Huddy A Huddy Forecast

Pari posted on May 24, 2010 at 01:40PM
So my fellow Huddians we have made it, we have finally gotten our Huddy canon :) Give me a moment please....


Now one might wonder where do we go from here. Will House and Cuddy move in together, get married, have babies??? I say no to all of the above, and honestly I don't want any of that stuff to happen. *Ok maybe the have babies part*

I foresee their relationship being the same as it always was, them pushing each others buttons. Their conversations filled with heavy sexual innuendo (which now would have vildity). Cuddy trying to be the Miss Bossy and House completely ignoring her authority.

The only thing I see really changing at least I hope to see, is that they will have a lot of sex, at home and in the hospital (in any place House can coax Cuddy into) Also I expect to see House getting closer to Rachel.

I don't know why but in my mind I've created this cuties scene where Lucas is back in the picture and Rachel is starting to say 'dada', House thinks she's calling Lucas 'dada', but in a scene where he's holding her he realizes that she's referring to him as dada. I hope to see a lot of sweet scenes between House and Rachel. If they don't create/explore/develop 'that' relationship, Huddy will fail miserably.

I am looking forward to Season 7 probably more that I have ever looked forward to any thing in my life (No that's not sad :P) The wondrous and wonderful thing about our Huddy community is that within seconds of the finale there were already fics being written and videos being made, so I think there will be plenty to tide us all over until the season premiere.

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