a room over a minute if an air-conditioner is working.
9) I am allergic to sea food.
10) I am afraid of green mambas and cockroaches.
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over a year ago Cuddles said…
1) Did ballet for two, girls' gymnastic for five and atheltics for eight years (I was pretty good in atheltics and won some championship titles). Have turned into the laziest person you can imagine XD Oo.
2) Have been living in the same little German village since I was 8 months old (11 years even in the same house)
3) Am learning my 5th foreign language at the moment (well I try to...and don't be impressed...I learned or have been learning 4 foreign languages but can't speak all of them fluently) and want to learn many more.
4) Am somehow related to a German singer who was popular in the 1980's (his name is Peter Schilling and he is the cousin of the cousin of my grandma XDD)
5) Have the ability to shut my nostrils by breathing in.
6) Am afraid of slugs (I screamed once after I saw one and ran away)
7) Am incredibly shy in real life, have a very low self esteem, complexes and suffer from depression since I was 15
8) Lost my dad when I was 7 and never met my maternal grandparents as both of them died before I was born (My mom's dad died on her birthday)
9) Have a 15 year old brother named Oliver
10) Am able to eat what and how much I want without gaining weight.
over a year ago Ellen-smile said…
1. I have a little cousin who is mentally retarded and I love her dearly.
2. I have very little respect for people who carry dogs in their purses.
3. I like dark chocolate better than milk chocolate.
4. I can't play any instruments even though I want to. (I'm planning on teaching myself to play the piano this summer)
5. I have a fear of heights, but not rollercoasters, I love rollercoasters.
6. My birthstone is Amethyst.
7. I love lilacs bushes.I think that's what heaven smells like. Lilacs in full bloom.
8. I ma artistically challenged. I can't draw to save my life.
9. I have a small freckle on the knuckle of my left thumb. I love it. It's my favorite freckle ever. xD
10. I am good at walking in heels. I never stumble. Yet, I run into EVERYTHING when I'm not in heels. Go figure.
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
1. i gave up pop for lent although im NOT religous AT ALL
2. texting is my life (well and fanpop lol)
3. i consider my 4 years in marching band the best time of my life.
4. have never been out of the united states
5. would live in Chicago if i had my choice of ANYWHERE in the world
6. absolutly LOVE interior decorating (my apartment looks SO fab!)
7. have an obsession with vaves(ill take some pics of all of em sometime and post em)
8. named my baseball glove "Marky Mark" in honor of my all time favorite pitcher Mark Prior
9. dont bite my nails, but clip them once a week to keep them short (they ALWAYS have to be shorter than my finger)(i HATE long nails!)
10. have only been in love once, when i was 16, and it ahh...didnt end well...

anywho! thats a little more about me!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
LOL I love the whole thing of I haven't been out, you should travel!!! It's amazing
over a year ago ApplePie1890 said…
big smile
1. i'm geek! but not thick glasses ugly teeth kinda geek :P
2. i've joined the scout pretty much at the same time i joined fanpop xD
3. i hate all kind of little creatures (meaning bugs)
4. i love animals but ONLY ON TV ;P i'm really terrified of them!!
5. i've done ballet for ten years ;D now i switched to piano and violin
6. i can't stand velvet!! it's almost a phobia :P !!
7. i study medecine, and i'm loving it!! XD
8. i want to visit Italy and England so badly and many other countries :D
9. i can speak arabic, english and french and wants to learn spanish :)
10. i'm really out of stuff to say :P, oh yes i remembered !!! CF i think all only children are afraid of clowns :P *cough me too cough* hehe
over a year ago ApplePie1890 said…
ooh i remembered something cool about my mom :D
she's a head of the internal medecine department at a teaching hospital, and she sometimes do some differential diagnosis :DD i SO annoy her with all my questions like: omg like Cuddy!! or omg like House !!! hehehe
she's gonna be my professor in two years !!! XDD
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
1) My guilty pleasure, musically, is Katy Perry. I am SO utterly embarassed about that, but I just fucking love her awfully crappy songs and brightly coloured clothes.

2) I am pro-choice, pro-euthanasia and pro-capital punishment. Yes, I want to kill everyone (< sarcasm, just to clear that up).

3) I am a feminist, but also a masculinist.

4) In a similar vein to ApplePie1890's "I can't stand velvet!!" phobia, I can't stand raisins. And it is nothing to do with taste: its the way they look. It just totally creeps me out.

5) I can't tolerate intolerance. Ok, so you guys probably already know that about me, becuase I rant and rave about it all the time. But I REALLY, REALLY hate it. Like, you would actually not believe how mad it makes me. People often say to me that I deal with fights and stuff on here quite well, because I tend to speak (type! LOL!) quite calmly and sensibly. But actually, I am usually absolutely fuming and it takes all my willpower to not just sound off and absolutely rip people up. Which is why I have never really gotten into my "emo" rant, because that is one thng in particular that really REALLY makes me furious and I have lost friends over it. So, in summation, I am incredibly tolerant of everything else except intolerance (and hypocrisy! LOL!).

6) Like many people, I find cruelty to animals much harder to handle than cruelty to humans. I think it is because there is so much human cruelty in the media everyday it has desensitised us all. But animal cruelty? That is just so sickening to me and it makes me cry.

7) I love dark and disturbing things. Creepy aesthetics, blood, gothic imagery, monsters - its all my cup of tea. That is why I am LOVING hallucination Amber.

8) I don't have any goals in life. I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up (is 22 years old grown up yet?), and most worryingly, I don't even care that I don't know.

9) I used to have a giant crush on Tom Cruise. Then I found out that he is an asshole.

10) I tell people that I am allergic to onions, but I'm not. I just really, really hate onions.
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
^ Look how insanely long mine is! What a dork!
over a year ago Lisa_Huddy said…
Here it goes...

1. I live in New Jersey, USA

2. I tend to like guys that are already have a girlfriend. Also that are younger than me

3. I'm considered a drama/choral geek, although I try to think of myself as a socially popular person o.O

4. I am absolutly horrible at math =P

5. I dive during the summer (like off a board, not scuba diving)

6. I LOVE taylor swift. im going to one of her concerts this summer

7. << I like the number seven. but i also like the mumbers 21, 13, and 69 (lol)

8. I've seen the hannah montana movie twice

9. I am half indian. My mom was born in India and moved to the us when she was eight. Therefore I am a hindu, but my friends refer to me as the buddist.

10. Bug bites really piss me off. They are itchy and gross and really annoy me.

(EDIT: It really bothered me that mine wasn't double spaced like evryone else's)
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over a year ago CSIAly said…
*takes a deep breath and exhales*

1. I'm super nervous when I join new spots despite the fact I LOVE meeting new people. I also suffer from severe performance anxiety and have a phobia of being touched although I LOVE to hug people.

2. My brother and I once tried looking for every weird bodily fuction or mark we could find on our bodies (birth marks, scars, being double jointed).

3. English is my favourite subject and I'd probably die if I didn't write o.O

4. I know all the words to the songs '1985' and 'Baby Got Back' ;).

5. The mole on my left cheek is considered a beauty mark by just about any new person I meet.

6. People think I'm older than my big sister, by like years.

7. I'm allergic to chocolate but I LOVE eating it XD.

8. I talk to myself...a LOT XD.

9. I love refrencing trivial thing (look at aforementioned, lol) like knowing the incredibly long name for the fear of long words or the defintions and origins of names.

10. I hate judgement and try so hard not to be judgemental. Sometimes it's hard for people to be around me because I refuse to use sterotypes, cliches, or make assumptions on people simply because of their race, gender, "clique", whatever.
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over a year ago Squibblings said…
1) I do not tan, I burn
2) I am very shy.
3) Pulling me out of my shell is a lot like pulling teeth at times.
4) I am very quirky
5) I love science
6) I do not ship anyone on House M.D., I like the mystery
7) I've got a million jokes
8) I don't cook (not very well anyway)
9) My hair has a lot of red to it
10) I like to read
over a year ago houseluva8 said…
1. I'm deathly scared of clowns, if one comes near me I run in the opposite direction. If I even hear the honking of those damn clown noses I run the other way. CLOWNS ARE CREEPY!
2. I am socially awkward towards men I don't know why. I just don't seem to be able to function around them.
3. I've been to the hospital 7 times throughout my 18 years of life
4. I'm an insomniac who sleep less than 5 hours every night
5. I was in a dark place for a long time was depressed and having bad thoughts. House actually got me out of my dark place.
6. I stumbled upon House after super bowl 41, and it happened to be the episode Frozen
7.I'm obsessed with James Bond, Indiana Jones, Star Wars and Star Trek =)
8. I love dry humor. I never laugh at the parts that are suppose to be funny I laugh in the movie theater when no one else laughs XD
9. I'm going to Southwestern College in Winfield, Kansas in the Fall of August '09 where I plan to major in Biology
10. My doors to my room and closet are covered with pictures of people ranging from David Beckham, Hugh Laurie, RSL, Huddy, and many other things.
My 10 are boring but I couldn't think of anything else.
over a year ago dolphinsrock8D said…
1) I am obsessed with factoring in Algebra.
2) I am afraid of the dark.
3) I have a little brother who is 5 years younger than me.
4) I go to Hawaii almost every year for vacation with my family.
5) My dad works at Google, and used to work at Apple.
6) I'm shy except with really close friends and close family members.
7) All of my friends are complete opposites of me.
8) I love to cook.
9) I play the guitar.
10) I love sudoku and have like, 30 sudoku books.
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over a year ago HouseJr said…
I feel late but BUMP anyway!

1. I still love Disney channel and all their shows and movies. Except for That's So Raven
2. I have an account on and play on at least three times a week, sometimes more (blame my 11 year old male cuz)
3. I have recently discovered that I love old musicals, I have become an avid fan of both Little Shop of Horrors and West Side Story
4. I have litterally no friends in the real world, only acquintances
5. The the only site I've spent more time on than fanpop is youtube (I used to be really active over there, I even made some videos) but I'm sure that's gonna change with time because I only watch videos on youtube now, but talk and submit stuff here :)
6. I have started writing a book, but you'll have to get really close to me to find out what it's about
7. I used to merely enjoy video games from time to time but since my cuz moved down here I've been forced to become a fanatic
8. I love triva, whenever I watch a movie the frist thing I do afterwards is go on IMDB and Wikipedia and look it up
9. Sometimes when I type stuff on a forum I re-read it even days later, see a mistake and be temped to fix it XD
10. I don't care what people think of me, I do nothing that would be considered 'in' or 'cool' I wear my clothes for comfort and nothing else :)

Wow some of those might be highly boring XD
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
Ooh, I used to play Runescape! I stopped getting on after all of the updates. :p
over a year ago blaukat said…
just found this thread =]

1.I have a masters degree in sociology
2.I have never traveled abroad
3.I am extremely self-conscious and get embarrassed very easily
4.I usually judge people by their taste in music and movies
5.I don't like people who don't like cats
6.I have such nostalgic moments about my childhood and adolescence that it seems some sort of pathological trace in me
7.I am very, very, very lazy
8.I am constantly paralised by my own self doubt
9.I love extremes when it comes to movies - it has to be really good or really bad to get my attention
10.I love PC games - I have spent over 12 hours straight playing games such as Fable, GTA or Lineage II
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over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
i did this on mtc but ill do it here to
1 im a phsycopath
2 i dance in public
3 my friends say im from pluto
4 i have a phsyco drunk friend who flashes cops
5 i hate milk
6 i love things that are dark and disturbing
7 i have a perverted mind
8 all my friends think im 15
9 i play rugby
10 i yell at random objects
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
and i talk to myself
over a year ago devers1218 said…
1) My favorite thing to do in the morning is to turn on Iron & Wine music and cry while doing my hair.

2) I competed in marching band with a cast on my foot for the whole season.

3) I'm the only person on my cheersquad that can't do any tumbling. I'm basically a base and dancer.

4) I have a sister that's 11 years younger then me and a brother that's 4 years older then me.

5) I have always wanted two mice for pets. I want to name them House and Wilson.

6) I love to blast music and dance around my house.

7) My favorite thing in the whole world is my dolphin covered violin.

8) I'm the only girl on the lacrosse team and the baseball team at my school.

9) I participate in every sport at my school, including orchestra, theatre, band and student council.

10) I keep forgetting that I'm 15
over a year ago housefrk said…
1. I marched in a parade in Disney World with my marching band and I'm doing it again in November

2. I'm religious enough to be considered a fundamentalist

3. I talk to myself A LOT

4. If it were socially acceptable I would name my kid Nymphadora

5. I cried during Legally Blond 2, and I'm not an easy crier. I almost didn't cry during Wilson's Heart

6. I have about fifteen unfinished Harry Potter fanfics on my flash drive

7. When my brother was little I tried to pull his head off (I was only three, I just wanted to see if it would pop off)

8. I'm not a fun person to watch suspense movies with because I always predict the end less than half way through

9. I have seven cousins and I'm close enough to all of them to know their birthdays by heart

10. The thing I'm going to miss most about high school is marching band
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
1. The wall next to my bed is plastered with so many pictures i forgot what color the actual wall is

3. I can belt a high E

4.I was a vegetarien for four weeks...but i couldnt do it!

5. Ive played ice hockey for five years!and i still do

6. I was the emo child of the fourth grade. but im not anymore!

7.My sister is my best friend

8.I figured out i wanted to be on broadway when i was three

9.I only started watching house in december of this year and ive already seen every episode from watchn reruns religiously

10.the movie Sweeney Todd disturbed me more than The Strangers

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over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
4. I know all the words to the songs '1985' and 'Baby Got Back' ;).
3. I talk to myself A LOT
2. i tend to like guys that are already have a girlfriend
3. im considered a drama/choral geek, although i try to think of myself as a socially popular person o.O

over a year ago xxiwuuxx said… my railways

1)Music is my life. It's important to me what i'm listen.
2)I love everything what's chocolate.
3)I have luxuriant imaginations
4)I'm shy.I'm always afraid when I meet new people and i don't have a lot of friends because of that.
5)I have green eyes.My eyes are the only things which i like in myself.
6)I hate when i'm sarcastic for my friends,but it's stronger than me and because of that my friends hate me sometimes.
7)I hate my name.My name means 'life',it doesn't fit to me.
8)My fav sport is a Field Hockey,I trained it for two years
9)I hate and love Poland in the same time.
10) I have the low self-assessment, i'm suck it's the whole truth
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Epetrus said…
Ok, don't freak out, people. You might find some weird facts here:

1.I have this thing where I constantly talk to myself in my mind as if I was narrating my entire life.(even now)
2.Up until a couple of years ago, I didn't know what to do once you sat down on a swing. People had to push me:P
3.I've never spent more than 4 years in one place and I've never been in the same school for more than 3 years, so I've gotten used to the whole 'new girl' thing.
4.I once ate 7 scoops of ice-cream in one day, but I;m aware that there are hundreds of people who have beaten my record.
5.I know the words to the entire theme song for The Big Bang Theory. (inspired by cheery_blossom)
6.I can only watch horror movies when I'm with my friends or family (mostly my brother)!
7.I LOVE cycling!
8.I am terrified or roller coasters, but not scared enough not to go on.(does that make sense?)
9.I used to play Neopets(where'd THAT come from?O_o)
10. Ran out of facts, lol. Nah, I'm just kidding. I cried after every movie that had something/anything to do with:
a) love
b) someone dying
c) an animal fighting for survival

I only have one cousin and I don't even know where she is(inspired by cheery_blossom)
That wasnt so bad:D
over a year ago housefrk said…
ten more things, because just ten doesn't even begin to cover it

1. I know all the words to the Lie To Me theme song by heart, as well as the Full House theme song

2. Before I watched House I was obsessed with Harry Potter and Full House

3. I own as many clothes from the guys' section as I do from the girls' section (mostly shorts)

4. I have a ship on every single show I watch, including Mythbusters

5. I watch entire episodes of shows just for a two to three minute scene between my ship, and I rewind that scene over and over again

6. One of my goals is to be able to say once in my life "Get me the President on the phone."

7. I secretly rooted for someone on American Idol this year, even though I hate it on principle

8. I'm 5'7" but I'll still be one of the shortest on my mom's side of the family

9. I live about fifteen minutes from one of the top three rollercoaster parks in the world and about forty-five minutes away from another in the top three but I'm too afraid of heights to go on any big rollercoasters

10. When I see a spider, even a little one, I don't kill it, I scream and run

over a year ago huddysmacked said…
2nd round for me XDDD LOL but I just can't get enough

1. I started eating sausages because Hugh Laurie said he's favorite comfort food was them.

2. I hate dressing up for any party or casual eveng. I just feel so fat I can't even look at myself at the mirror.

3. When I eat I feel tired a lot XDD and when I don't am full of energy, the same happens with sleep.

4.I am writing a book, that I need to re-start for the third time since I don't like how I have written it.

5. My dream is to act. Since I was like 5 or less I dreamt about being a big artist.

8. I just write Fanfics to improve my grammar, idioms and spelling but not because that's really what I think should happen or my imagination planned it.

9. Usually when I write I don't think, I just type. My imagination does all the work. Sometimes I even write things I have never thought about but I leave them that way.

10. I have short term memory and at the same time I have an amazing memory. It's hard to explain but it's really fun XDD. Although I am also pretty good at making connections. Like one second I'm thinking of CSI NY and I link it to Magicians XDDD
over a year ago mimika_s said…
1.I am studying biology and thoough I didn't expect it I love zoology.

2.I tend to remember minor and useless details,especially when a friend shares something about his/her past or habits.

3.When I was younger I used to be a feminist but I have concluded that many times it's women's fault that men treat them like that.I don't refer,of course,about rapes or the way men treat women especially in islam-centric nations.

4.I used to be the best student in my entire school but in university I am a 'nothing'.I just feel I have studied enough in my life.I thing it will change in the future ,though.

5.In school everyone though I was one of the smartest people they knew and they were kind of right.When I went to university I decided to pretend that I'm not that smart.It's funny tricking people about your IQ...It can be very helpful as well

6.My secret secret goal is to earn a nobel prize but I have started to familiarize with the fact it will never happen

7.I am 1.78 cm which is very tall for a greek girl

8.I hate the fact that some countries like US and G.Britain don't use the SI(system International).Why not to measure everything the way the rest of the word has decided to?I feel the same think about the way they say the date saying first the month and then the day.It's irrational/It's from the 'smaller'(day) to the 'bigger'(year)

9.I love telemarketing and latin soap operas and not only.I especially love argetinian tv series!

10.I used to love fanpop and House md but I don't feel as strong about it as in the past.House is turning so much into Grey's and though I like G.A. a lot when I want to watch sth like this I prefer the original.I just need more ineteresting medical cases and more focus on that.That's why I love House.When it comes to fanpop it's just that my social life is way better now and I go out all day,have parties at nights so...I have no time for that.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mispulka said…
0. I don´t have any interesting things, I´m normal and boring person.

1. I´m almost vegetarian and VERY choosy, I eat just chicken meat (just as chicken) and don´t eat more than half of all meals (I don´t eat fried, typical Czech meals, spinach, potatoes, tomatos, minced meat - sausages, ham, salami and pasty - and more).

2. I shoot from air gun and I´m good in it :) It´s really hard for my back, after 2 hours of tournament I can´t move because my back is totally destroyed.

3. I´m quite good with PCs. My dad is really good in it, he´s a computer programmer, so I have it in genes :)

4. I´m BIG atheist and I don´t believe in anything which the science can´t prove (which includes ends of world, UFOs, love at first sight - LOL :D - etc.).

5. People don´t like me (are scared of me :D) because of my sence of humor (irony and sarcasm), and because they understand it :/ Also I can´t regulate my anger, I often physically hurt people and destroy things. Every day I argue with somebody so much that I fight with him on the end (and hurt him) and I can´t not argue with people which have other opinions that me. So I have 1 friend, which who I argue every day minimally 3x. And once I hurt my brother so badly that he had to go to hospital with slit eyebrow.

6. When I was young, I had blond hair. Then, in 10, I started with blondining (I had light-brown hair). And now, in my 14, I wanted to have my natural color (brown, I guess), so I´m colour them (my peroxide-blond hair) for my natural :D But now I find out I have other color that the color I used for colouring :D So actually I don´t know how looks my natural colour. In 14 years. People think it´s little weird.

7. A lot of people think I´m bulimic, because I´m skinny and often joke about throwing up. But I´m really not.

8. I live in city (Liberec), where was 18.2.-1.3. 2009 FIS Nordic World Ski Championship = ski jumping, cross country skiing, nordic combined. I loved that! The best thing which ever happened in our city!

9. I have my nickname "mispulka" and my password since 7, when my dad bought me my own PC with the Internet (I had PC without since 5, I couldn´t read, but I had PC :D)

10. I write print-hand. I love it, it looks so.. originally :D And I´m original in my style of wearing, I wear in "Cuddy" style (but I don´t wear skirts, I use jeans instead of them - I look better). A lot of people says me I´m not teenager, cause I care about a policy and have advanced view on the world around me.

But I´m boring person, yours Top 10 are much more interesting. I wanna more interesting life :/
(I had to edit it and make spaces :D)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago housegrl32 said…
1. I am afraid of needles and drowning.

2. I love thunderstorms.

3. I love to write fiction but haven't finished a story in over two years.:(

4. I buy way too much lip gloss.

5. I didn't taste beef until I was 13.

6. Over the course of my life I've had two cats, three fish, two birds, and two crabs for pets.

7. I absolutely love to play Monopoly even though I never, ever win.

8. My Tim Burton fandom goes a long way back...when I was six my favorite movies ever were Batman, Batman Returns, and Edward Scissorhands.

9. My biggest guilty pleasures are those awful Sci-Fi Channel original movies.

10. Even though I despise the books with a passion, I actually liked the movie Twilight. God help me.