House MD Fans Rating Buddies!!!

huddysmacked posted on May 23, 2009 at 02:42AM
Ok soo I know how frustrating can it be when you work and work for a spot an yet you don't receive any medal since they don't rate anything sooo... I though why don't we make like pairs of people called Rating Buddies.

It's simple you tell your buddy what spot you're working on and if he could rate your stuff and sooo... he helps you and you help him(her). And besides the other fans will notice which spot you're working on too and help you =) I know this isn't kne idea but well if you don't have a rating buddy here's the help!!!

So who wants a rating buddy??? *raises hand herself*

House MD Fans 83 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 83

over a year ago dolphinsrock8D said…
big smile
I'll have one! :)
over a year ago xxiwuuxx said…
big smile
I can be someones Rating Buddy :DD xd
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
regi, ill be your rating buddy!
ill rate you on Mika if you rate me on zach quinto :)
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
Yey ok then numbs Let's be rating buddies !! =))
An DR8D can be the buddy of Iwu =)))
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
so ah...what all would you like me to rate?? obviously mika stuff...anything else?
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
mmm Smacked stuff and maybe Huli *sinner I'm such a sinner*LOL

You anything besides ZQ??
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said… icons lol. i would LOVE to get my red there.

lol we shouldnt over do this cheating btw??
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
No it isn't, it's help I guess. Or maybe FP will hate us now LOL but I don't think it's cheating anyway...
*Goes back to rate*
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
mm kay
hey dont rate it ALL 5 lol unless you REALLY like it...
i think thats a little more fair, rating the better stuff 5's and the lesser 4's or whatev ya know
over a year ago harold said…
It's not cheating unless you rate everything high, regardless of what you think of the content. You might want to check out the link and link.
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
OMG!! We got a moderator here *goes hide¨* and yeah we're not rating everything high. I'm rating as how they deserve to be rated.
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
same here
thought you left?
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
big smile
hehe I'm sneaky so I got back but just for a few mins.. though.
over a year ago greghouseismine said…
I will be a buddy!
over a year ago Olivine said…
I'm in, I'm trying to rate more anyways :) So we post links in this forum of content that we want to be rated and if someone sees them and has time, goes to rate? Or did you mean it in a different way? God my brain is so dead today..
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
We can do that but now I feel bad like in the VROF there's a forum like this and they call it medal whoring. i don't know if we're doing the same...
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
It is medal whoring if you only want people to rate so that you get a medal.

My problem with this kind of thing is that it is unfair for people who don't have rating buddies. My own personal view is that if you contribute stuff to a spot, you should be rating all the other content in that spot. It can be really unfair when people get their friends to rate their content but not other people's.

Also, it really, REALLY sucks for people like me and heeeresjoyce who regularly rate all the content in the House-related spots that we belong to. So it kinda makes me feel really unappreciated, like my ratings aren't good enough, when I see that people have asked people to rate their stuff (especially when my stuff goes unrated as well). I just feel like it really cheapens my efforts to support people and I start to question why I bother to spend the time rating people's content if all they really want is a bucket load of rates so that they get a medal.

So if people do decide to buddy up, please remember that a) there are people rating out there and it takes us quite a long time to do it, b) everybody's content is worth rating, so maybe try rating all content, rather than just your buddy's content, c)you will get your medals when you earn them, and d) if the content is credited, keyworded and has not been rated for 1 month, you can post a link the content/spot in the VRSOF.
over a year ago Olivine said…
true :)
Just for me personally: I find it easier if someone gives me links of stuff that should be rated, because there are so many House related spots with so much content that I usually have no idea what I should rate or where to start and whatever :S
But you are right.
over a year ago huddyislove said…
big smile
i can be someone's buddy :)))
But be aware: I really rate everything a 5, unless it's something insulting :), if someone put effort to find some content, took time to upload it and share it with the rest of us -deserves a 5 :DDD
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
Ok so we can be everybodies rating buddies but I agree with Missy this shall not be medal whoring if you rate something of a spot rate sonmeone else's things too..
over a year ago EnjoyHuddy said…
big smile
I can be anyone's buddy =D
over a year ago JustHuddy said…
big smile
I'll be someone's buddy...Hilly? EH?
over a year ago huddyislove said…
big smile
ok, JH! Be my rating buddy :DDDDD
over a year ago JustHuddy said…
big smile
over a year ago xxiwuuxx said…
dolphinsrock8D are you my Buddy or not?
because I don't now...
over a year ago greghouseismine said…
if people want to rate and commant om the photos i posted, i would be happy
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SawyerRocks said…
will you be my frinds? and what is rating?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago xoxJoJoRulesxox said…
Im a bit slow on the uptake xD
I'll be somebodies Rating Buddy :)
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
I can be anyone's rating buddies so I'll rate your stuff jojo and also GHIM's

@Sawyer rating is when there's an image or something you like and there's abar that says rate this and it has 5 circles well how much you like it is how muc yu give it. Visit the VRSOF spot
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
I'm still a little worried about this buddy system... I just worry that people with "buddies" will get their content rated, while others go ratings-less.

Perhaps we could have rating weeks. Like, for example, each we we focus on one or two House-related spots. So we rate everything in those spots for that week. I mean, that is a lame idea as well. I think if you contribute to a spot, you should have rated other people's contributions in that spot. But at least by doing it that way, everyone is on a level playing field.
over a year ago Olivine said…
But the House related spots are usually rated quite well...I'm in some spots with less fans and it happens that things don't get rated at all :/ Shouldn't we focus on these?
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Well, since this is the House MD Fans spot, I assumed we were talking about House-related rating...

Only some of the House-related spots are rated well. Others are not.

EDIT: If this forum if for general rating, then really this relates to the VRSOF.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Olivine said…
Hm I don't know, I think i'm out of this rating thing anyways, I'm not that much into medals atm. But if anyone wants me to rate something that doesn't get rated by many fans on whatever spot it is, feel free to tell me. (if you dont want to wait a month for the VRSOF XD)
:) *goes to study now*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
I'm sorry maybe I should close this forum. I mean I feel like it's medal whoring or something but it really isn't, I mean there are so many people that contribute in other spots (including the House ones) and their stuff barely gets rated so that's why I meant not just to in a medal. I'm against medal whoring and I don't want us to convert in one but you know it's not nice that your stuff goes unrated because sometimes there's little activity in one spot...But maybe I should just shut don this thread.
over a year ago huddyislove said…
I agree Regi...
We really don't want to be one of those medal-whores we hate so much :)
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
So let this forum die then...
over a year ago Olivine said…
Lol what do you all have against medal whores? Let them get their medals if it makes them happy, there's no point in getting angry.
over a year ago huddyislove said…
I dunno... I just feel it's not right :P
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
I'm not against them but I wouldn't like being one. I mean I like winning medals in the spots I know I love but well I say the same if winning medals makes them happy why not?
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
I don't know if you guys are aware of the whole kathiria82, Chlarkfan and someone else I don't know, getting banned thing? There is an abusive user who apparently gets heaps of her friends to rate her content, so she has been on Fanpop for a few months and has heaps of medals including quite a few fanatic medals. Apparently, the 3 users that I mentioned called her out on it and this "war" erupted, but those 3 got banned while the "cheater" (who is really abusive towards people, so I don't know why she is still on Fanpop...) still has an account.

My point is, this "cheater" has rating buddies. Granted, this is an extreme version of a rating buddy, but the point is that it can really annoy other people when people are rewarded over other people just because they have rating buddies while others don't. Maybe a better example is heeeresjoyce (and I hope she doesn't mind me using her as an example! LOL!). More often than not, I will go to rate in House-related spots and I will see that someone has posted a few icons and they will either have 1 person rating them, or sometimes 2 or 3. Then, I will see that heeeresjoyce has posted some icons, yet they are unrated. heeeresjoyce's content is always credited, well-keyworded and never repeated content. She also only posts quality content. Yet because other people get their friends to rate for them, 2 things happen: 1) they get the "rewards" (medals) for less work and usually crapier work, and 2) heeeresjoyce's ratings are undermined. This happens to me in the 'Chuck' spot. For whatever reason, people don't much like me over there (maybe I'm being paranoid...) so my stuff can go unrated. Yet I rate EVERYTHING that goes into that spot. One user in particular gets a bunch of her friends to rate her icons, because my rating isn't enough for her to get a medal and get among the top contributors. So I sent her a message saying that she should either ask her friends to rate everyone's content, so that the playing field is level, or I would stop rating her content, because I'm not going to waste my time rating her stuff if she doesn't give a crap about my ratings.

Sorry for the rant, but I think we need to switch to a mindset that says that everyone's content is equally worthy of rating. If we all rated properly, medal whoring wouldn't even exsist (at least not to the extent that it does now anyway) and then people wouldn't get banned for fighting about it. The fact is, we all like to get rewarded for the effort we put into contributing to spots and it can be frustrating when someone adds 5 icons to a spot and gets 20 people to rate them and all of a sudden they are the top conntributor with a shiny new medal. It undermines the contributions that the rest of us make. So, that is why I get annoyed by medal whoring. I certainly don't think that that is why you set up this forum. Believe me, I know how annoying it is to see your content go unrated, especially when people comment on it (ARGH!). But I think we need to move towards a more general view of rating, where people consistently rate everyone's contributions fairly.

LOL! I think I needed to get all that out of my system.
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
LOL Missy that was a great comment but wait a sec. Kathiria got banned? I saw some contributions a while ago and I thought she used to medal whore too. But maybe I'm getting mixed things (not meaning to offend her) And yeah I get what you mean. I once went to the Wilson spot to rate Oli's icon because she wanted her Red so bad and I actually went through all the icon pages rating whoever stuff was there. That day was when I rated over 2000 things. I was tired but everybody deserved it. And I guess I could change the forum name but to what??
over a year ago Olivine said…
You appearantly don't know the whole story and it upsets me when people say that it's unfair that those 4 users got banned while the "cheater" is still around.
FYI those users got banned has something to do with SBF (that's the so called cheater" but very little.
It's 2 different things actually. What SBF did (asking many people to rate her stuff) was really medal whoring and of course it upsets other users and it is wrong.
The 4 that got banned didn't get banned because papa suddenly lost his mind - they were very agressive, bitching about other users in their forums and finally ganging up on SBF, because they were angry that she "cheated" for medals (but like dave stated, what she did wasn't actually cheating) AND because she and some of her friends reported their forums where they talked about other people and because of that it got deleted.
And if you ask me personally, I'd rather have someone on fanpop who cheats for medals (if it makes them happy, fine, why would you bother so much about someone else's medals) than someone who uses that much verbal abuse like kathiria and her friends did and who can't respect anyone here.
Seriously, why do I need to have some people here who tell me to suck on a hard dick ?
Or who call other users ugly?
Or who call someone a "fucking idiot" just because they made a repeat pick?

....ok I needed to get that out, because lately I've seen so many people who have thought that the banned users are soooo innocent when they clearly weren't. Papa didn't go crazy when he banned them because of "verbal abuse" as he himself called it.
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
I knew that part of the story LOL I have never really been involve in all that is going on in Fanpop and such but I knew what they did... They bitched of everyone...
over a year ago Olivine said…
I've been involved quite much, so I learned how "nice" they are and I also know papa's and dave's points of view. And yeah, the ones who are left of her "gang" hate me now like hell...XD lately I added 4 icons on the oth spot and they have all been rated 1.
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
LOL they're ridiculous... FP should be as happy as this forum is... I know you've beenn involved in that and may I say thank you? Hey one question,when you get banned you can't open your account anymore or what happens because I believe you can still visit Kathiria's profile...
over a year ago Olivine said…'re the first person who thanks me :')
You can click on kathiria's icon but than you get redirected at the fanpop start page.
Papa also told me he took some privilegs of her other friends, they can't edit or delete their comments anymore, change spot icons,..
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Oh I know all that. And I don't think that they didn't deserve to get banned. I totally agree with that. But I know that SBF has also been phenomenally abusive to other Fanpoppers, yet she has not been banned. I think it is unfair that they got banned and SBF didn't. I think they should all be banned. And that sucks because kathiria82 was pretty much the only person to really support my icon artwork! LOL! Now no one will comment on my Evanescence icons! But yeah, from what I have seen, I definately do not think that it was unfair that they got banned, but I do think it is unfair that they were the only ones to get banned, when clearly there were some others involved.

I think that saga is a good illustration of how silly it is to get worked up over medals, but when people abuse the system, other people get angry about it, because they want a level playing field, even though it isn't one.
over a year ago Olivine said…
Well as far as I know SBF wasn't as nearly as abusive as kathiria. But I didn't know her very well.
Anyways the reason they didn't ban her was that she only called them whores in retaliation - which of course isn't the right way, but least that's what dave said in a comment, but the whole thread was deleted then.
Also SBF already left fanpop because they bullied her - at least that's what she said, so it doesn't make much sense to ban her.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
LOL I never met kathiria but well she was a great contributor I remember seeing shehad over 227 greenie medals and well a whole bunch of yellows and reds. But well if you abuse, you get what you deserve and well maybe the others that where involved in the whole thing didn't had as much nasty comments of other users... or I dunno but well I am happy with the management of FP in this situation..
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Oh, well, I guess I have no idea what went on there. I saw SBF post pages of abusive props (?! Why prop someone if you hate them?!) to a couple of people. And I looked at her comments/forum contributions and they were pretty horrible. I don't know, I'm not involved, but from the outside looking in, there are lots of guilty parties. And I really do think it is a great example of why medal whoring is bad. It ruins Fanpop.