House MD Fans MLIH

cheery_blossom posted on Aug 20, 2009 at 06:39PM
Hi there everyone :D

SO you may know the website (also and Its where people share brief stories about how there life is average and then end it with MLIA with is an acronym for my life is average. Heres an example:

today i bought a plant from home depot. They said to water it everyday or else it would die. I didnt water it ever day, just to see if it would die. It did.MLIA.

Its kinda stupid really (yet strangley entertaining)

ANYWAY today it hit me. Every day i see things in my life that remind me (in some way) of house.

Us house fans shall make our own version of MLIA

called MLIH(ouse)!!!!!!!!!!!

okokk heres how it works
When you see something completly unrelated to house in your everyday life that somehow reminded you of house, write it down here. Make sure to end with MLIH.


Ill start as an example....

House MD Fans 65 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 65

over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
Today i was driving down the Eliza T. Hadley highway. I thought of 13. MLIH :)
over a year ago HouseJr said…
Yesterday I was in the pool with my cousin, a man rode up on a motorcycle, I thought of House, even said it aloud. MLIH
over a year ago made_of_awesome said…
The other day, I was watching a really intense episode of House. My cat was on the couch with me. By the end of the episode his eyes were wide and he was gripping the couch with his claws. I felt like he understood it. MLIH
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
Last week i met a baby rachel. Not kidding. MLIH
over a year ago HouseJr said…
I went school shoping yesterday, bought a new binder, all I could think about was the Wilson collage I was going to make to put in the front of it. MLIH
over a year ago oldmovie said…
Today I saw a woman walking in the type of dangerously high heels Cuddy likes to wear and thought why can Cuddy make them work and no-one else? MLIH!

Great idea for a forum btw :)
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
thank uu :)

Yesterday i went to the mall and saw a cane. It was one of those pervy-old-man canes with a little mirror on the bottom so you could see up girls skirts, but i made my friend take 8 pictures of me in different cane-poses anyway. MLIH
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
Mmmh Today I was at school and my bff that loves Twilight brought Twilight notebooks and I thought "Why can't they make House notebooks?" And then I said it out loud and everyone stared at me weirdly MILH
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
i have so many moments.......MLIH

Today in the mall i walked past this whole display of ugly ties. I thought of wilson immedatley. MLIh.
over a year ago Lisa_Huddy said…
the other day i saw a licence plate with HDGR and immediately thought "hector does go rug is a bad anagram for dr gregory house" MLIH
over a year ago HouseJr said…
I was riding on the school bus the other day, we passed a Wilson St. I couldn't shut my mouth. MLIH
over a year ago oldmovie said…
I made a deal with a girl in my dorm so that I could watch her tv when House came on if I watched her show.

over a year ago greghouseismine said…
... i went to my sister's house today. As i went in i looked at her house. i thought of house... MLIH!
over a year ago HouseJr said…
My s5 dvd just came, I jumped up and down and screamed when I saw the package. And almost murdered my mom when she tried to say it could be a package she had been waiting for. MLIH
over a year ago Lisa_Huddy said…
i was watching NCIS this morning and made all sorts of random house references that any other person that watches both shows wouldnt notice :) well in my opinion. i concluded that jibbs is the ncis version of huddy and both shows have “teams“ of three and have dead characters that have names that start with “K” MLIH
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
Today i noticed Locked In was on my DVR. I realized i hadnt been that excited in a month.MLIH
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
Yesterday my sister and i passed a "Wilson Hall" at Moore college. I pointed it out and my sister screamed in the middle of a crowded city street. At lest 15 people turned to stare.MLIH
over a year ago greghouseismine said…
I was in a shop yesterday, and saw Pantene. I laughted so much people thought it weird I was laughing at shampoo.
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
The other day i was telling my sister about a teacher at her school who i had. His name is Mr. Cameron, but i said Dr. Cameron at least 4 times during the story. MLIH
over a year ago greghouseismine said…
The guy who fixed my computer was named Greg. I called him 'House' twice... MLIH
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
over a year ago made_of_awesome said…
A while ago my summer camp had a talent show. Someone came on stage with a cane as a prop for his comedy act. I said (a little too loud) to my friend "Look! It's House!" MLIH
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
Today i saw this girl with the last named Cuddy had written on her facebook wall. I promptly flipped a shit.
over a year ago oldmovie said…
^^^ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!! I think I would too.
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
hahah WHO WOULDNT???

oh yeah......most of the population.. :)
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
the thing im most exited for about school is watching house on my ipod during math class and housafying my locker
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
I have 55 TV episodes on my itunes is glee. 54 of them are house. mlih
over a year ago greghouseismine said…
big smile
i was in a shop that sells dvd's last week, and i saw a movie called 'thirteen'. i grabbed it and checked if olivia wilde was in it.
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
I met a kid named chris with an abnormally large nose and ears. I giggled to my self.mlih.
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
today i noticed this poster in my algebra teachers room with all these random letters on the border. I noticed there was G(reg)right next to the H(ouse). I found the class more enjoyable after that. MLIH
over a year ago greghouseismine said…
i saw an advertise for olives on tv today. i said, 'olivia is for sale?' out load. my mam laughed at me. mlih
over a year ago DrowningMyFear said…
Every time I get asked what I want for dinner I respond with House MLIH
over a year ago greghouseismine said…
LOL! who wouldn't drowningmyfear?
I was watching home and away too day. at one point i roared out PANTENE. MLIH
over a year ago DrowningMyFear said…
I know greghouseismine. But my mum just gives me a weird look everytime -sigh-

Today, I was on face book and there's an application called "Five things you would put in a trap if you wanted to catch me." First two names I type: Lisa Edelstein and Hugh Laurie. I did it without even thinking lmao MLIH
over a year ago DrowningMyFear said…
Today I saw a box for barbie dolls and started thinking that they should bring out House dolls. Then I decided that if that would never happen I'll make my own.
Also while in my aunts car on the way to hers I discovered she lives on a street called Heather Chase. I burst out laughing. MLIH
over a year ago HouseJr said…
We had to make a website about yourself for class today, before I even put a picture of myself, I put a picture of Wilson MLIH
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
i was shopping for shampoo and my mom asked me what kinda i wanted and i said pantene lolz MLIH
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
Today after listening to a song that i have heard so many times i have memorized, i made up house-style lyrics that went with the same tune. I was entertained for onver an house. MLIH
over a year ago greghouseismine said…
I was in a pharmacy today and when i passed the shampoo they were selling, I said ''aw, theres no pantene for the lil chasey. awwwww he'll cry.' i thought i was talking quietly, but i was talking out loud. hahaha
over a year ago zem_do said…
Today my boyfriend hurt his leg skiing. Instead of being upset that our vacation had to be cancelled, I bought him a cane and we spent the rest of the day playing House. Way better than skiing. MLIH
over a year ago HouseJr said…
We were using the computer in a class the other day, I snuck over to the House spot for a while and read an awesome spoiler, I was happy for the rest of the day. MLIH
over a year ago HouseJr said…
I was watching FOX last night and I wouldn't even leave during the comercials of the show I was watching, hoping that I would catch a House promo or two. MLIH
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
I DO THAT! hahaha

over a year ago zem_do said…
Today I met someone called Greg. I told him I was going to call him House. He said he had never been so flattered. MLIH
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
i love meeting fellow house nerds :)
over a year ago zem_do said…
Today I read an article in the newspaper about doctors not treating patients with respect. I probably should feel morally outraged, but instead I just want to be treated by House. MLIH
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
todays my birthday and all i could think about the whole day is tht i get to watch house on my bday MLIH
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago zem_do said…
Today I caught someone lying to me. I didn’t mind, “everybody lies.” MLIH
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
Three days ago my DVR (containing all my recorded episodes) had to go in for maitenence. I almost hyperventilated. MLIH


Yesterday in bio we discected frogs. I now have a whole new appreciation as to what chase does. MLIH
over a year ago zem_do said…
ha ha, i dissected a kidney in bio yesterday... i was totally pretending to be chase. i felt awesome when my teacher complimented me on my surgical skills :)