House MD Fans House/broadway fans??

cheery_blossom posted on Jul 17, 2009 at 01:53AM
Ive noticed theres kinda alot :)

House MD Fans 17 replies

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over a year ago JustHuddy said…
Yes! XD Go us!
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
one of my main non-tv loves----broadway.musicals.etc.
over a year ago devers1218 said…
Boardway=life. Totally.
over a year ago HouseJr said…
not exactly braodway (yet) but deffinately musical movies <3
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
TOTALLY. has anyone seen next to normal yet??? i know all the music and im tryin 2 get tix
over a year ago Lisa_Huddy said…
no, i havent, but i heard its FANTASTIC
im trying to see 9 to 5 before stephanie j block goes off, or possibly the little mermaid before that leaves =]

but not only do i love watching musicals, i love being in them.
singing and dancing to catchy songs is a passion of mine
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
SAME. and i heard 9 to 5 is amazing. and same with the little mermaid. I love the disney plays :)
over a year ago Lisa_Huddy said…
i saw tarzan a while back. it was ABSOTUTLY AMAZING
the stage props and set were so creative and the actors were so into their parts. it was really fun to watch
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
ohyeah my friend saw tarzan she said the set was like breathtakeing. OMFG tomarrow im seeing RENT with adam pascal and anthony rapp and IM SO FREEKIN EXCITED! haha yaay :) so what musicals have u been in?
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
ouh dude im SO into the next to normal music right now! if i could go see it in NYC i would in a HEARTBEAT!

keep your tickets, and buy something from every show. thats what ive done. :( i have something from everything except Miss Siagon, which was the VERY 1st show i EVER went too, it was about 8 years ago...jeez seems so long ago.
over a year ago Lisa_Huddy said…
ive been in mostly local theatre shows, usually junior versions cuz people think that 14 year olds cant take the pressure of a normal show, but i have been in things like into the woods and seussical

so i was just watching the house mad tv sketch and the person playing cuddy was nicole parker! she played elphaba in wicked for a while and her last show was last week. my friend is obsessed with her so i noticed right away =]

edit: eww i suck at typing
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
OMFG i was in seussical.i was mayzie :) i thought i would hate it but i ended up really loving it. its such a fun show.

and i hate thats people always do junior shows for 14 year olds. The town next to mine did sweeney todd wich is one of my favorite shows, but i couldnt audition cause you had to be wtf??

over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
i saw that sketch. i laugfhd :)

edit:think you suck at typing?? look at my spelling lol
over a year ago Lisa_Huddy said…
i thought i would hate seussical as well, but it was one of the best experiences of my life. it was my first year at the playhouse, so they put me as the chorus. but the next year i got the role as the narrator in into the woods! (it excited me =])
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
ive seen into the woods like 7 times lol. my high shcool, middle school, and town all did it. it seems like high schools and middle schools always do alot of the same shpws (seussical, into the woods, ect) have u ever seen once on this island?
over a year ago Lisa_Huddy said…
no i havent. is it good?
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
no. its not. i suggest NOT being in it if you have the chance, im just warning you alot of schools do it