Huddy Why you think that Huddy is NOT over...

Belle0308 posted on Jan 22, 2010 at 07:01PM
I thought we needed something new (well, kind of) to get some discussion. In the spirit of being positive, why does anyone think that Huddy is not over?
I thought we needed something new (well, kind of) to get some discussion.  In the spirit of being pos

Huddy 60 replies

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over a year ago Belle0308 said…
BTW...I am going to point out this scene to show that Huddy isn't dead. I think that it could be argued that it means they are dead too, but I am going with the sunny side up. ; )
BTW...I am going to point out this scene to show that Huddy isn't dead.  I think that it could be arg
over a year ago Delia_Beatrice said…
aw. that hurts. I remember how wildly happy "Braveheart" made me, and it feels like a million years ago...
I don't think it's dead. I allow my hopes and dreams to stay alive until the end of this season. I believe that something big will happen this season. If it doesn't... well, all i can say it that i'll still watch next season, but i'll try hard to remove Huddy from my mind.
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
I think that Huddy is not over because the sexual tension there just cant be removed. And as long as there is tension, in my mind, the possibility is open. and even though we are in the middle of an ice age right now i think things will be warming up a bit soon ;)
over a year ago Delia_Beatrice said…
Sadly, i have sensed no real sexual tension whatsoever since "Braveheart". The scenes in "Braveheart" had the teasing, the body language, the facial expressions, the double decker talk and the famous glances that qualify for Huddy sexual tension. Except for the first scene in the office, the "Known Unknowns" scenes were more on the dramatic side, the dance was more sweet than sexy, and actually more bitter-sweet than sweet. And everything else after the dance was just plain bitter, cold and awkward. And with David Shore saying that Lucas is on the show "for the foreseeable future"... i'm gonna try hard to keep those hopes up...
over a year ago oldmovie said…
In my opinion,

I would see no point in building a couple up for 5 years (remember Occam's Razor) to suddenly decide that they longer want them together.
I still maintain that the whole fricking point of the Luddy storyline is to allow Cuddy to explore her options and realize she wants House in the end. Lucas is not all, and I don't see why people are getting so worked up over him. Huddy has lived through Stacy (twice may I add)...I think we can deal with Lucas.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago 1900 said…
I watch House from the EP"braveheart".and when I saw house and cuddy.I became a huddy fan~yep,this season sth. bad happend.OMG,I hope lucas out of House_MD quickly.By the way,I am not good at English.Hope no mistake~
over a year ago Delia_Beatrice said…
it's ok, 1900:) you made your point quite clearly, and i'm with you:)
over a year ago bluehue said…
I see your point oldmovie..clear eyed & succinct long view. thx.

Also, the sheer logistics of writing and producing a tv series..emphasis on "series," makes "exploration" - part and parcel. TPTB simply cannot box themselves into a Huddy corner too soon. Of course we all realize that.

I don't think most fans are getting so much "worked up", as needing or wanting an outlet to vent or express feelings & share ideas or perspectives. That's long as it does not devolve into attack mode on the show itself.

I hold no sense of entitlement or illusion in regards to the character development, but do have control of my own imagination - as do you all, where we ARE play.

I watched the 1st Harry Potter last evening - and enjoyed remembering and listening to what Dumbledore said to Harry, about looking in the Mirror of Erised...
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
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over a year ago laurik2007 said…
because it can't be.They are over when the show is over! and we still have a long way to go...we are rooting for this couple since season 1(at least you guys are,i came in season 5) and that must count for something.The Writers know this and they are just delaying it as much as they can.Putting House and Cuddy together means for House to be happy,House doesn't do happy.....but....with the new season and him off the vicodin we might see Huddy happen..i always think positive
over a year ago Belle0308 said…
Ok, in an effort to make this really brief, here we go.

Tension, it’s still there, just taking a nap. Just don’t get those two in the same room too long or WATCH OUT! ; )
@OldMovie…I 100% agree.

BTW…watching “Not Cancer” and Lucas does make me laugh. I would be happier if they showed more of him and House in competition over Cuddy. He really isn’t upsetting me a whole lot now because we all KNOW that Huddy is the real deal.

@1900 ~ You are wonderful. I am always amazed at how many of you speak and write more than one language. I barely handle the only language that I know.

@bluehue “I hold no sense of entitlement or illusion in regards to the character development, but do have control of my own imagination - as do you all, where we ARE play.”

@laurik2007 ~ You made a great point. Also, many seasons ago they didn’t even think that they would be able to pull off a “drug free” House, yet we have gone this far this season with just that.
over a year ago bluehue said…
I forgot to thank you Belle for your forum post. You deserve a spa day for all the hard work you do around here..keeping things moving along with a few sparks flying here and there. It seems we could come up with 101 reasons each why Huddy is NOT I'm hoping the writers can come up with at least one. Yea..finally - on with the show...hope Beatrix finds a TV in Spain to watch House 6.14 - or we'll have to keep hush hush quiet around here. Thx again. Later.
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over a year ago Belle0308 said…
Bluehue, thank you! I totally believe in the Huddy so I have to keep it up. ; )
Bea will find something or I will have to transcribe the whole thing to

Thank you all for playing with me. Love you!!
over a year ago Belle0308 said…
OMG!! I loved, LOVED Wilson's speech to House. My GOD I love them. I love them all. Great, great episode.

Oh yes, Huddy is NOT dead.
over a year ago Edithuddy said…
Not at all!!!
Is just matter of time!

over a year ago Belle0308 said…
I almost came off the couch. I held my hand over my mouth. I couldn't believe him. He rocks!!
over a year ago Edithuddy said…

I'm get used to his wisdom LOL
But this night he just excelled himself with what he said!!!
over a year ago LipschitzWrath said…
Sounds like I am in for something good. Still got 15 minutes of the show left... Chick's liver just failed...
over a year ago Belle0308 said…
The whole episode it great. I loved it!! I think I went into not expecting much and then was brilliant.
over a year ago bluehue said…
Just checking in here at Belle's Huddy Lounge. said that right.
Wilson finally pulled a Watson...he basically said, It is "elementary my dear House."
LW..don't miss the ending ! ! !
Belle..I wasn't sure for a moment there..but a most brilliant ep - on many levels!
over a year ago Belle0308 said…
; )
Belle's Huddy Lounge. That might be a good title for a forum post at some point.

What you said...just copy that. It was brilliant.

over a year ago LipschitzWrath said…
Guess it just goes to show you that you can't listen to the hype (or in this case, the lack thereof). It seems that the episodes that have the least important storyline (as it applies to us) get the most hype. It seems, with this epi, that the reverse is also true...
over a year ago LipschitzWrath said…
What did I miss at the ending? All I saw was the Lucas/Cuddy interaction in her office...

However, I must say that next week's epi looks AMAZING!
over a year ago Edithuddy said…
"Belle's Huddy Lounge of hopeness for a better huddy in the future"

I know! next episode looks great.
I'm so looking forward it before starting school again T__T
over a year ago LipschitzWrath said…

Down payment on himself??? I thought he just slipped the check into Wibberly's mail slot so he couldn't refuse? Did I misinterpret?
over a year ago bluehue said…
Hey LW: Just my follow up thoughts....after messing up & deleting myself earlier.

"Remorse" provided a script that set a POW with no conscience against House struggling with his own. I like how the story lines revealed House's sense of the "state of his own conscience," past & present. Wilson's words, Cuddy's reaction, Wibberly & the psychopath's view of him....provide a pretty clear indication that his therapy is not over. (Just beginning).

I meant to say that House dropping the check into the door slot was a visual metaphor for House putting a down payment on himself.
(Wibberly could still refuse by tearing up the check).

It shows he is determined to correct past wrongs in order to make the present right. Unlike the POW who was incapable of therapy or help, House does have a conscience, he knows he is not a psychopath...he feels remorse !

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over a year ago Belle0308 said…
@Edithuddy...Beautiful title!! I love it!

@bluehue,I totally agree with your comments. I love the way a POW can mirror what's going on with House. I also liked the healing in a way of Foreteen. They do have to work together. Thirteen did a great job handling herself in this midst of a bunch of men being manipulated. I identified with her struggle.

When Wilson said that he couldn't even admit that she had been in love with him...awwww.
over a year ago Delia_Beatrice said…
Oh, yes, i am in a far better mood after "Remorse". The Huddy issue readdressed in a pretty strong way (Wilson, God bless you), that is good. I feared that the Huddy "not talking to each other" era would come to a stop in an unconvinced manner, showing nothing but hospital scenes with the two of them, nothing personal yet. But it went as personal as it gets...

Perhaps he'll still try to tell her he's sorry? Do an amazing grand gesture to prove it? Perhaps Wilson will talk to her too? I think that maybe House will start being nicer to her, not with a sexual agenda, but just more supportive and more open about the things he admires in her, making her feel better about herself? She would definitely respond to that, after all, her ego got hurt as much as her heart, if not more:)

PS: yeah, it seems that the episodes that have no Huddy in the promos, promotional pics, sneak peaks and description are, after all, the best, at least this season - as far as i remember, "Breaveheart" didn't promote much Huddy, and yet it was so great. However, the next one promotes no Huddy so far, unlike "Five To Nine" - that scene in the car might be very bad or very good...
over a year ago laurik2007 said…
yeah the "remorce" episode was great on so many levels....i was happy with it and awaiting the next one
over a year ago Belle0308 said…
BTW...I am NOT the "Belle" in this article. While I ship Huddy, I am not this Belle that is quoted on here and who posted on the original article. I thought I should point that out just so there is no mistake.

Also...WOW what a lot of non-huddies totally in denial.
over a year ago bluehue said…
Right does seem like most everyone is happy with "Remorse," WOW..even delia too! What?! A better mood? No way. Yes, that would be amazing to see House try to relate to Huddy for one second as a friend and not a fiend. I'd love to see a House "grand genuine gesture" to undo his photo prank. We could give him some ideas.

Also..yea belle, very true about 13/14. 13 & Foreman were more down to earth real. Credit House with a push, but they worked on their relationship like mature adults, refreshing. Hey, plus it shows the show CAN backtrack to resolve past issues..hint, hint.
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over a year ago bluehue said…
Another one..two post.
Belle, before I sign off...what may I ask are the fans in denial about ?
Really, I don't follow many links, read up on House anywhere else, or have a sense of fan mood outside of FanPop. Just mildly curious. Later.
over a year ago Belle0308 said…
A lot of people on this link saying that Huddy makes the show to stupid and soapoperaish. I don't think they have a grip on the show if they think that Huddy makes it worse. Yes, my opinion, but I think it is valid.
over a year ago Belle0308 said…
I should have added that I don't really go outside of fanpop much either because I prefer to not bang my head against the wall with people who disagree with me over and over and over again. Being that I am older, I have learned that constant disagreement just makes you crabby.
I tend to be a little opinionated and have a hard time walking away from a vastly different point of view especially if it is brought up over and over. I am just happier here in Huddy land. ; )
over a year ago bluehue said…
Oh yea. I first followed House a tiny bit on Spoiler TV & for the short time I did, it seemed every other post was complaining about the show being a soap opera. I found it is what people say, when they have nothing to say. I used to call them bubble heads (to myself) or "knee jerks,” due to the reactionary tone.
Good idea Belle..I try to stay clear of brick walls too. (You mean "happier here at the Huddy Lounge"). Ha.
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over a year ago Delia_Beatrice said…
Bluehue, i am really upset at that suggestion, about me being incapable to feel pleasure and have a good mood:)))))) Just kidding, i might have given a tiny bit of impression that i am somewhat blue:)))) But that's only because we only started talking during the worst Huddy era so far. You should have seen me after "Braveheart" or, even on a happier note, picture a two year old kid whose mother managed to teach him to sing "Drive" by Dawn Landes in one blissful week:))))

I feared the way they would readdress Huddy after these few weird episodes. "Remorse" gave me a feeling that it's NOT gonna be any of the strategies i deeply feared, that it's gonna lead to more emotional intimacy somehow - even if it takes a long time, even if they don't jump in a matrimonial bed this season (whyyyyy not?????), i can wait and enjoy the show, if i feel that something is still going on.
And yeah, Blue, i do feel like a Housian grand gesture could be on its way - and there are many good options... I just hope they find a way to show Cuddy how much he has changed - because he has, he really has, in the sense that he is now capable of actually acting on the good impulses he has always had.

BTW: how about the BEAUTIFUL parrallel between "The Itch" and "Remorse", that they drew with the final scene? It was heartbreaking to see him actually reaching to open the door before he saw Lucas, something that he was unable to do in "The Itch", when he just stood there and looked at her. It was painful, but beautiful, and it gives me hope:))))

PPS: don't sweat it over the other sites and comments. I only come here and on Barbara Barnett's review page, she has smart readers who post smart comments aand really understand the show. I once made the mistake of reading the comments on Aussiello page and i got so angry, it was really hard for me to calm down. If people can argue on the Huddy issue using their brains to make pertinent remarks, that's ok - we can discuss it as adults, we can discuss the storylines and the way each arc and each relationship is pondered into the show, and the dynamics, and the meaning, and the subtext bla bla bla. But for those who are silly and childish and just throw mean dirty idiotic little comments, all i can say is that the internet, just like the sheet of paper, unfortunately takes any kind of crap without spitting it back. All we can do is refuse to read it:)
over a year ago bluehue said…
Good one Delia !! You really had me scared for a split second. Phew! Actually, we need your angst, it helps keep us stirred up in a state of Huddy panic, so we must speculate & discuss things to maintain our spirits. Just glad you feel "Remorse" gave you some faith & us a glimmer of hope. There will be happier Huddy times ahead to share. (Champagne even). Hey & now you have the Fiona Apple song "Why Try To Change Me Now," to learn & sing along to.

I didn't pick up on the parallel to "Itch," until you mentioned. Yes, I see that. It makes me ache for House that he has tried but cannot yet summon the courage to "open that door." During the office Luddy scene, at first I so wanted Cuddy to look up and glance at House to know he was coming back to make ammends...but of course - it was then like "Itch," and he was forced to walk away, unresolved....extremely painful. Now look who is in heartbreak mode.

Barbara the only one I read as well, with any interest. Her passion is equal to ours or visa versa. Really, she should join us sometime...she may be surprised...or horrified, ha.

P.S. We need to get you an icon !! What image would you want?
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over a year ago Beatrix8520 said…
Ahhhhhh! I missed this!!! XD This erasmus is making me crazy....I am missing all the fun here XD Well, sort of....we have parties every night so...:P Thanks to Belle for this post....I love the Huddy-posts and BTW I agree I am happier in the's like having my personal spot in paradise ;)

Anyway I have read all of your comments, all great as always and I think Huddy is not dead at's just the most painful, torturing love story ever, that's all XD I am wondering how much we can stand, seriously....what's my breaking point? I don't know....last ep was such a great one for so many reasons....House was his adorable cunning self, Wilson was insightful as always, Thirteen was not so boring...I missed Taub and Chase but I hope we'll see more of them next ep. The soryline was really compelling and I loved the fact that they are pointing it out, piece after piece, that House really has there's no need for Cuddy not to be with him in the future...but when? I would like to see at least some kisses before the last ep of this I can watch them over and over again...just one at least, by chance? XD
The only thing which is killing me you know, are her eyes....She doesn't look at him anymore as she used to...she is in control, she is cold, she doens't give away emotions at all.....that's torture! :( Besides the last scene...ahhhhh....twisting in pain in my armchair!!! I need a hug right now =,(
over a year ago bluehue said…
BIG HUG for you Beatrix...or should I say "Miss Party Pants !!" Haaaaaa.
That's go have your fun & leave us here, carrying on so without you. Hey, I was going to send you a message to get your Huddy self over here...but figured you were mighty busy. Also, we were not sure if you had a chance to view "Remorse" yet. Sounds like you are adjusting to your new environs..that's terrific. Glad you found us though. It's just not the same without your input ! (So come back often).

I see what you mean about Cuddy "not looking" at House. It IS torture. Imagine for House. He must be feeling so lonely, a nagging pit in his stomach - NOT to have his fun-time with Cuddy, and now a bigger hole in his conscience to face the pain he has caused her. Bwwwaaaaaa ! Why oh why does it have to go on this way?

Yes breaking point will be if we have to go the whole Summer with no new found Huddy KISS(es) to warm our hearts. Hugs. Hugs. Hugs.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LipschitzWrath said…
I know that you guyz are gonna burn me for this, but allow me to play Devil's Advocate for a moment...

In terms of Huddy, I feel like I really missed something in "Remorse" that everyone else here saw. I mean, to be honest, I didn't see anything pivotal really occur. Don't get me wrong, the epi was great. I mean, I laughed quite a few times. Like when House says "Everyone who hasn't slept together can go." And Taub stays! House looks at him incredulously and Taub looks at Thirteen and says, "Oh, sorry, that was supposed to be our secret."

Huddy just didn't seem to take any big steps. If anything, it took a step back with House cutting up her picture. Sure, one could contend that House did it because he loves her, but she won't see it that way. And every time House misbehaves like that, it likely just reinforces to Cuddy that she made the right decision with Lucas. Poster boy needs to do something wrong if House is gonna keep up the shenanigans.

I will concede that House maybe had a realization, but that really does nothing for Huddy right now. House currently isn't (and hasn't been for a while now) the roadblock in the way of Huddy. House wants Cuddy, Cuddy doesn't want House. As such, the changes don't need to be taking place on House's side.
over a year ago bluehue said…
Great points as always LW. Yes, you may play devil's advocate to keep things "real." Please do. But also understand, that to the Huddy starved...a tiny bread crumb seems like a big meal ! ! I love your "Poster Boy," reference. Yes..we need to see Lucas on a "MOST UNWANTED" poster asap. Oh man, that would be so righteous if monkey boy screwed up royally somehow...not that I wish him harm..Ok, yes I do. But to mess up on the relationship turn Cuddy off, that would make all this more worth it. I think the fact that Cuddy did not get in a yelling match with House about the photo prank can be seen two ways. As you said, Cuddy doesn't care to bother with fighting with House..cause she's resigned to move on. Or, she is in some kind of denial. Either way, you are right to say this is very one-sided at the moment...yes, come on Cuddy. But at least that's something..we have one sad puppy who wants to play..thus, our hopeful tone. Plus, as Delia mentioned, this is probably what would happen in life...a slooooww turn around. I just want to believe House is serious about his deeper feelings for Cuddy. So, you make excellent reservations, but do you concede..Huddy babysteps LW ? ?
over a year ago LipschitzWrath said…
I will definitely concede that baby steps are being made in the land of Huddy. And I agree that, at the very least, the slow progress is to make it seem more realistic. I firmly agree that if Cuddy and Lucas were to break up and House and Cuddy made up and got together all in the same episode, it would seem totally unrealistic. Even over the course of 2 or 3 episodes. It just seems they are being paricularly delicate with the Huddy situation. I mean, for god's sake, they've made more progress with Foreteen this season than they have with Huddy.

On the other hand, I agree that it would be nice to see Lucas do something that royally effed up the Luddy relationship. I've heard from people that believe that the impending Luddy breakup will be very docile, with both parties basically agreeing to go their separate ways. Or that Lucas will concede defeat after recognizing that Cuddy is *STILL* in love with House.

Personally, I call bullsh*t on all that. I think it's going to be a mess (and I think House will see to it). Cuddy will find out something bad that Lucas has said/done and that will be it. My vote is that she catches Lucas cheating. Lucas tries to rationalize an excuse for doing it and House jumps in and says something sharp yet meaningful, like "If I had Cuddy, I wouldn't be looking at other women to begin with!" That would simultaneously accomplish the tasks of breaking up Luddy and planting the seed for Huddy.

It's just gay to watch Cuddy and House right now. Before, there was good banter or some playful attraction there. Now, nothing. Strictly business, straight to the point, no non-sense interaction. It needs to end.
over a year ago Delia_Beatrice said…
Bluehue, that was a very sweet message - thank you for your kind words. Yes, i probably need an icon by now:) I have no idea what i'd like, but i'll think about it and then you can tell me where to find them:)))

LW, i'll try to explain my view to you: the last true Huddy episode we've had is "Braveheart" - in fact, it was pretty much the first AND the last Huddy episode this season. Their interactions in "Epic Fail", "The Tyrant" and "Karma" were different than the usual previous ones, some of them very different, some a little different, but still different - they were both cautious as if stepping on egg shells. I believe that House was feeling very vulnerable because of his frail mental state and he was focused on keeping his sanity, plus he was embarassed about "BSN". And Cuddy felt clearly rejected in "Epic Fail" and she tried hard to move on, so she focused on showing House that she supports and cares for him, but nothing else. So the games and the teasing and the tension were pretty much absent until "Braveheart", which was an old times classic Huddy episode - and even better:))) "Known Unknowns" was again different, except for the first scene in her office. During the party scenes, they seemed closer, House was trying, Lisa gave in to the pleasure of being with him, but quickly woke up when she felt it was getting dangerous. And that was the end of it - after that, we had his pain and her guilt, and then in "Teamwork" he was so angry and hurt, he wasn't even willing to talk to her or look at her, in "Ignorance" they both played games, but different ones - not the fun, passionate games they always used to play together, but a sad game of coldness and deception, lack of trust and a lot of barriers. "Wilson" had no Huddy scene, but only the realization of how much she means to him and how she has hurt him, and "Down Low", again, no Huddy scene and a glimpse of the old House playing games and having fun - so no Huddy AT ALL.
I feared two things: A) that the writers will keep the "no Huddy at all" strategy, and even if they shared on scren scenes, they would be only about hospital business, patients etc, and nothing more. OR B) that House's pain in regard to Cuddy will make him bitter and he will go back to his old ways: drinking, being a jerk and using Vicodin. Remember what a devastating effect any kind of loss had on him? Remember how he was after Stacy? That's what i feared most - that Cuddy will be the reason of his greatest fall...

SO, in "Remorse" it was GREAT for me to see the following:

1. House in her office, where he has not been ever since the beginning of "K.U", thus showing that he was no longer avoiding her and anything related to her.

2. House cutting the pictures - he was in a playful mood, showing his pain, but in a funny way that seemed to show that he was coping with it, even seeing through it and glimpsing a time in which he is capable of playing the old funny games with her - it made me think that the old spectacular Huddy fun and Huddy pranks are still possible.

3. Cuddy following him and telling him the truth about that picture - yes, she was sad, yes, it was painful to her, BUT she came to him, she opened a painful personal topic with him, she gave him a very personal reason for her anger - she is TALKING to him about personal stuff, that counts for something, there is some of the old intimacy in there, she was close to tears - in front of him. That's something she would not do with a simple employee that she couldn't care less about, in front of a stranger. She still feels close to him in that strange way she always has.

4.WILSON. God bless him, he used the word "love"! He opened the Cuddy subject in a very surprising manner (especially after "Wilson", in which he thought she should be punished). He revealed his personal view on Huddy (and he is Cuddy's friend, she confides in him more than in anyone else, so he should have a good view on both sides of the story), and that personal view is a confirmation of what we had hoped for - that she moved away from House because she couldn't stand the abuse any longer, not because she stopped loving him - yes, there is a difference:)

5. House bowing his head after Wilson left the room. In front of Wilson, he deflected and pretended not to know and not to care (btw, the way he pretended to be typing was hilarious:). But a second later, he bowed his head and sighed, because he knew Wilson was right and the remorse and the sorrow he was feeling were overwhelming.

6. House acting on his remorse and going to her office - it was AMAZING to see that he actually tried to do something about his pain. I cannot clearly remember how often House did anything like this before - but it was not often... He felt his pain and sorrow, he acknowledged it and he acted on it, trying to share his feelings with her, say he's sorry. That was GREAT. GREAT. GREAT.

7. House feeling the pain of not being able to reach out to her anymore because of Lucas - considering what a HUGE change and effort he made when he reached for that door, we can only assume that the pain and disappointment and sorrow he was feling were horrible and heartbreaking. But he did not give in to those feelings - he did not do any of the things he used to do in order to unload his painful feelings - he did not get drunk, call a hooker, abuse his employees or insult anyone, go and sulk alone at home drinking or getting high. He did none of those - instead, he did something good for someone. He took his pain in regard to Cuddy, his remorse, and he tried to pay for his sins and seek absolution and redemption with a good deed. Doing something generous for someone who did not deserve it (because Wibberly tried to manipulate and con him into giving him the money). Forgiving Wibberly and doing something extremely generous for him, even if that was not RIGHT in the way that House understands the concept of justice and rightfulness.

So... i think that it's only a matter of time until Cuddy really sees the changes in him - and when she does, not even a million private investigators won't be able to keep her away from House.
over a year ago Beatrix8520 said…
I agree with both of you. I mean, the episode wasn't about Huddy at all but still we Huddys feel like they are little crubms they're throwing at us to keep watching and thing I really can't understand right now is why they tend to make so flat dialogue between the two of them lately....I mean where's the passionate arguing? the yelling? the recrimination? I would have expected that, because two person who are so much one into another have still so many things to work out, it should be practically impossible to be that calm. the only reason I see is that, House wanted Cuddy to get mad, instead she reacted the opposite, staying calm, playing cold but waking his coscience up, wheras Cuddy was mad at House, but still not so mad after all....she usually yelled at him for such things in the past but she always found those funny in the end...I am trying to put myself into the writers shoes you know, understand the way they think characters' psicology.
I feel bad to think that, but it sounds to me like they are running out of ideas about they are trying to buy sometimes revolving around the same House learning to make amend and apology and finally have his own courage smashed in his own face. Buddy's reviewer was's like the end of unfaithful, or the end of the Itch or the end of Let them eat the cake....just it's not that time anymore, things have changed and still are. It's a process I get it, but in the meantime, shouldn't they come up with different problems? Shouldn't Huddy be more passionate? After all these are two person who always have been bantering one with each other....:(
over a year ago LipschitzWrath said…
Excellent post, Delia! I also laughed my ass off with his typing. One of my favorite House moments to date. I also enjoyed when Wilson was asking him why he chose to make amends to Wibberly, to which House replied, "I don't know, because he smells nice and he makes me laugh." Classic! I also enjoy his outbursts ("You can't stop our love!" or "Climb out of your holes, people!")

My god, what to add to your post??? I can only think of one or two things. First, I totally agree that House is making a lot of healthy changes. Ones that a lot of us probably would have laughed at the thought of a year ago. I'm not contesting that he is making these changes at all. My opinion is that the problem currently lies with Cuddy. Whether she thinks it is a ploy or whether she is in denial, it seems she is apprehensive about accepting that House has changed.

And Lucas has proved to be a most resilient roadblock. That's why I said he needs to make a mistake. I'm not sure Cuddy has it in her to just leave Lucas unless Lucas has done something fundamentally wrong. I think her guilt would be too much.

As far as House's reaction to major loss (like Stacy), I share your fear. To further complicate matters, House already thought that he went to Cuddy in his darkest hour at the end of S5, only to find out that she wasn't there for him (whether it was her fault or not). IF he gets put in a similar situation again, I'm not sure he'll have it in him to go to her again.
over a year ago bluehue said…
ME TOO !! House pantomiming the typewriter..ta ta ta ta ta ta ta DING ! !

P.S. Oh yes, Delia - if you come up with or decide on an image, I'm sure
we can help you make an icon. Just give the word. No rush.
1. Keep in mind that I think the original image must be in jpeg form.
2. You will have dragged & dropped the jpeg image from whatever source you are looking onto your own computer. For example, I found mine at
3. Once you have your jpeg, (on your own computer), then go to your Fanpop profile page. select "upload image." Then it will tell you to "choose file."
4. Then click on the image you have ready on your computer, wait a few seconds for the jgpg icon to appear, then...
5. Select "submit." You can choose to make the image your icon, if not, the image just goes into your photo "gallery." That's it ! Feel free to follow up later on.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago bluehue said…
One thought to why the House/Cuddy dialogue is flat & their interaction cold...It may be because if they show us any outright Huddy passion, then..whatever the writers have in mind for the Cuddy ep or the eventual Luddy break-up, won't be in the least bit convincing. We have to believe that Cuddy has put House out of her mind for the most part, or the Luddy story arc won't fly. Huddy is just kind of numb right now, and that's probably why no fighting over the photo, that could be confused for passion or the typical House-Cuddy scene.

I don't think they have run out of ideas for Huddy, it's just that they have to keep the lid on it for now. I'm hoping anyway.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Beatrix8520 said…
Yeah BH, deep inside you know I agree with you....I am just in one of those periods I am down with my mood, bacause Huddy seems never happen :( I guess it'll go away eventuall.....
over a year ago Belle0308 said…
@Bea....HI SWEETIE!! Miss you!! Glad you could stop by. ; )

I have been reading you guys and I adore you all. You all have some great things to say. Now, for the bad part. I had a crummy couple of days. I think I have been trying to catch a cold or something. I went to my massage therapist today hoping that it would help. Now I am just tired and a little hopeless.

So..... I guess that if I look at the episode overall, I just plain love House as a show. In the interest of the show, I thought it was a great episode.
BH & made some great points. Things that I hadn't even thought about that deeply...yet. I haven't been in the mood.

Part of the whole "thing" with House is making us buy into the storyline. How would the whole Luddy thing work if they had Huddy oogling each other during the whole thing? BH is totally right about that.

I had a great talk with my sister today and she, who has been totally "ok" with the Luddy storyline has had enough and is ready for Huddy. She is willing to wait while they play it out though. STILL...she hasn't been pushing for Huddy until now. Even the patient are losing their patience.

Continue with the are all making me happy. Sorry I can't participate more this time.
over a year ago Belle0308 said…
Oh NO Bea! Not you and I both!! UGH! lol! We will be ok. Must be the full moon or something.

over a year ago Beatrix8520 said…
It's note the moon!! It's almost six years already!! I want it all for the God's sake! XD What have I gonna do? Smash my head in front of DS or something as an act of protest? XD