Huddy Lounge of hopeness for a better huddy ...

Belle0308 posted on Feb 02, 2010 at 03:16AM the future..

Yep...not waiting until next week since Lucas lied to my girl this week...IT'S ON!!

Enjoy all Huddy hopefulness now. ; )

Huddy 68 replies

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over a year ago bluehue said…
Yeppers Belle, we all need a drinky poo or two at the Huddy Lounge tonight to make that "kiss" go away. I must admit...I stopped in earlier for a quickie at LW's "Huddy Discussion” article" spot, so I'm already a little tipsy. Hiccup ! But I can't let you drink alone.

LIAR Lucas..that's for sure..just who does this grease ball think he is...NOW that he has "established his superiority" ! Only that he is now clearly the superior jerk, which is the absolute last thing Cuddy needs - is a sneaky stalker jerk.

This male pissing contest just reached a new level. Wilson indirectly and Lucas directly though..are really setting House up to be the hero. House so deserves to be the hero for how far he has come as a human being, for being the benevolent lovable jerk.

Also..a little male bonding theme doubled up tonight in the story line.
House/Wilson bond - stronger because of evil Lucas.
Foreman/Marcus bond - stronger because of benevolent House.

Wasn’t that a fairytale kiss tonight?
It sure seemed to me like Cuddy was kissing a horny toad...all I needed was a little magic dust..poof !..puff !..Lucas disappears & Prince House would suddenly be standing there. The writer’s must be having some laughs toying with our affections for these characters.
over a year ago bluehue said…
FYI: I read on interview with GY today...
He gave another one word hint at the seasons finale ep.
1st one word hint: "boom, smash, bang."
2nd one word hint: "crane-a-licious."
3rd sort of hint: 300 lb. chinese man crashing through our screens.
over a year ago Beatrix8520 said…
That kiss sucked! I have seen more fire in the Antartic XD Let's say it: Luddy is gonna be over soon XDDD Huddom come XDDDD
Besides House was so sweet the whole ep....I love his jerking manipulative self....and was he hotter than usual with that white shirt?? XDDD Lisa must be really pissed right now she can't actually enjoy all that awesomeness *wink,wink*
over a year ago bluehue said…
Right to all of the above..
Especially about hotty looking hotter than ever..would be so fine to see Cuddy wearing ONLY one of those white shirts of his..after their love making...

over a year ago LipschitzWrath said…
Oh now I've found where you gals are hanging out. I have to agree with you guys that it would be eff-ing hot if we had a scene in the near future where the ONLY thing that Cuddy is wearing is one of House's band graphic t-shirts! FTW!
over a year ago Beatrix8520 said…
First 4 minute of next ep on FP ! XDD Just posted the link!!! I am so exited!! Not merely as bad as we had thought! Gee they made us true chicken you know :DDDDD
over a year ago LipschitzWrath said…
OH WOW! WHAT A LOSER! You know, if someone told me that there was going to be a sex scene in a four minute sneak peek, I would think that it would take the whole 4 minutes. But not with Lucas! LOL!!!

But seriously, Cuddy needs a vacation. Seriously! Yes, her yoga is hot (and she is FLEXIBLE!), but that woman is stretched too thin. And she needs a man that can at least please her! I know a prickly diagnostician that might be able to help...

I love how Lucas is so confident when he is trying to convince her. "I'll have you on the road in 10 minutes..."

YEP! You sure will. Notice how he didn't say "I'll have you on the road AND SATISFIED in 10 minutes"??? He just thinks he is something special, huh??? God, I am having way too much fun with this!!!
over a year ago LipschitzWrath said…
Last thing, on a more serious note. Notice her extremely heavy sigh at the very end? I may be reading too much into this but I think it has something to do with Lucas asking "do what?" Like she is sighing because Lucas doesn't understand her...

After seeing that, I firmly believe it is only a matter of time now, Huddies...
over a year ago bluehue said…
I did not see the 4 minutes...but now I can't wait till next week.
It sounds like the day from HELL for poor Cuddy, left unsatisfied by her boy toy (batteries died), stressed out by a sick Rachel and frazzled by PPTH on verge of bankruptcy. Meanwhile, House is in his darkened office, half naked, candle light all aglow, pretty young thing massaging his shoulders...House looking as relaxed as a zen master....
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over a year ago LipschitzWrath said…
^^^^^LOL, Bluehue. When you say it like that...

The first four minutes are kind of what I expected. Cuddy is just going a million miles a minute, from the second she wakes up.
over a year ago Belle0308 said…
Ok, some things that all of you have already covered.
First...I was pissed at Lucas last night for injuring House...first with the handle, next with the tripping.
Hilson...they have the best facial expressions on the planet.
NEXT...mad at Lucas again for lying to Cuddy.

Seriously...two minutes??? Been married for 15 1/2 years and its never been that short. The first few minutes with Rachel being sick and trying to get ready that was soooooo familiar to me. I totally identified.

When she is talking to herself in the mirror and Lucas doesn't get it....hmmmmm...PERFECT!! GOD I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!

over a year ago Beatrix8520 said…
Now, guys let's speculating a little. I know we all prefer don't get your hopes up but still.....we have a spoiler we are keep ignoring. Ausiello said by the end of the ep Cuddy would share the bed with two people. Now, assuming he is not talking about Rachel, which would be a freaky discusting commennt if you ask me, and assuming she is enough pissed at Lucas for not being....ehm....a sharpshooter :p what do you think? Speculations! Go! You really think we could get some real Huddy, or it's too much for ask? Bear in mind they have timed it perfectly: I mean this is the last ep, before a month break (I won't be probabily able to cope, but I am enjoying the moment, so let's push it to the back of our geeky minds :P )
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over a year ago Beatrix8520 said…
Another little thought. Last ep was titled Moving the chains which is a slang for "doing some sort of baby steps in a relationship", isn't it? My guess is that this was related both to Foreman and his brother, Hilson and Huddy as well. I mean the very fact they both have finally stopped striking back at each other I think it is a good sign of a new course, hopefully a more mature one that will begin in a few.

Another consideration: it's true she stretches her hand looking for him when she wakes up, but it's also true she looks quite disappointed he is not there with her. As we have observed a thousands times Cuddy thought Lucas was the kind of guy she could count on. She has this delusional picture in her mind of what a little happy family should look like she can't get rid of. My guess is she is slowly realizing the perfect family picture is nothing but an illusion. Perfection doesn't exist and normality is overrated. Lucas can't be there for her as she hopes and he is not even the right guy she could rely on....nor the one she is in love with. She obviously feels no passion at all for him ...he is just a diversion and surely not a great performer.
over a year ago LipschitzWrath said…
No, moving the chains is football jargon. It means to gain a first down. Easy correlation since the patient was a football player.

However, a first down is kind of like "another chance" in football, so maybe that has something to do with it.

Agreed about not being the guy she can count on. He works wierd hours so counting on him is already bust. And now she can't even count on him to satisfy her. It just ain't working out with Lucas like she probably thought. Hopefully, they somehow work House in there this episode about being someone she can count on. Then we can slowly start changing the "L" in Luddy to an "H"!
over a year ago Beatrix8520 said…
Yeah but I read Barbara Barnett's review that says it also is a slang form...that's why I pick it up :)
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
Hey everyone! Nice to see you all back and speculating again! :D

I am SO excited for Mondays episode, but might hold out on watching the fuirst 4 minutes of the episode until Saturday or Sunday so that I dont distract myself from my work the rest of the week lol.

I am, however, happy to hear that the shower scene is at the beginning of the episode (which I remember us all hoping for) because that only means the Huddy stuff will be fresher in our minds.

I have also been absolutely LOVING the Hilson the past couple of episodes. With no Huddy at all (and Luddy blegh) I've been enjoying the humor that they've been having with House and Wilson and playing it up. And I loved "Moving the Chains," whichI can take pride in saying I guessed Lucas RIGHT AWAY. :p

I think that this upcoming episode, well I'm hoping, will finally get the Cuddy hate to simmer down. We finally get the chance to see what she goes through, what House does to her thinking and feelings, why she cares about Lucas, and maybe some of the reasoning behnd the decisions she makes. Cuddy has always been my favorite character and I'm so glad that the writers are choosing to do this.

I say on with the Huddy!!!! I can't believe we have 5 more days to make it through....

over a year ago bluehue said…
I'm waiting too HudJoy (Hi by the way!)...till Monday night even. Hard to resist, though I KINDA get the picture from all the buzz. I'm hoping that 5to9 will FINALLY give a fuller picture of Cuddy..I for one..need some of the blanks filled in for me (about what drives her). However, I don't think I would be easily convinced or understand why she cares about Lucas, even if he did something heroic like run into a house a fire to save Rachel.

I think we all agree that Luddy has been nothing but a strange sort of distraction..while House convinces us he is all better - worthy & ready for we can embrace them and believe it with our hearts and minds.

Lucas..even before this recent “vicious” rumor (ha!) about his “prowess,” was never “leading man” material. Please. I sort of wonder how the Luddy site fans are spinning this latest 2-minute man heads up..(Ugh...bad choice of words again!). I just may have to venture over there and take a peek today. are good to remind us of Cuddy’s desires to complete her picture of motherhood with a perfect family to match, that’s the only thing I can think of for latching on to Lucas...that and House’s comment about her mid-life crisis..and now
that goes down the drain in the shower scene..ha.

I have one speculation, nagging WHAT IF ?
Guys, just follow me for a moment, what if House - without Wilson’s knowledge, or Wilson without House’s knowledge OR “Team Hilson” somehow drugged Lucas’s water supply or something. I’m saying..if there is a pill to get it up, then there must be a pill to bring it down. you think it is possible, that after this disaster in the shower...House somehow swoops in, gets the girl...(I’m leaving out the Huddy passion for now)...then the last scene of the ep...we see some visual evidence as to the prank against Lucas...and then we see House OR Wilson’s face with a knowing smile of victory (retaliation)...and Lucas can’t do a damn thing about it...because by will be too late to save Luddy. He will have been served, game-set-match...just what he deserves too for messing with two Doctors, one a genius for god's sake...and for monkey boy claiming his “superiority.”
The reason this thought occurred to because this would leave Michael Weston with a career...or he will forever be known as the two minute guy who couldn't pleasure Cuddy.

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over a year ago LipschitzWrath said…
@Bluehue, it sounds like you are trying to avoid seeing watching the 4 minute preview, so I'll try to help you out without giving too much away.

Your theory about the "drugged water supply" has a fundamental flaw to it that makes it impossible to apply to the situation we are talking about. I won't tell you why, but suffice it to say that when you watch next Monday's episode, it will be immediately clear to you why this situation is impossible.

As far as the rest of the situation you described, I suppose there is opportunity for that to play out (bear in mind I am going off of all of 4 minutes here). Cuddy DEFINITELY seems frustrated after their "encounter" (she's even openly vocal about it). Furthermore, the last few seconds of the scene somewhat allude to the fact that maybe Lucas doesn't know Cuddy as well as she initially thought. For that matter, it casts an entire shadow of doubt over the Luddy relationship on just how serious they are. It's almost as if Cuddy hasn't allowed the relationship to root as deeply as you would think it might have after so long.

SOOOO, your speculation may be at least partially correct. There is certainly an opening in this for House to really look like a bad@$$ (in comparison to Lucas) this episode. The other wild card here is that spoiler that says Cuddy will be sharing her bed with two people. Now I can tell you from the first four mins that Lucas is definitely one of them. But who is the other? I know we've been pretty much excluding House from that as it would be too big a surprise, but I am starting to rethink that after seeing Cuddy after her Lucas "letdown". She was VVVEEERRRYYY frustrated! Frustrated enough to get down and dirty with House? Who knows...

Bluehue, it'd be nice to have your interpretive skills on this one as we dissect it, but I understand and respect your desire to wait until Monday. All I can say is that you better make up for it Monday night and Tuesday because something tells me we are going to have a LOT to discuss...
over a year ago bluehue said…
I like what you are saying LW, so I'll slow down my silly "X-File" conspiracy theory..and trust that it may become demonstratively clear that these two don't much belong together, and we'll see Cuddy thinking.."What was I thinking?!"

Oh yes...we'll definately have to round up "the usual suspects" for discussions come Monday-Tuesday. Thanks. XO
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over a year ago Beatrix8520 said…
I totally agree with LipschitzWrath as far as Luddy relationship is concerned. They are not so serious as they seem and I think Cuddy has still many secrets for him. He doesn't know her as well as he thinks, maybe he can sometimes figures her out but the deepest corners of her soul....she keeps away from him. House on the other hand, is not only able to figure her out...he feels her. Like she feels him.
I find it interesting that everytime Lucas brings House up again she shush him right away or avoids his questions: first time when she was pacing in front of the couch and she just replied a brief "I ma sorry, you're right"...I mean you don't waste such a few words for your boyfriend if there's really nothing going on between you and the other person. Second time, last ep when Lucas was asking her why she keeps judging Hilson her friends and she just gave him the saddest peck ever. So much for a passionate relationship. And third time thes 4 minutes...when the cell rang...I am not gonna say more because BH wants to stay spoiler-free but we all know what I am refering to ;) She is seriously on denial. The woman has more problems than dear House right now. Poor Hugh.....and he is so fucking hot this season....and poor Lisa who can't "enjoy" on set his awesomeness XDD
over a year ago bluehue said…
Bea...noooo, I'm only visually spoiler-free. I don't mind anything written at all. I just want my "eyes" to be surprised.

We could place our bets as to who we think the 2nd person is to share Cuddy's bed:
Bluehue says Cuddy shares bed with HOUSE ! ! !

Only I'm thinking Cuddy is so exhausted by 5to9, she falls to sleep in House's arms, "this time"...romantic still.
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over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
Well we also have to remember: Lucas said something to her at the end of Moving the Chains to the extent of her relationship with House. He HAS TO KNOW that Cuddy has feelings for House. Even the doctors notice it Stacy noticed it in season 2 for crying out loud! I think that he is using this leverage as a last resort to keep House away. If this doesnt work i think that Luddy will collapse.

I also agree that this episode will be the beginning of the end of Luddy. From what everyones saying about the first 4 minutes (which i will be watching this weekend! :D) it seems like Cuddy is dissatisfied with him which confirms for me the suspicion that she is settling for Lucas in order to get security, happiness for Rachel, and that "nuclear family" which is all that she feels she's missing in life now.

I also agree with Lipschwitz :)

And my vote for the "other person" is House. My idea is not to actually have him there in the flesh but I think maybe it will be Cuddy imagining him there kind of like a hallucination or something? That way, he is "there" in the bed with her, the writers can let them grow more before a relationship, AND we finally get confirmation about her feelings. A triple bonus.

Bluehue, your idea is also AMAZING. House taking care of her the way she took care of him. Very sweet and I think that that would work perfectly as well :)
over a year ago LipschitzWrath said…
Oooohhhh, so I guess I have to tender my guess then. My vote goes for.....


I know, it sucks, but I think that is the smallest stretch for them to pull off in 40 minutes.

I like your guys' ideas about House being there, whether it be ther physically or mentally. I guess if I got what I really wanted, it would be the scenario that BH made up. I think that would be very touching.

And I guess my new name is Lipschwitz...
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
Oops! I made a typo sorry! lol.
over a year ago LipschitzWrath said…
No problem. I don't really mind it other than it sounds like the location of a WWII Nazi Concentration Camp...
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over a year ago Belle0308 said…
big smile
Lounge patrons…good to see you all here.
; )
Feel free to grab a glass of your favorite beverage and join in!! Look at you all posting like crazy, I LOVE IT!
I Soooo…didn’t like House getting injured twice. Lucas ticked me off with that. I have been tolerant of him because I thought he was kind of funny last season, but now…not so happy with him AT ALL.
I LOVE the Hilson…in fact as I am writing this I just read that …

(do NOT read now if you don’t want to know this)
That Wilson will be having his first wife return this April and for several episodes at least. Can be good and bad. I would be happy for Wilson to be happy, but I doubt that House and Wilson would be happy at the same time. Eventually, Wilson would have to take ex-wife/girlfriend over House. Could be good IF that forced House to be with Cuddy more…but…..who knows what is going to happen there.


@BH …” It sure seemed to me like Cuddy was kissing a horny toad...all I needed was a little magic dust..poof !.”….I am ROLLING over here…perfect description.

@Bea “That kiss sucked! I have seen more fire in the Antartic XD Let's say it: Luddy is gonna be over soon XDDD Huddom come XDDDD
Besides House was so sweet the whole ep....I love his jerking manipulative self....and was he hotter than usual with that white shirt?? XDDD Lisa must be really pissed right now she can't actually enjoy all that awesomeness *wink,wink*”

YES TO ALL OF THAT!! I totally agree.

@LW “Oh now I've found where you gals are hanging out. I have to agree with you guys that it would be eff-ing hot if we had a scene in the near future where the ONLY thing that Cuddy is wearing is one of House's band graphic t-shirts! FTW!”

Again…total agreement with you. I would welcome that scene VERY MUCH!

@LW again…
“Last thing, on a more serious note. Notice her extremely heavy sigh at the very end? I may be reading too much into this but I think it has something to do with Lucas asking "do what?" Like she is sighing because Lucas doesn't understand her...”

I thought the same thing. He shouldn’t have to ask if he knew her and how driven she was.

I originally thought the same thing about the “third” person that it would be House in a daydream, like “I am thinking about him while I am with you” type of way. HJ mentions this too and I have to say that while I have flipped flop with the idea for a while, I am going to hold out some hope until the end of the episode. If they did show that, how rockin would that be?

As to the conspiracy theory…here we go again…

(do not read if you don’t want to know this)
I also read that the quickie before work was a bet between House and Lucas. If you noticed, House was calling while the 2 minutes of horror was happening and she wouldn’t answer. I am guessing that he was trying to make sure it didn’t happen so he would win the bet. This tells me that at some point, Cuddy might find out that was a bet and it might make her upset OR…she might tell House that it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be if she is mad enough….hmmmm…could be a lot of things.


Also, I agree with Bea that it is interesting that House is always in the Luddy discussions, whether he realizes it or not. I would imagine this will eventually cause stress on things, if the whole 2 minute thing doesn’t take care of that in the first place. ; )

Sorry for the intense rambling today. I had a lot of catching up to do!

A round on the House! hehehehe.

over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
Hey Belle nice to hear from you again! :D Hope everything has been going well!!

I'm gonna reply to your ****SPOILER ALERT******
I think that they might be bringing back Wilson's ex wife in order to give Hilson more problems. I'm gonna say this as a hunch, but I dont think that Huddy will be an item by the end of the season. Something is going to happen again which stalls things longer, and then you got Wilson going back to (maybe?) date his wife. And then house is alone again.
I see this causing one of 2 things to happen. A) We get a terrible House who tries to go back to Cuddy for comfort and they for whatever reason can't work it out. B) He finds a girlfriend, Lydia comes back or something which then turns the tables and puts Cuddy into House's position. This I think is the likelier option and would let us see some more jealous Cuddy...

Ok if that quickie is a bet between House and Lucas that is NOT going to end well. I see this episode as Cuddy finding out at the end either that Hilson grabbed the apartment from under her nose, or that there was this bet going on or both. I therefore see this as a complete breakdown on Cuddy's part which, again, can go 3 ways: A) she starts sobbing hysterically B) she starts screaming angrily or C) both of the above. And I opt for C.

*******END SPOILERS*******

Hmmm....lipschitzwrath your name is just so i try and type it as fast as i do other words and have to slow down. Is there maybe a nickname we can call you so that I dont keep accidentally making you sound German? ;)

I'm also looking forward to this thing in the car...this episode has so many possibilites and could go in so many awesome different ways. I think this thread is the only thing keeping me from going nuts until then!!!

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over a year ago Beatrix8520 said…
big smile
I like BH's idea! It would be so sweet and much more interesting than the dream/allucination thing which sounds, allow me, quite trite as a Hausian deviceit. Anyway the only thing I hope for it's getting some Huddy real intimate moment you know...the scene in the car for example could lead to sth interesting :) I really can't wait for this ep....and I so much hope the other person is House. We deserve something better than a dream or same familiar scene with Rachel, don't we? I am hanging onto my favorite Ausiello's spoiler "there's good news ahead. And that's all you'll get from me" XD
over a year ago Belle0308 said…
"Ok if that quickie is a bet between House and Lucas that is NOT going to end well. I see this episode as Cuddy finding out at the end either that Hilson grabbed the apartment from under her nose, or that there was this bet going on or both. I therefore see this as a complete breakdown on Cuddy's part which, again, can go 3 ways: A) she starts sobbing hysterically B) she starts screaming angrily or C) both of the above. And I opt for C."

She already knows they took they bought the house out from under her. Remember last episode when she tells Lucas, "it's only a house" but he told Hilson that she doesn't know and made them feel guilty. So I don't think she is going to be mad over that, but maybe the bet.

Again, I am not hoping for too much so that anything good seems like a big prize ; )
over a year ago LipschitzWrath said…
@HJ, you can refer to me as "LW" as most people do here, or another one I get a lot is "Lips" (my last name is Lipka).

Yes, to reiterate what Belle said, Cuddy ALREADY knows that Hilson took the condo. And that's what is making a lot of people mad at Lucas. He is playing both sides. He is preventing Hilson from retaliating at him by saying that he will squeal to Cuddy that they took the condo. House doesn't want that to happen b/c he doesn't want to hurt Cuddy.

BUT, Cuddy already knows, so Lucas is lying to Hilson. However, Lucas is ALSO lying to Cuddy, b/c Cuddy doesn't know that Lucas has been pranking Hilson for taking their condo. She thinks someone else is pranking them b/c Lucas lied to her and told her that he hasn't.

In recap:

1.) Cuddy knows that Hilson bought the condo
2.) Hilson doesn't know about 1.)
3.) House won't retaliate against Lucas because of 2.)
4.) Lucas is the "Hilson Prankster"
5.) Cuddy doesn't know about 4.)
6.) Cuddy asked Lucas if he was 4.) and he lied
7.) Lucas is lying to both sides to keep all of the above going

Which is fine with me. Yeah, it's frustrating, but I think we all knows what happens in the end when someone weaves a web of lies. He'll get what is coming to him...

Now, about the bet. I don't believe this "spoiler" for a couple reasons.

A.) I don't believe that (at this point) House would start a bet with Lucas that involved Lucas having sex with Cuddy. House wants Cuddy to himself, so why would he bet on them having sex???

B.) I don't think House and Lucas are on very friendly terms at all right now. I mean, did you see the look on House's face after Lucas tripped him last epi? I really thought he was going to beat Lucas over the head with his cane! And, if they aren't on friendly terms, I doubt they are making bets with each other.

C.) I guess this relates to both A.) and B.), but even if House and Lucas were making bets with each other, I doubt they would use Cuddy as the object of those bets. Lucas knows that House wants Cuddy and House doesn't want Lucas to have Cuddy. Thus, I doubt that either one would voluntarily involve Cuddy in a situation that would involve the other one.
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over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…

Wow. I dont remember her saying that at all....I must have missed it lol. I wish i could watch that one over But yes this does indeed make things much worse for Lucas because he is, as LW put it, "weaving a web of lies" which means he will eventually get caught.

I still stand, however, on feeling that some form of a breakdown on Cuddy's part is going to occur. From the previews it looks like she's going to have one of the roughest days ever and something is probably going to snap her completely at some point. What I'm hoping is that she will find out about what Lucas has been doing, or maybe House can finally say something? I dont know...

I also realized something about "Moving the Chains." You all established that it had to do with football because the POTW was a football player. But it also made me think of the chain of command. When it comes to House, it is ALL about the chain of command. He prides himself in being in charge and being "on top." Remember, he was seen as the "alpha" by the patient in Mirror, Mirror when it came to him and Cuddy. The patient himself said "It's all about Cuddy." So in this past episode, House gets his superiority snatched out from underneath him. Not only did Lucas make him began doubting his team, but he also snatched the position of alpha from right underneath him. House is no longer the alpha of Cuddy and someone finally has something over him. I'm thinking that this will begin a shift in the storyline because its going to force House to have to be more humble. Now he is making the choice to surrender his "alpha" position FOR Cuddy. So the chain of commmand was moved.

Anyways, I really liked LW's listing of what everyone knows and doesnt know. It really shows the complexity of these 2 simple lies that Lucas has told. This not only makes me question Lucas' intentions (is he REALLY doing this to make House just back off? Or does he want to mess with House purely to mess with him? Both?) and i think that this lies at the base of the problem. Lucas is attempting to blackmail Hilson while at the same time, keep Cuddy in the "unknown." She doesnt know anything that is going on and,knowing Cuddy, that would piss her off like no other. So.....this can only end badly and only end soon.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago bluehue said…
Interesting to hear about Wilson’s ex. I was thinking he would be seeing Nora again, considering Nora has been “House-broken” to some extent....and would know what she’s getting into with Hilson. Just so Wilson is no April fool again with his love interest...or he gives his condo over to House & Cuddy..and moves in with ex.

Belle..I hope House didn’t make a bet with Lucas about Cuddy sex, oh boy..that news would make Cuddy’s hair stand on end or as you & HudJoy rightly suggested for her 1-2-3 breakdown, sobs and screams...I may add the sound of cups and plates breaking. Or..then again (RIGHT HudJoy)..IF Lucas did his 2-min. thing to “win a bet”...that would show her what a selfish jerk he really is, that he didn’t “do it” for her, but to hold over House. I’d be pissed (at the one who did the deed under false pretenses) ggrrrr.

I’m still mad too Belle, that Lucas hurted our Housey. Gross negligence & criminal, only it backfired tho, ‘cause he only succeeded in bonding Hilson against him, big time - & now Cuddy MUST be saved at all costs from the clutches of this weirdo.

Hope you are right Bea, about “good news ahead.” I’ll circle that thought in red.
I wonder too about the car scene...looks like House is there as a friend in need.
Maybe that is some kind of turning point. She realizes she needs him to make the right decision...about herself or the hospital...cause she’s stretched and stressed to the max and isn’t thinking straight herself.

Yes, thx for your recap..there LW...I guess I did NOT realize that Lucas lied to Cuddy about the pranking too...Ugh ! ! He’s goin’ down in flames....I hope, and not the whimper you suggested a few days ago...that he kind of just peters out....(Ok..well, I guess he does do that). I hope you are right about that “bet,” unless House knows something..we don’t, hint hint. Ok..yikes, no more conspiracy talk. Yeah, & just where would House run into Lucas to make such a bet anyway...hmmmm.?

(Oh, BTW, over at Luddy site.."5-2-9" preview talk..are just "grateful" for the precious 2 minutes of Luddy..haaaa - good for a chuckle).
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LipschitzWrath said…
I was wondering how the Luddy 'shippers were taking the news. Those people intrigue me. I mean, how can you ship a couple that you KNOW isn't going to go long term??? Seriously. I mean, the writers were very forthcoming about that fact that Luddy WAS going to end, they just haven't been forthcoming about WHEN...

If Cuddy is going to have a breakdown, I think there's a good chance it is going to be next week's episode. She looks stressed in every promo, photo, and sneak peek. Someone said a day or two ago that what they thought was going to happen was Cuddy was gonna get pushed to the point that she tries to flee Princeton. House is wise and catches her in her car before she can leave. This would explain how House and Cuddy wind up in the car together.

God, there is just so much in the air and so much hinging on the episode!!! I really hope they actually address some of it and not just ignore it!
over a year ago huddyislove said…
big smile
OMG you guys are able to TYPE just so MUCH in one comment O________o

I'm here to support this lounge, and bring VODKA!
over a year ago bluehue said…
Look have entered the underworld here at FanPop..the Huddy Lounge...I'm sure Belle will appreciate your support & vodka donation.

Soon, we hope, our favorite drink here will be: 1 part Cuddy, 1 part House & 1 part champagne!
Until's just cheers to "Luddy on the Rocks!"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Belle0308 said…
I missed some things…
@Bea…I kind of have been ignoring that spoiler lately and I am not sure why. I don’t know if it is because I think it might not be anything or what?? He gave it to us a while back and I just don’t know what to make of it. Originally I thought she might be thinking about House while physically being with Lucas. Then I thought it might be Rachel…not I don’t know. Maybe he meant the phone ringing and it being House on the phone…(???) Guess it won’t be long until we know for sure.

“My guess is she is slowly realizing the perfect family picture is nothing but an illusion. Perfection doesn't exist and normality is overrated. Lucas can't be there for her as she hopes and he is not even the right guy she could rely on....nor the one she is in love with. She obviously feels no passion at all for him ...he is just a diversion and surely not a great performer.” ….I agree with this. She is going to realize some things as we all do with time. Sometimes things look one way when you are on one side of the fence and another way on the other side. What she thinks she wants might not be all it is cracked up to be after she gets it….right?

@LW Thank you for the recap, that was perfect!

The bet thing was a spoiler I read and I didn’t think anything of it until the phone was going off and it was him. When does he ever get to work before Cuddy? I guess we will see. I agree though that I don’t think that he and Lucas are really friendly right now. I would have loved to see House clock him one…hahahaha.

@HuddyJoy Your point on Lucas being the alpha is very interesting. Since you used “Mirror, Mirror” then remember that Wilson was the alpha over House…hmmmm…Not sure if that will mean anything or not.

BTW…my sister seems to think that Cuddy does know that Lucas played these pranks on Hilson. That is her take and maybe she is right.

@bluehue.. “I’m still mad too Belle, that Lucas hurted our Housey. Gross negligence & criminal, only it backfired tho, ‘cause he only succeeded in bonding Hilson against him, big time - & now Cuddy MUST be saved at all costs from the clutches of this weirdo.”

I now agree, even though I am still not overly threatened by Lucas because frankly…he just isn’t House (and who is).

Color me surprised, I didn’t realize that there really was a Luddy site…funny!

Hilly!!! Welcome!! Thanks for the vodka donation…MUCH appreciated Sweetie!

I love the drink suggestion btw….so be it. The Huddy special:
1 pt Cuddy
1 pt House
1 pt champagne for sparkle…

Huddy thought for the day:
House knows far more about Cuddy’s world at work than Lucas does.
over a year ago bluehue said…
Glad you like the drink Belle..I was thinking "celebratory." I like is bubble over with happiness...oh what am I's D.Shore after all we are..counting on? Probably way too early to feel cheerful, and I better lower my expectations right now.

One image that popped in my head (while walking my golden retriever earlier)...was the pre-kiss moment in "Joy," when Cuddy asked.."Why must you negate everything I do"? House of course said, "I don't know." (Way to give it up House). Well, maybe in this next pre-Huddy moment, he will be able to say something much more meaningful..than I don't know. I'm at least counting on that.
In fact, he show her how much he does indeed know Cuddy..knows her world and her heart.

Only other thing..was that TV preview...that ominous, scary looking woman or employee that is telling Cuddy she stole drugs...and could bring the hospital down. I'm wondering if House comes into play there he knows about drug-seeking behavior. I guess Monday will be here soon enough.

over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
surprise's Friday and I watched the first 4 minutes of "5 to 9" and have to say that that was almost too much Luddy for me to handle. He OBVIOUSLY can not please her....

Anyways....I like BH's idea about House helping out with the drug-seeking woman. I've been trying to figure out how Cuddy can get through everything that is being thrown into this episode and House is going to have to help out somewhere!

I also liked having Rachel back in this episode ;) I wish that they would put her into the storyline more...I would really like House interacting with Rachel. I feel like that would completely change Cuddy's attitude. If she saw House interacting as well with Rachel as Lucas does, then maybe she would finally have an epiphany.

By the way, where was Lucas during that time in the morning when she was trying to get ready and Rachel was sick? Was he out at work...? I dont know but I didnt like the fact that Cuddy was having to get ready and take care of Rachel without Lucas' help which is what he's supposed to be there for...? Right?

The original spoiler that said 2 people would be in bed with Cuddy. Well Rachel wasnt she was in the shower with her because she was sick and there was no shower sex which I was under the impression was going to happen. So it might be possible that the 2 people in bed with Cuddy is wrong too (which i think you mentioned Belle). I'm wondering if it will turn out way different than we thought? Maybe the House thing will come in a different form than we were thinking? I'm just really trying not to get my hopes up too much for any serious Huddiness because they may put only subtle things in this episode...:/
****End Spoilers****

over a year ago mysuspicionis said…
Hi, the Pre-kiss Joy episode comment reminded me of something I discovered a few months ago that I was excited about. House is logical, analytical, and rarely indulges emotion over reason. In One Day One Room he opens up to the rape victim. He helps her, shares his childhood abuse, and cares for her. At the end of the episode his is angry that although he helped her she will always have this pain and so he says "all we've really done is to make a girl cry". When Cuddy and Wilson say then why?...(did you help her) he replies with a phrase that shows emotion above reason "because..I don't know!" I thought of this in Joy and then one day I saw written by David Shore on the credits! David Shore also wrote One Day One Room. In both episodes House whom David
Shore created and who we always think wants the character to end up miserable has House care about someone because "I don't know"! I also wanted to say that the two person thing Bh was talking about with Cuddy falling asleep beside House would be beyond sweet. Aww
over a year ago ohhmanhouse said…
You guys have all really good points. Lips you say what i think all the time. I kinda feel like that isnt the only luddy interactiom because MW had an interview saying it was awkward standing in front of the camera he being i think there is more of that coming since cuddy also says "it can wait." house is gonna be there as a friend not anything more because it has said in the spoilers there isnt physical contact. Spoilers have been wrong...i could be wrong. But sadly i think im right with the luddy part. I may just be in a pesimistic mood because of the lack of huddy
over a year ago huddyislove said…
*is drinking her vodka*
I feel no need to discuss Huddy right now :P XD

Anyone wants some? *offers more vodka*
over a year ago LipschitzWrath said…
Yeah I think we've thoroughly analyzed this upcoming episode. All that's left is to watch it and see how our theories play out. I assume we'll all be back here tearing the episode down after we see the epi. Plus, we have a break before the next episode (LAME!) so we'll have plenty of time.

I am just getting ready to watch the Super Bowl. I wonder if that had anything to do with why last week's episode was about football???

Wasn't it Season 4 where they aired an episode of House right after the Super Bowl??? Yeah, 4x11 "Frozen" that episode had 29 million viewers and only two tv programs have ever had more people watching them - the Super Bowl itself, and the Super Bowl Post-Game Show...
over a year ago Belle0308 said…
Hello all!
My brain is a little spent today. Actually, all of me is a little spent. Been busy over on twitter today helping to make Cuddy5to9 a trending topic.
Hilly, thanks for the vodka, I could use some.
LW/Lips (not sure which one I am going to stick with yet)
What you said was great. We will tear into the episode and probably squeeze every little ounce of Huddy out into the open for examination, glory and possible upcoming scenarios.
Long live the Huddy!

over a year ago Beatrix8520 said…
big smile
Cheers ladies!
over a year ago bluehue said…
Thought the same thing LW, about football POW matching up with the Super Duper Bowl. Doubly so, with all the news this year about head injuries & alzheimers in players too young, etc. BTW, I HATED that scene, could NOT watch when player smashed helmet against head..very bad.

Started watching big game at half and got sucked in after the onside. I was rooting for the city of New Orleans mainly..but the Saints took the most chances for the win. Oh oh..probably shouldn't mix sports chatter with Huddy matters..but then this is the Lounge afterall.

Nice to see a few new commentors with such interesting points too!
Yea cheers for Cuddy's 5to9 & hopeness for a better Huddy! Join you guys later later for our slice & dice on ice (with vodka..or something).
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LipschitzWrath said…
Wow, didn't realize that anyone else here followed the football scene. Also, I must say BH, I'm impressed that you also noticed the emphasis that the NFL has been putting on head injuries/concussions this year. And then we have a House episode before the Super Bowl about a football player with a head injury? Hmmmm....

Game was awesome. That onside kick was incredible. Colts had no idea it was coming. Player #85 for the Colts gets "Douchebag of the Game" award for his feeble attempt at recovering the onside kick for letting it bounce off his facemask and into the arms of a Saint. Peyton choked in the 4th or the Colts had a shot. 2 interceptions when the game's on the line?

Super excited for the episode tonight. Have no idea what t expect as there has been a TON of spoilers/sneak peaks/promos/discussion. A lot of it has been vague/conflicting, too. Hard to imagine what exactly we are gonna see. Something I read over at SpoilerTV was rather grimm, but unfortunately, it's probably the safest thing to bet on:

Some kid asked about Huddy in tonight's episode and the response was something along the lines of "Don't expect anything too much, but there will be some good material." Something about "the ice age will begin to thaw, but still expect to see massive ice floes."


I guess ANYTHING is better than what we have now. Is it just me or does it seem like they are really taking their sweet-ass time playing with this whole Huddy/Luddy thing??? I mean, think of any other "arc" in the history of House and I don't think any of them have ever even come CLOSE to taking as long as this one has. Tritter, Stacy (or should I say Hacy), Chameron, House's Medical License, I could go on and on and on....

It seems like no arc has ever taken the amount of time to resolve/reach conclusion as this Luddy/Huddy triangle is taking. I dunno if we should be taking it as a good or bad sign, but what I do know is that it is FRUSTRATING to watch! I think that is a problem with having a popular niche fanbase like Huddy. The writers/directors/producers know that people will want to see the subject broached, so they toy with it to get people to watch.

over a year ago Belle0308 said…
(do not read if you don’t want to know this)
I also read that the quickie before work was a bet between House and Lucas. If you noticed, House was calling while the 2 minutes of horror was happening and she wouldn’t answer. I am guessing that he was trying to make sure it didn’t happen so he would win the bet. This tells me that at some point, Cuddy might find out that was a bet and it might make her upset OR…she might tell House that it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be if she is mad enough….hmmmm…could be a lot of things.


I totally understand what House did, but Lucas....what an ass...
over a year ago Belle0308 said…
Hey everyone!!

Ok, so here is my discussion on "5to9"

SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
; )
Lucas & House bet on sex. Lucas...COME ON! Ok, so House and he are hanging out. House apparently thought he could distract Cuddy more than Lucas. Too bad she didn't tell him how lame that encounter was.
Cuddy taking on the insurance company...YOU GO GIRL!! That was outstanding! I was worried for a while, but she totally pulled it off. sad was that? Poor little sick baby.
That drug bitch....HAHAHAHAHAHA! Cuddy beat your arse!
The fight with the ducklings...HAHAHAHA! I loved it!

The really important thing...HUDDY!
I don't know about anything else but, I felt the heat!! How sweet was he to her? At the end when she was announcing that she got the deal...the look in his awesome was that?

Lisa E was OUTSTANDING!!! Great writing, great directing, excellent acting...I am happy ; )
over a year ago Edithuddy said…
I agree Belle!

I was waiting for this episode since the day I became a House fan and of course it didn't let me down tonight!

The principal and most important thing:

On the other hand. Cuddy is the smartest woman on earth XDD
house's face in the last minute when she announces that she could get the 12% was priceless, something like "that's my girl"

The fight was totally LOL!!!

And of course tht "this place needs you" was beautiful. They are the real ship(per) in this show! No matter how Lucas or Lydias we'll have to deal with... these guys rock!

5to9... yeah! one of the best episodes of House =)

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Belle0308 said…
AMEN SISTER!! I agree 100%. If nothing else, it should be proof that Lisa could carry a bigger load on this show. I am not sure I will be happy just seeing her in and out of the scenes all the time again.