House MD Fans MLIH

cheery_blossom posted on Aug 20, 2009 at 06:39PM
Hi there everyone :D

SO you may know the website (also and Its where people share brief stories about how there life is average and then end it with MLIA with is an acronym for my life is average. Heres an example:

today i bought a plant from home depot. They said to water it everyday or else it would die. I didnt water it ever day, just to see if it would die. It did.MLIA.

Its kinda stupid really (yet strangley entertaining)

ANYWAY today it hit me. Every day i see things in my life that remind me (in some way) of house.

Us house fans shall make our own version of MLIA

called MLIH(ouse)!!!!!!!!!!!

okokk heres how it works
When you see something completly unrelated to house in your everyday life that somehow reminded you of house, write it down here. Make sure to end with MLIH.


Ill start as an example....

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