Huddy The Rest of Season 6

Mrs_House posted on Apr 13, 2010 at 03:17PM
this is the information of the episodes that i got off wiki on what is instore for the rest of season 6.

Knight's Fall- When forced to do House's laundry for a month after losing a bet, Wilson finds an empty bottle of Vicodin in House's pocket.

Open and Shut- House and the team treat a woman in an open marriage.

The Choice- House must make a decision between his own needs and his desire for a relationship with Cuddy. And during a raucous boys’ night out, House, Chase and Foreman visit a karaoke bar and perform a Gladys Knight & The Pips classic.


Help Me-

i thought it would be a good place to discuss what we want and hope to happen in the rest of the season. if any one has any other info on the episodes then please comment.

Huddy 43 replies

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over a year ago playingcold said…
OK, I'm here!
over a year ago Mrs_House said…
thats good to know
it was Foremans file that Taub sheddered a piece of paper out of.
over a year ago playingcold said…
Yep, it was. I already told @bluehue :) You know, I'm disappointed with this episode. I know I'm kinda alone with this opinion (as I saw other comments and a pick at the House-forum). I loved Hugh's directing but I think I was waiting something else from the script :( Oh, well, I hope I'll like "Knight Fall" much much better (despite the 13-arc - sorry, 13-likers!)...
over a year ago Mrs_House said…
so what do people think of knight's fall and the possiblity of House on the empty bottle of vicodin? he seemed to be in more pain that the previous episodes in lockdown the patient even asked him if he wanted the morfine. so is it just and empty vicodine bottle or is there more to it?
over a year ago Mrs_House said…
i liked lockdown overall but i think i was expecting something more. im not sure what but there was so much hype that i thourght there would be something major discovered. i think it was well directed by Hugh.
over a year ago Beatrix8520 said…
I hope they will be back on track soon enough....this ep really let me down....I agree with you Mrs_House...I was DEFINETELY expecting so much more than that!

DAMN IT! I never learn! Do not let my hopes up for God's sake! Is it so difficult??

As you can see @PC you're not alone in this waste land of tears =(
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Mrs_House said…
i know i get my hopes up sometimes a bit too much. however most of the time they excede expectations this wasn't one of those times but it wasn't a bad ep, i think it was missing something to make it spectacular. oh well, im looking forward to the next few eps lets hope it gets back on track like you said Beatrix8520.
over a year ago LizzieE01 said…
Huddies: Thanks for saying what I have felt since last night - I thought I was hallucinating after reading the lovefest on the House forum. I get that it was a filler episode but it was so predictable. Were you surprised that Cuddy found the infant? Were you surprised that Wilson called his ex? Were you surprised that Taub destroyed Forman's file paper? The only surprise was the Lydia reference (and I thought that only the soaps moved at a snail's pace) and the complete lack of Huddy. I guess I'm worried about the show's focus. Is it becoming a little too self-indulgent? There is an American expression regarding shows that have lost their focus so I'll pose it here - has House "jumped the shark?"
over a year ago Beatrix8520 said…
Call me Bea Mrs.H. ;) And yes, sth was missing....the House spirit perhaps? :|
over a year ago Mrs_House said…
defently. so what do we want for the next ep? more huddy? more jokes? more something that makes House unique. we know that house is going to crash wilson's date with his ex-wife which should bring pleanty of laughs and the usual House will also give us an idea of how House will react to be the only one of out of him,wilson and cuddy who isn't dateing anyone and might make him feel lonely, which might be the reason for the vicodin. im not sure whether there will be huddy but i hope so because im starting to detox from the lack of it. i'm not a major fan of 13 but it seems to have alot of her.
over a year ago Beatrix8520 said…
I am not ready to dream "out loud" Mrs.H. but read this if you want link
I pretty much agree with everything except the Huddy part :P
over a year ago Mrs_House said…
i agree with that link as well Bea apart from the huddy.
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
Hi everyone! :)

So from the last forum topic into now, I've been pretty much on the same page as all of you. I had issues with the episode and I liked parts of it too...overall: I liked it. It was funny and had some good parts. But it just lacked that depth that I was hoping it would have.

@PC I really like your analysis on the whole reason Huddy wasn't mentioned. I was watching the episode and just kind of confused and turned to my friends (who i was watching it with) and was like "No Huddy?! What?!" It bothered me the whole episode but then what you said makes a LOT of sense.

I think that House isn't ready to admit his feelings for Cuddy because of how vulnerable it would make him. And looking at what episode 20 is called and is going to be about lets us know that House is going to have to eventually pick.

And the title of the last episode this season??? Yikes. That kind of scares me. It's not even cryptic. I think some serious s*** is going to go down and I sure as heck hopes it brings House and Cuddy together as opposed to apart.

I think at this point we need to be as realistic and grounded as possible. As you said Bea, at this point getting our hopes up is not going to help because the way things are going, Huddy is much farther into the future than we originally thought. I think that if we look at the episodes from now on as a growing process for both House and Cuddy, and so when the inevitable Huddy does happen, we will see the big picture and be more proud of them because of it :)
over a year ago Beatrix8520 said…
I lack or perspective right now HuddyJoy...I am just...I guess I am just bewildered by this not-so-Housian ep....

I like it, don't get me wrong, but I do not usually just LIKE House...I USED TO LOVE IT! And as the end of the season gets nearer and nearer I expect something more...

I mean, I was just saying to BlueHue I feel stuck in the some Huddy limbo right now. Where are we? What the hell is happening? Is somthing really happening?
We are stuck ok, but where? I can't see the storyline you know...just a bunch of eps, not as brilliant as they used to be and frankly I am sick of the fact they don't have the guts to face the issues THEY have brought to light!

I mean, you can't adress Huddy, House's addiction, Amber's death..then sent him to a psychiatric hospital, let him get better...let him hit on Cuddy, dance with her....let him know about Lucas....try to screw up with them, then went back to Hilson, then just to Wilson, then again to Lucas screwing up with Hilson, then to Cuddy vs Lucas and House and just drop it down....

THEY are the ones who have made Huddy become an issue last year. We were cool with the way things used to be then. Now? I don't know were we are anymore. But this is not the House I used to love =,(

Where are the clinic patients? And the interesting medical cases? Where's the damn board? And the funny jokes? Where's the banter? And the sexual tension? I'd rather come back to season 3 than to this kind of eps...

I had been having faith for months. I used to think they were getting there...that they would make it up to the fact they have drop Huddy just because they had to prolong it further...and till some point it did make sense, but now...I am really disappointed I am sorry =(

Sorry if this let sb down, matter of opinion of course, but...I can't see the big picture right now. This was a filler didn't reveal anything at all.

Tell you a secret: I could barely stand Cuddy motherly side showed up once more during the ep....what's wrong with me? I am even pissed at Lisa's character now...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago playingcold said…
"so what do we want for the next ep? more huddy? more jokes? more something that makes House unique. ... i'm not a major fan of 13 but it seems to have alot of her."
I want more Huddy. I don't need more jokes but something (which I can't define, wish I could) that makes House unique. I agree that Lockdown was a unique episode but not why I like House.

Thank you! I'm glad I helped to understand the scene :) I don't know if it is true but this way House's answer makes more sense. At least for a hopeless Huddy ;)

"I get that it was a filler episode but it was so predictable."
I agree with you. And in an article they mentioned that the scene where Cuddy was bonding with the baby was too long. I agree. It was like the baby was Cuddy's daughter... That's one of the reason I thought it was a remake of Joy To The World. It was very strange and didn't like it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago huddyislove said…
This is what I'm scared of the most, please tell me if I'm going crazy

over a year ago houseluva8 said…
Hilly your always crazy. Don't always think the worst. Even if it does happen the way you think it will (which I for one don't) then it will happen and the writers and DS will have to deal with the consequences. It might be loosing a fan base or something else, but you have to ride with the bad stuff to eventually get to the good stuff.

Concerning last nights episode. I've learned over my past 2 years of watching House to never never believe the hype, and I have to say I'm glad I didn't this time. I wanted them to go deeper into finding something about each other. A few characters found out things about each other they didn't know, but House is the only character we found what I like to think something important about. Lydia changed him, ok I can deal with that, but my question is, Is that what his leg hurts, or is it because of something else but he is deflecting? That was the main part that I'd like to watch again, but not having Tivo anymore I don't have that opportunity. I actually loved the episode. I loved the way Hugh directed. Just my 2 cents and I just woke up so this may not make sense at all. So sorry if it doesn't.
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
@Bea: I understand that you are frustrated right now. I am EXCEPTIONALLY frustrated too. But thinking about the frustration and the way everything should be will just make you feel worse. Think about it this way:

<<<I mean, you can't adress Huddy, House's addiction, Amber's death..then sent him to a psychiatric hospital, let him get better...let him hit on Cuddy, dance with her....let him know about Lucas....and just drop it down.>>>

Yes they can this is their point! They are screwing with us! They made Huddy blatant last season so that everyone would know thats how things were. House and Cuddy danced around each other for the first 4 seasons and we all were speculating will they wont they? we had people saying yes! get them together and people saying no effing way! Then they kissed. That made it NO QUESTION that House and Cuddy have the hots for each other. They made it FACT.

<<<Where are the clinic patients? And the interesting medical cases? Where's the damn board? And the funny jokes? Where's the banter? And the sexual tension?>>>

It's missing because things have changed. House left the hospital and went to Mayfield for 6 months. He was out of the loop. He came back a different man and the hospital moved on without him. There cant be the sexual tension before because of Luddy. There still can be clinic patients but House's relationship with them has changed. This season has also been a little darker. Last season was very dark for House and the Vicodin but its been even harder for House mentally to come back and see that Cuddy is interested in someone else. Everything is off kilter.

<<<I had been having faith for months. I used to think they were getting there...that they would make it up to the fact they have drop Huddy just because they had to prolong it further...and till some point it did make sense, but now...I am really disappointed I am sorry =(>>>

No apologizing allowed! ;) We all completely understand how you feel. It IS disappointing because I think that we were all expecting a little more out of Lockdown. But theres no reason to give up hope! Even though they arent together at the moment, House has changed and showed Cuddy that he wants a relationship and cares. That's an improvement.

I know that it sounds like I like what they've been doing with Huddy this year but I don't :( I just think that they are prolonging it because Huddy too soon would be jumping the shark. House is growing as a person and learning to love again. He's learned that he loves Cuddy and I think that she knows that. Cuddy cares DEEPLY for House but I think there needs to be a catalyst in order for her to realize this. She needs to see what it feels like when House is into another woman or has termporarily moved on from her.

House and Cuddy have always been REALLY REALLY slow. I read earlier on this site that they are "two steps forward and three steps back." They are slowly growing as characters and learning about love separately and what it means. They WILL find each other soon. It's just taking longer than we'd like.

So dont give up hope Bea or any of the rest of you! Thats my pep talk of the week ;)

over a year ago mysuspicionis said…
Is this where we're going to be now? I just watched this episode. I actually really liked it. It was thoughtful and there were some lovely camera shots such as the baby being born in the opening. Yes, I agree about the Lydia thing. House may have been deflecting or this may be to throw us off track. We also may see Lydia come back and House and Cuddy be pushed aside yet again! I can not see the series ending with Lydia and House happily together so in that sense I'm not worried. I don't want things to feel contrived though and I think a return of Lydia would be in "sitcom" territory which House the series is so far above. One thing I did like about the episode is that they seemed to delve into some psychological issues particulary whith House and the patient. Foreman and Taub were the weakest but that is just because Omar Epps in my opinion is not a strong actor.
over a year ago mysuspicionis said…
I have to add that when House said Lydia that I was thinking..."No, House allow me to explain this to you. You love Lisa Cuddy, Lisa Cuddy!" I'd read the spoiler about Lydia being mentioned so it wasn't to much of a shock but still definately not pleasant.
over a year ago maverickangel35 said…
About the empty Viocodin bottle--I saw a show (or read a book or possibly am making this up, that's how long ago this was)--was it maybe Judging Amy? I think it was! There was a character that had been an addict and his roommate found a bottle of pills in his dresser drawer and confronted him about it and was freaking out about him using again, and it turned out that he left them there on purpose because deciding to get himself clean meant making the decision each and every day NOT to take the pills, no matter what. So he was seeing them every day and every day he was consciously deciding he did not want or need them anymore.

Just a thought.
over a year ago Belle0308 said…
Ok, so I am watching the episode again. I am hoping I see some things I didn't see the first time. That shouldn't be easy since I had company in the middle of it.

Barbara Barnett is going to have her review up later tonight. She said that she loved the episode and she seems to think that the Lydia comment was really about Cuddy and to some extent, Wilson so I am going to give her a shot since I really like her reviews.

The part I didn't bring up that made me pretty sad yesterday was that Lisa did a bunch of interviews in England this week and said she doesn't think that Huddy belongs together. I don't know if any of you have heard these interviews, I heard two of them. I am trying to figure out if someone told her they wouldn't be together so she is resolving herself or if she is just throwing the fans off. It doesn't sound like her so it is kind of depressing.
over a year ago rosehustle1 said…
I think that all the fans, huddy, chameron,forteen etc. screw up the minute David Shore realizes how beloved a ship is because he likes to destroy any happiness in the show. I get that he likes to show a darker side to things, but there is a point where things can last, people do stick together, and love can be enough. Not everything is so damn tragic. I think he's prolonging this awful Lucas/Cuddy thing just because the fans hate it so much.

Look the creators of Supernatural may listen to the fangirls a bit too much, about not letting Sam or Dean have a relationship(i.e. getting rid of Jo, Madison, Bella), but at least they do listen to the fandom. They respect the fans opinions. They realize that without veiwers then a show won't last. I'm not saying I'm gonna stop watching but sometimes I too get tired of all the damn misery and heartbreak. Either let someone last or never get them together but quit all this stupid soap drama in between. I mean they can create conflict in more realistic and organic ways than they have these last two seasons. I mean 5 to 9, in my opinion showed the biggest natural obstacle to House/Cuddy, the adverse effect a relationship with House could have on her career. They didn't even need to bring in Lucas to create tension, they could have started the season with them pushing and pulling against a relationship because everyone thinks that House's declaration on the balcony was real. I mean, I could at least understand Cuddy's pulling away from him if we saw how much the rumor of an affair cost her professionally. This would have been more interesting and less soapy and contrived in my opinion.
over a year ago Mrs_House said…
i think we have to wait and see what the next ep shows us because until we have a bit of a more normal ep we are still in the dark. we usually get the best info from how house is feeling from wilson or cuddy and because there was no talks between them in lockdown we will have to wait and see. but i think it is fun to guess and speculate as long as we don't get too sucked in and keep our feet firmly on the ground.
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
Agree with you completely Mrs_House!
over a year ago playingcold said…
"The part I didn't bring up that made me pretty sad yesterday was that Lisa did a bunch of interviews in England this week and said she doesn't think that Huddy belongs together."

Lisa E did say that? One of the biggest Huddies in the world? I don't buy it. It doesn't sound like her so I'm hoping she's just throwing the fans off, as you said.
over a year ago rosehustle1 said…
I heard this interview as well and I think she was being serious. To be honest, I don't even really care anymore what the actors or creators say about what will happen. They always lie to us or build our hopes up anyway.
over a year ago Mrs_House said…
at the moment i don't care whether they get together or not but all i realy want is some foreplay or even some hospital talk like that was in the previous seasons. just something.
over a year ago Belle0308 said…
@playing cold. I think she was serious and sounded even a little hopeless in the Huddy department. She had a couple of interviews and the same thing was mentioned in different ways both times. I am not sure what to think BUT I tend to think they want us to give up pretty much all hope of Huddy before something actually does happen.
over a year ago bluehue said…
This could also be that Lisa was simply a little tired out from the end of the season and from answering what must seem like to a broken record question. She is probably in the mindset of heading on Spain or elsewhere. Also, not every interviewer connects with the interviewee or visa to end this long run on sentence, I wouldn't put too much into the meaning of ONE sit down.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Beatrix8520 said…
I agree she probabily is a little fed up with answering always to the same questions. She is not allowed to reveal any detail on the show so that must be frustrating. I even doubt they make her aware of the future developments....just in case.
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
I'm starting to think that they are going to completely tear Huddy down...and then put them together out of nowhere! I think Belle has a point, they are going to completely devastate Huddy fans before bringing them together. It's the "House" way after all...

After all, just because Lucas is here doesnt mean he's stopped the way they feel about each other. The fact that Cuddy has to work so hard to repress her feelings for House is saying something. "You can't stop their love!" ;)
over a year ago Belle0308 said…
Everything will come up "Huddy" someday. That is just my feeling. I believe it like I believe that a full moon is one of the most beautiful things you can see.
over a year ago Belle0308 said…
Also, a friend of mine was looking through the Spainish press and found some Lisa articles.

Here is one quote: This one is great: "Absolutely. I could fall in love with someone like House"

over a year ago thatship said…
People! the spanish interviews!!!! LOT OF HUDDY-HULI LoL!

this is one! (PUSH--> "EL HORMIGUERO")



And this is the first interview:


If you don't understand something, I could traslate you. Kisses!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago thatship said…


She doesn't know how many more seasons will last "House" and doesn't know If Lisa Cuddy and Gregory House end up together but PROMISES DELVE INTO THE MATTER!


What do you think makes Dr. House so'sexy'?
Well, it has a nice face and beautiful eyes. It's incredibly clever, bold, dark, telling the truth, is fun and irreverent.

And can you fall in love with a man like him?
Of course, completely.

over a year ago siri_soul said…
the choiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiceeeeeeeeeeee!!!
over a year ago Mrs_House said…
thanks for the info thatship, it has really raised my spirts and am looking forward to when they finally get together because they are going to have to at least try there relationship even if it doesn't work.
over a year ago thatship said…
you're welcome. I have to say, Lisa's visit to spain has been very very successful! :) and She promises that Huddy will be explored eventually!
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over a year ago Mrs_House said…
we finally got some huddy scenes. whoop! was it just me or was house taking an aweful lot pills?
over a year ago bluehue said…
It wasn't just you @MrsHouse. They made that very clear last night, the fact that House was experiencing much more pain..which affected his mood or temperment..per Foreman's comment, "I liked him better on vicodin," as well as showing him popping iboprofen all throughout the episode. The pain and who knows what building.
over a year ago Mrs_House said…
well i think he is either going to be back on vicodin or find something(or someone) to numb the pain by the end on the season. lets pray that the huddy scenes carry on.
over a year ago bluehue said…
Sure hope it's a "someone" & not a "something. I'm with you on Huddy as the pain reliever!
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