House MD Fans ONTD~ Oh no they didn't.

caramelmilk posted on Mar 24, 2011 at 07:37PM
...or did they?

To be honest, I thought long about creating this forum. I had it in my mind for some months and I was always hesitant to go through with it because I feared it could become a "Let's bitch about all the others, because we is soo much better" forum. And this would be the last thing I'd want.

However, sometimes I- and probably a lot of you too- feel like ranting, especially if we see things that make us shake our head in disbelief. No matter if it's something a celebrity or someone else did or said.

Be especially careful if you rant about other users. Lady Gaga won't start crying if you say you find her outfits tasteless. People like you and I however might not be amused when they come here just to read how they are all ginormous fucking dickheads. This is certainly not the point of this forum and attacking someone like this will result in you being reported.

If someone on fanpop said something that upsets you so much you want to share it here I encourage you NOT to mention the user's name, because it's also not the point of this forum to gather an army that attacks and crushes this user.

Disagree with what someone said or did, but keep it under control. I'm sure you know what I mean anyways :)

Your rants don't have to be House Fandom related, although there's a lot of "ranting material" nowadays *coughs*.

<i>...or did they?</i>

To be honest, I thought long about creating this forum. I had it in my mind

House MD Fans 12 replies

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over a year ago caramelmilk said…
And link is what made me finally create this forum. I stared at it the whole afternoon, but I couldn't just close it without sharing it.

I don't understand WHY on earth would you hate on Cuddy's breasts?

This community, alltogether, is "ranting material" anyways. It's called housewilsonlol, but it's full of Cuddy-, Lisa Edelstein- and HuddyfansHATERS.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago reminisce said…
let the ranting begin *_*

Ok, so I have started watching House again. But I can not understand how most Cuddy fans react to the new episodes. No offense but just because House and Cuddy broke up doesn't mean you should bash.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago caramelmilk said…
I find it hilariously stupid how some people attack Greg Yaitanes on Twitter.
Someone once tweeted to him: "WHY U NO DIE?"
It's just so inappropriate. Wishing death upon someone and then because of a tv show.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aivi said…
^ Totally agree.

All those often "3 weeks break". Bones just had this, and now again? And House. And Glee. What's the point? Is there another stupis sport event?
over a year ago XXwhy_meXX said…
oh! ranting! love it!
and I Totally Agree With @caramelmilk about The Greg Yaitanes Thing, Sure Sometimes He's Mean About Huddy, But People Make a Big Fuss About It....

What To Rant About.....Oh! Why The Fuck Won't OSN (The Only Network That Ever Shows House Around Here) Air Season 7 Intel The Summer?!?!?!?
I'll Think Of Something New And Come Back ;)
over a year ago caramelmilk said…
link happens when incompetent people try to lead a community for Cuddy.

The post is coming from the trololol mod herself. Way to go.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HouseAddict87 said…
*headdesk* I'm a Huddy fan and have been for awhile and I LOVE the fact that they broke up and how their relationship is being written. If it was all hunky dory copasetic it wouldn't be a REAL relationship. True love(if there really is such a thing) never comes without some heartbreak and a few bumps along the road to happiness. I would be more pissed if the writers did it all fairy-tale like. True Huddy fans I think understand this. As for the LE and Cuddy haters... WTF? Why hate an actress for what her character does? Soooooooooo retarded! I don't understand people. As for Cuddy haters that is so infantile just because she is trying to protect herself and her daughter from House eventually, and it's inevitable, causing chaos and ruining a good thing people got to hate? I'm glad I haven't been on the House spots here or on any other site in awhile because reading stuff like this makes me sad.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HouseAddict87 said…
Just gotta say awesome idea for a forum Cami!I've already posted this response which has since been edited to an article by housefrk but then I saw this forum and HAD to share it. Any Criminal Minds or Paget Brewster/Emily Prentiss fans will appreciate it(I think). As of about the past eight months I've come to pretty much idolize Paget Brewster so I was royally pissed to learn she was leaving my favorite crime show.

WARNING! The following comment contains explicit language, and is a long rant about a certain show and network. Please DO NOT read if offended by vulgarity or do not wish to read the angry thoughts of a bitter fan.

I cannot even begin to express my complete and utter rage with Criminal Minds. It seems like CBS picked a show out of the hat to just completely fuck up! Criminal Minds was the poor bastard who got picked. First they fired A.J. Cook, a wonderful but extremely underrated actress. Secondly they reduced Paget Brewster's airtime to only half of what she was used to. She didn't like that very much and decided to leave the show. I don't blame her in the slightest. Then they changed their minds(realized what dumbfucks they were) and told her she could stay on the show for a few more episodes but the damage had already been done. She has been cast in a pilot which depending on if it is picked up by NBC will determine if she comes back to Criminal Minds. I for one hope the show is a huge success so she can tell CBS to kiss her ass and go fuck themselves but then I also know there is a lot of competition for sitcoms which is what the show is going to be. Honestly I'll be happy either way if she stays off of CM good for her if she decides to come back... cool! I do have to give CM props for her exit though it was the best CM episode I think I have ever seen of course I'm a little biased because Prentiss is my favorite character, Brewster is my favorite cast member, and Matthew Gray Gubler, my second favorite cast member/character directed it. It really was a great episode though with crime, drama, humor, and just so many emotions many of which Paget did an excellent job portraying as Emily Prentiss so for that the show has my applause. On to Shemar Moore and Thomas Gibson, I too will not blame them at all for leaving the show which if that happens... so long Criminal Minds! Supposedly this whole travesty began because of budgeting problems but then they bring on another actress, Rachel Nichols as Ashley Seaver who is a good actress but was not needed on Criminal Minds. I could sit here and write a whole book on the fuck ups that CBS has made in the past year and a half but no one wants to hear that. So to end this rant I will continue watching Criminal Minds through this season and it really depends on cast changes and whatnot for next season.
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
I would actually like to complain about something non fanpop related: visas. I am studying abroad in England this fall and will need to apply for a student visa, however there are some strange rules about who can tell you which ones to apply for and NO ONE is helping me and its just REALLY frustrating. Even more frsutrating is the fact that the websites are just confusing me more! *headdesk*

Back to fanpop, i would also like to rant about the Huddys that are giving crap about 13 coming back because it will deviate from the Huddy storyline. For Heaven's sake i loved Huddy too but some of us also missed 13 and would like to see her back so they need to shut their pie holes.
over a year ago caramelmilk said…
Some weeks ago I made a Huddy break-up video with a rather unknown version of a very popular song. The song was almost 4 minutes long, but I cut it the way I liked it and made it fade out at the end- at exactly 2:52 it's quiet.

Some days ago girl makes a Huddy break-up video, uses the same version of the song. Could be a coincidence.
I take a closer look at it- her song fades out the exact way my edited version did and is quiet at 2:52.
She obviously saw my video, thought it was a good idea, took the edited(!) song right off my vid and basically did the same with some different clips.

I'm just happy my vid is better :p
over a year ago XXwhy_meXX said…
I Hate These Kinda People :@
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
I would just like to rant about the fact that i work my butt off to post interesting, good things in many spots and it seems like it takes me TWICE as long to get one a medal than everyone else. AND for the medals to upgrade (like seriously. ive had greens in spots i regularly contribute to for like a year now. REALLY? Like...really?! *fumes*) Maybe I am glitched in the system so its only possible for me to get one every frickin six months!

*throws hands in the air and storms off*

edit: it has been 18 hours and suddenly my stuff bumps up after like 3 or 4 months of nothing. Maybe i should just come here and rant more often? :p lolz
last edited over a year ago