House MD Fans Other tv shows you might like!

oldmovie posted on Dec 12, 2009 at 12:18AM
Being on Fanpop makes us all aware of the sheer mass of other tv shows that are out there, and I'm sure we'd all like to see what else is out there. So this is a forum where we'll post other tv shows we're in love with, a little of information about them and a video so people know what its like, so that maybe you can find a new tv show you love!

When you post a show:

1) Name 3 episodes you think someone should watch
2) A short summary of the show
3) A video of your choice that depicts the show in some way
4) If you want to, why you love the show

I'll do Glee

1) The Pilot, Throwdown and Sectionals

2) A comedy about a high school glee club that deals with the outcasts of high school. They perform multiple songs per episode ranging from hits like "Gold digger" to musical classics like "Defying Gravity"

3) Video below, even if you don't plan on watching Glee, WATCH THIS ITS AMAZING!!! Don't stop believing cover in the Pilot!!!!!

4) I love it because its extremely funny and generally happy. Its a nice change from House which isn't always happy.....not to mention there's the amazing character of Sue....BEST VILLIAN EVER!!!!

House MD Fans 9 replies

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over a year ago housefrk said…

1. How could I ever decide on just three?
Tuesday the 17th
Any Given Friday Night At 10 PM, 9 PM Central
Shawn (and Gus) of the Dead

2. A dramady about Shawn Spencer, who pretends to be a psychic but is really just super-observant, and works cases, usually murder cases, for SBPD and private contracters

3. The best of season 1. Sorry, I couldn't find one for season 3, which is my favorite completed season

4. Well, it's quite funny, and quite good, really, and next to all the high-intensity dramas I watch, it's very lose and relaxed

over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Oooooooo I'm gonna do this, but I have to plan it some more!
over a year ago salemslot said…

A) When The Levee Breaks ( a guide book to TV writers in how to deal with hallucinations now that it's back in fashion)

B) Abandon All Hope ( the most sad SPN epi in which every single SPN fan bawled their eyes out and sobbed out waterfalls)

C)Changing Channels (The funniest epi ever where they ridicule CSI Miami, Grey's Anatomy, Knight Rider among other things)

2) A drama about two brothers, Dean and Sam who hunt down all kind of supernatural creatures, two characters who have to deal with their personal demons and their duty to save humanity from the impending rise of Lucifer.

4) Fantastic actors, amazing rock music, awesome visual effects, hair-raising depiction of famous urban legends I grew up listening to and freaking out over, the brotherly relationship between Sam and Dean are basic elements why I love this show. This show has enforced the way I see the institution of family as and the fact that I can relate tremendously to one of the characters has sealed the deal for me. Dean and Sam are a treat to watch because they are one of the most well-written characters, they are not the typical hero type, they are above all human and they have fucked up royally and they live with their failures every day which makes the show so dramatic.
over a year ago GoodOldPhooners said…
Housefrk stop being awesome >( I command you. I was gonna gush over that. Ah well, Psych fans represent~

Uhhhh I have no idea if anime can be included but it should o: It's still television, so.

So. Cue the FullMetal Alchemist pimpin'. Since there are two (one is FMA Orignial Flavor, where after a certian point, the plot is way different from the manga; it ended with a movie which I still have lying around, somehow. FMA: Brotherhood is a retelling with better animation but now that the manga is near-completion (and a doozy) the stuff picks up after ep 15.) most of the episodes reccomended would be Original Flavor since it's fully dubbed.

Three eps? Hmmm.

1)"Fullmetal vs. Flame" - Aside from the glimpses in backstory, if you tuned in here, you'd be forgiven for thinking FMA is stright up comedy (which it is - with soul-crushing sadness and link.)

"Night of the Chimera's Cry" - Remeber that heart-breaking thing I told you about? Yeah. (Runner-Up: "Words of Farewell". Fecking Hughes ;-;)

"Conquer of Shamballa" Okay, so movie, but TV movie...! Okay I'm stretching it but yeah. Does it help if I promise to check everything out here that I haven't already? o: But it's wonderful, especially Ed's venture into our world. holy crap Zepplins.

2) the story follows Edward and Alphonse Elric, two alchemist brothers, who want to recover parts of their bodies lost in an attempt to bring their mother back to life through alchemy. Edward has an automail (which is a robotic limb that moves and works like organic arms) and Alphonse's soul is bond to a suit of armor via blood seal. They work for the military, which keeps the info of The Philosopher's Stone hush-hush (Alchemy involves equivelent exchange: To create something, something of equal value must be lost. Matter cannot be created or destroyed.) Hurr it are extremely complicated so of course it's not for everyone.


3) Okay, so it's in Japanese. And it's Brotherhood. But quiet I couldn't find the pilot that easily D: But the words are down there! See! *shot*

4) Why I love this? I blame it on a friend of mine, really. But the plot is deeply ingrained, and between reading the manga and watching this, seeing the foreshadowing and evolution of characters (which are extremely likeable, for me. I like Al the best for some reason. It must be the big softie suit-or-armor heart thing :3) is pretty cool. And dat intro music.

ffffI just read the 'little' info part D: I just got back so infodump aaaa. Sorry. :D?

Also it doesn't emb and stuff so link? o: link
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HouseAddict87 said…
Ha! I'm going to do one no one has/ever will watch but I LOVE it! It's no longer on anymore but you can rent it on NetFlix.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

1. Duet- Season 1, Episode 18
The Way of the Warrior- Season 4, Episode 1
Trials and Tribble-ations- Season 5, Episode 6

2. Deep Space Nine is a space station that is located outside of a Bajoran wormhole which is a passageway into another quadrant in space. This is the third installment of the Star Trek Series and was created by Rick Berman and Michael Piller. The first two season set up the show and introduce the characters. During the third season is where the show really starts to get interesting with The Dominion War in the beginning stages. The Dominion are the combined races of The Founders or Shapeshifters/Changelings, The Vorta, and The Jem'Hadar who wage war with the Alpha Quadrant. Basically it comes down to the good old fashioned good vs. evil and addresses issues of war, holocaust, love, exploration, and new discoveries. It's not the neat and pretty package that TOS, TNG, or VOY were and is the most gritty of the five Star Trek series.

3. The video below is basically ten minutes with different clips from episodes revolving around the Dominion War.

4. I love it because the captain is more ballsy than the captains on the other Star Trek shows and it's completely different from all other ST series. It involves many different species of aliens and has good actors playing the main, recurring, and guest characters. You really just have to watch to see why it's so good.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago huddygirl2 said…
1) the pilot chuck versus the broken heart chuck versus the undercover lover
2) when a nerd by the name of Chuck(hunch the name)updates all of the government secrets in to his head now NSA agent Jonh Casey and CIA agent Sarah walker must protect Chuck and yes a he does save the word:P
3) This vidoe is a funny scene.
4) Well I love the humor the character are so traffic and the creates of the show put great character development.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago barbsbarn said…
big smile
i love glee 2!
sue is the best,beliveable in her role.
couldn't imagine anyone in her spotlight.
what a sharpie. barb
over a year ago barbsbarn said…
good, that's my first time out!
great show. barb
over a year ago barbsbarn said…
now where's my House?, stuff?i love that show,and pretty much
everyone on it fit's,in my world.
waiting inpatiently,4 the hot new season to start!