House MD Fans Icon Meme

oldmovie posted on Sep 15, 2009 at 08:24AM
So when you're exploring livejournal I'm sure many of you have noticied little survey kind of things that go around called "Memes". Basically they work like Chain letters in that someone emails it to you and you send it on, only you see people have completed it on your friend list and then you complete it and the cycle continues.

Basically a "Meme" can be about anything, for example cycling through your itunes and answering questions about your life with the song that pops up.

ex. You're greatest ambition in life is to: Fix you

So I have a fixation at the moment with icons, and so many of you have so many wonderful icons that I thought it would be cool if we got a place to talk about it...SO....we're doing an icon meme in this Forum!

Icon Meme

Answer these questions, I'll fill it out so that you have an idea of how its supposed to work.

1) link I've always loved this icon, its so simple yet so complex....aaahhh

2) link Mr. Laurie how you never cease to amaze me.

3) link I have a lot of sad icons actually, not sure why I guess I'm a hidden masochist. But it was between this and Cuddy and Wilson at Kutner's funeral.

4) link AW Hugh and Lisa laughing it up, still makes me smile.

5) link LOL I think that explains that pretty well

6) link UM I have so much love for this icon its crazy, he looks so freaking innocent.

7) link LOL youtube comments on the stripping vidoes pretty much confirm what I'm saying here.

8) link

I couldn't pick one, notice how most of them are I always laugh the most at those.

9) link I don't have that many shipping icons...wierdly enough, but I adore this one. It says so much with so little words.

10) link I just loved how easily the quote from the Joker fit with House, I love this icon.

11) link I have a problem with "Joy" icons, for some reason they really get to me, THIS one is the most epic of all of the "Joy" icons I've seen, therefore making it my favourite atm.

12) How many icons do you have total? 137

13) What fandom (tv show, books, movies) do you have the most icons of? House...easily.

14) The second most? 30 rock, because its awesome

15) Who/what do you have the most icons of? CUDDY, then House, I have a lot of House, but I have a ridiculous amount devoted to her.

Your turn!!!!!
last edited on Sep 15, 2009 at 08:31AM

House MD Fans 15 replies

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over a year ago miss_orange said…
so you mean like user Icons? or Icons that I've made? or al the iCons I Have??
over a year ago JustHuddy said…
Okay, I think I get it.

1) link It's sort of plain...I like the background though. I have no idea where I got it or who made it though.

2) link *cheers for Blind Mag*

3) link Actually, I think this is my only sad one.

4) link Happy Sarah = happy me!

5) link Look at that Cuddy glare! Brrrrrr...icy!

6) link

7) link Yeah, I'm kind of in love with this picture...I ended up buying a poster of it and everything.

8) link
I love them both! *thanks Phantomess for making the second one for her*

9) link I still adore this Huddy one.

10) link This is just general fandom, but it fits me so well!

11) link There’s so many! But…I have to go with this one. <3 Sarah

12) How many icons do you have total? 103

13) What fandom (tv show, books, movies) do you have the most icons of? At a glance, I'm pretty sure Phantom of the Opera.

14) The second most? House

15) Who/what do you have the most icons of? Lisa Edelstein/Cuddy (though Sarah Brightman is very close)
over a year ago XXwhy_meXX said…
i like this!
over a year ago oldmovie said…
To miss_orange, Its about the icons you have in your gallery :)
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
il this but ill do it later lolz cuzz im updating my gallery lolz
over a year ago miss_orange said…
big smile
Okay, But this is Gonna Take a while........


2)link Made By Olivine, I Love it!

3)link My only Emo iCon.

4)link This Pic of Jenn, she's is smiling, makes me fell rneally Happy:]

5) I don't have any Angry icons.

I Have alot!! all Kitty Pic!!

all Billie Joe Icons, But the Third is the sexiest!

8)link acchelly, It's the only icon that I have with a joke, lol

9)link I really like this one.

10) How many: 33 ( I Know just that)

11)who the most of: Cameron or jenn
and then Billie Joe

12) what most of: Hameron Icons.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
nice lolz ill do it after done graphics
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
mine will take 4ever srry i dk how to shorten links
il this icon its so prettty
its gorgeas super amylee superiority
well id have many but
there just so happy in first pic and second explains self
dont really have one but disgusted stella ans notimpressed mac should count they kinda look angry
i have lots lolz first is so adorkable
how can 1 choose seriously most r 13 though
1)link sexiest pic ever
2)link omfg
3)link shes so hott in this pic
4)link shes amazing
5) link him with gum wowza
6) link best pic of him ever
lolz i laughed for hours
i have 5 they r all adorable
5) link
greys quotes
and one tht fits me amazingly link
has too be this one or one in pic below
How many icons do you have total? 157

What fandom (tv show, books, movies) do you have the most icons of? . house or i guess CSI tied

The second most? greys

Who/what do you have the most icons of?13 or kellan lutz but prob 13
last edited over a year ago
mine will take 4ever srry i dk how to shorten links
il this icon its so prettty
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Oooohh this sounds fun! =D

1. link Well I did choose my username for a reason...XDD

2. link This is probably one of the cutest too ♥

3. link *sigh* Brucas ='[

4. link Awwww! ♥ His smile makes me smile! =D (Also, cutest and sexiest...well I am biased ;])

5. link I don't really have any angry icons...this is more angsty than angry but it's the closest thing I have to it XD

6. link I still have hope for them ♥
link He looks adorable in glasses! ♥

7. link Oooohh, Mr Darcy ♥
link Colin Firth + wet suit = Ohhmygod!IthinkIjustdied!
link What? You honestly thought I wouldn't put an RSL icon as one of the sexiest icons? Pahh! XD
link Alright, another RSL one ♥
link Ohh my! ♥

8. link *giggles*

9. link 'Twas where it all started for them ♥

10. link Also fairly humourous. Heh. =D

11. link *speechless* ♥

12. How many icons do you have total? 112

13. What fandom (tv show, books, movies) do you have the most icons of? House methinks

14. The second most? Friends/Gossip Girl

15. Who/what do you have the most icons of? Colin Firth (as you can probably tell from above) XD
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
il them cf u r so colin obsessed
over a year ago housegrl32 said…
Ooh, this looks fun!

1. link Actually, I deleted my oldest icon...still not sure why I did this is my second-oldest.

2. link Col. Hans Landa from Inglourious Basterds, and his magnificently huge pipe.:D

3. link Not bawl-your-eyes-out sad, but the expression on his face has always left me a little sad

4. link Picked this one just 'cause it's utterly true and makes me squee every time. Squee!

5. link Razor blade to the throat? Yeah, seems angry.

6. link Maybe not as cute as, say, a box of kittens, but I will always find Jack Skellington in a Sandy Claws suit utterly cute.:)

7. link Jareth. Need I say more?

8. link Makes me giggle every time I see it.

9. Favorite ship icon. Dear god, I actually don't have any ship icons! I keep meaning to use some, but then other icons always grab my attention before I can.

10. link Mostly 'cause I just love that line.

11. link How dare you make me choose! I guess I have to go with this one, I've just always thought it was cool.

12. How many icons do you have total? 21. Low, low number, but most of the time I get so attached to mine that I don't change them for a long time.

13. What fandom (tv show, books, movies) do you have the most icons of? The Dark Knight -- 6 in total.

14. The second most? House, Scrubs, and Sweeney Todd are all tied with three apiece.

15. Who/what do you have the most icons of? The Joker (again, 6).

EDIT: And apparently I mistyped four of the links, cause nothing's coming up on them. Oof. Working on fixing that right now...

EDIT YET AGAIN: Hooray, fixed!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
like it
over a year ago lovehousemd_frv said…
i just delete my icons because they was so now what i have

1) Oldest icon
this is now my oldest chameron♥.this is so beautiful.

2) Newest icon link
Again chameron.Maybe this icon will stay 1 or 2 week and you must know that it's so much time for meXDDD.but really.this icon is amazing

3) Saddest icon
maybe this one
I'm really interesting for this episode

4) Happiest icon
this was from my first icons.
and this one link
jesse spencer's smile♥

5) Angriest icon i not have angry icons:)

6) Cutest icon
this is my cutest icon.Chase is so sweet here

7) sexiest icon

8) Humorous icon
this icon is one of my's was 3 or more times my user icon.i love that.

9) Ship icon
Just people this icon not is awesome?

10)Overall icon

11) How many icons do you have total?32.For now

12) What f do you have the most icons of? Chameron

13) Who/what do you have the most icons of? Chase
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
lolz love it
over a year ago lovehousemd_frv said…
After ten months i have finally 100 icons^_^and what happen now

1) Oldest Icon link tHis still be my oldest iconXDDD
2) Newest Icon The newest icon i add is that link

But my newest user icon is Cuddys...HANDS!


and amazing icon♥___♥

3) Saddest Icon link

Chase&House*cries*My gay OTp with hilson^___^
or this one

My Chameron*cries*
4) Happiest Icon I guess this Huddy icon link
I know.You like it*evil*
5) Angriest Icon Now i have 2

This icon is amazing


What i can say...The cut my"Not have coke!?!"face show it to JD and he make the same face.

6) Cutest Icon link

Awwww:3My fave VD ship and my fave real couple.They love each other but they not know it>__>

7) Sexiest icon
*wink wink*

8) Humourous Icon

We everyone was knowing that all world is 13 fan^_^But WM is the king.H e attack David Shore to back 13.My twitter(i'm saying him in this way) failed.But We are grateful to him.*Puts on his haid "13 #1 fan!The king"crown*

9) Favourite Ship Icon link
So cute icon♥

10) Favourite Fandom Icon link

11) Favourite Icon overall link
Everytime i watch it i'm smiling
12) How many icons do you have total? 114

13) What fandom (tv show, books, movies) do you have the most icons of? !!!!!!!!!House!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FIGHT THE POWER!

14) The second most? Valentine's day but it looks like it will be A-team 2010

15) Who/what do you have the most icons of? Chameron:3
last edited over a year ago