Huddy Season 7 Countdown and Discussion

HLforever posted on Aug 30, 2010 at 04:06AM
Hey! So now that the Emmy's are over and Hugh was snubbed again (ARGH), the thing that's most on my mind is the S7 premiere on September 20. And since we know that this season is going to be THE Huddy season, we're gonna have a lot that we want to gush about. So, I thought why not start early?

First of all, Promo #15 is out. House describes his and Cuddy's relationship as a "wild kingdom"...promising lots and lots of dirty Huddy sex? I sure hope so...and we already got a taste of it in another promo.

Second, to start the countdown, 21 DAYS 7 HOURS 55 MINUTES

Huddy 32 replies

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over a year ago anonymously said…
Just found this!
Honestly I'm so eager for the season to start I'm actually worried it will affect my school work (and I can't let that happen, it's my last year and results count for a large part of my GPA).

I already said that but I love, love, loved that new promo, even if it's 15 seconds long!

It's going to be an interesting 3 weeks, I think GY said we should get the HQ pics 'closer to the premiere' so, soon I hope.

Well, this was me trying to kick start this new thread!
Just found this!
Honestly I'm so eager for the season to start I'm actually worried it will affect my
over a year ago HLforever said…
big smile
Haha thanks for your support of this thread! :D I'm pretty worried that all this is going to affect school for me too, because it's just so darn addicting...come to think of it I should be finishing some work right now. Oh well that can wait till later :P

And I love all those beach pics...especially ones like the one you posted and this one, because they really look like they were taken in between takes!

Haha thanks for your support of this thread! :D I'm pretty worried that all this is going to affect s
over a year ago HLforever said…
over a year ago playingcold said…
big smile
New forum thread! Yay!
Okay. 'Wild Kingdom'. I'm sure used this as a sexual innuendo, and I'm also sure that his relationship with Cuddy will contain lots of hot sex but I'm also sure that he just wanted to keep his reputation. This relationship means a lot to him, if not the world so I bet, he'll try to behave.
over a year ago HLforever said…
I think he'll TRY to behave, but as we've seen in the new (well not that new anymore) promo, he still can't help being himself! Which is good, because House being himself is what makes the show hilarious. So I guess I'm agreeing that he'll try to behave, but I hope he doesn't succeed xD
over a year ago playingcold said…
big smile
No. He won't succeed. This is House, not a fairytale!
over a year ago HLforever said…
that's good! Haha fairytales can get overrated...that's why house is amazing
over a year ago mysuspicionis said…
"Hello, I love you, won't you tell me your name, hello--I love you let me jump in your game." A little hyperness manifesting itself in the form of Jim Morrison because of the GY tweet about the fake leaked script. Love them for protecting us from ourselves ;)!
over a year ago HLforever said…
big smile
Hahahaha your hyperness is infectious! As to the Doors song, I was thinking more along the lines of "let me jump in your pants" but that wouldn't rhyme would it...and I'm having too many dirty Huddy thoughts. Must stop.
over a year ago playingcold said…
"Come on baby, light my fire..."
over a year ago mysuspicionis said…
You know that it would be untrue
You know that I would be a liar
If I was to say to you
Girl, we couldn't get much higher
Come on baby, light my fire
Come on baby, light my fire
Try to set the night on fire

The time to hesitate is through
No time to wallow in the mire
Try now we can only lose
And our love become a funeral pyre
Come on baby, light my fire
Come on baby, light my fire
Try to set the night on fire, yeah
over a year ago mysuspicionis said…
PC you read my mind!!!
over a year ago HLforever said…
yesyesyes. HUDDY IS HOT.
over a year ago HLforever said…
big smile
The promo pics with just Hugh are out in HQ!! He looks GORGEOUS but I do wish they could give us the HQ huddy promo pics too...oh well Yetines said we'd get them soon. Here's hoping!
over a year ago Delia_Beatrice said…
Well... He'll try to behave on the important stuff, like making her happy, assuring her of how loved she is, providing support when she needs it and hiding his annoyance at her baby (!). But he has no reason to change who he is on the things he knows she can handle - like the banter, like messing with her at work to some extent etc. These are Classic Huddy stuff and Lisa can not only handle it, but she plays the game as good as he does and takes as much pleasure in it as he does. The banter and teasing and jokes are not things that threaten to make her love him any less - they cannot shake their relationship, so he has nothing to fear.

I'm sure he does fear the big things, and that he will struggle real hard not to mess up the important aspects of their relationship - as PC beautifully says, it does mean the world to him - and the goddamn afterworld too, i may add:)
over a year ago playingcold said…
big smile
Were talking about two screwed up person here. I know that Cuddy is the more reasonable one but she also makes very stupid things, like practical jokes on House to revenge, or dating Lucas... (Sorry, Luddies!) The writers also know this, so they won't change the behavior of the characters just like that. Plus: the Huddy-banter is a core element of the show. It just can't disappear.

@mysus - great minds... ;)

@DB - word!
over a year ago anonymously said…
All this talk is stressing me out, those 20 days better go by quickly!
Did I mention I love how smart your comments are!
over a year ago HLforever said…
big smile
20 days 15 minutes!!!! I really don't know how I'm going to wait this long...meanwhile I have House's adorable, half-bashful laugh from the new promo and the promise of HQ photos and the Huddy photoshoot to sustain me...
over a year ago HLforever said…
big smile
also, did anyone ever notice how the smiling emote (the one I just used in the post above) looks exactly like House's face when he opened Wilson's office door and saw Wilson passed out on the floor? I've only ever seen that scene in YouTube videos so I'm not sure what ep or season it was in...or why Wilson mysteriously fainted. House drugged him, perhaps?
over a year ago anonymously said…
I'm watching old episodes, and every time I see House I can't help but imagine him and Cuddy, together...
over a year ago HLforever said…
I imagine him with Cuddy even when I'm not watching reruns xD
over a year ago anonymously said…
Haha, yes of course, ME TOO. But it makes it even more obvious when I see them on screen!
HL what time zone are you in, you seem to always be here at the same time I am?
over a year ago HLforever said…
Umm..I'm Eastern time? Yeah I'm normally on really late because I have to stay up with homework and all that other crap :P
over a year ago HLforever said…
big smile
They are beautiful.
But I still really want the ones with food, just sitting on couch, etc. Oh well, we must learn to be patient!
I was pretty disappointed by the much-anticipated Ausiello interview though...Hugh only said about three sentences and I got pretty depressed from how unhappy he sounded :( But still, the HQ pics saved the day for me!! *runs off to continue celebrating*
over a year ago hughlisafan said…
So I'm trying to avoid many things Huddy (arrrrrrrrrrrrgh, it's so hard!) at the moment because I don't want to be over spoiled for the Premiere, which I'm anticipating more than ever! But, I have seen two of the promos (sex scene and HR scene) and all of the pictures. Good God those two are gorgeous. House is hotter than ever!

I did read about the tweet yesterday from GY saying the Premiere is completely different from anything they've done before. I have no idea what that means. It both excites and terrifies me because he goes on to say that fans will either love it or hate it. Hopefully, he means Huddies will love it and Huddy haters will hate it.

In any case, I'm going fairly nuts. I've never been so happy to see summer end, and I live in Canada where after summer a freezing cold winter is never far behind. lol

Happy September everyone! Less than 19 days left here.

over a year ago fran2 said…
I can't speculate on season 7, I don't know if it's because I want to keep the surprise effect or because I don't want any illusions. Time will tell.
A question: when a new episode airs what you usually do? Do you open a discussion on that specific episode for comments?
over a year ago playingcold said…
"when a new episode airs what you usually do? Do you open a discussion on that specific episode for comments?"

It depends, I think. If we get a very Huddy-episode, then we open a new thread. I assume that in Season 7 we'll open a lot of new threads :D
over a year ago fran2 said…
@pc - "I assume that in Season 7 we'll open a lot of new threads"

thanks, fingers crossed! :-))
over a year ago anonymously said…
"I assume that in Season 7 we'll open a lot of new threads"
haha, yes, I hope we HAVE to open a lot of new threads!

@hughlisalove - don't talk about the winter! not yet, we still have a couple months before the snow gets here. lol. I love winter, but it does get really, really cold. And for me winter also equals stressful school moments.

Anyways, less than 3 weeks until Huddy!
over a year ago HLforever said…
@anon it may be the longest three weeks of my life...and i just realized that i probably won't be able to watch the premiere the night it airs because i have so much work to do...i actually will probably have to wait till the weekend afterwards. This really depresses me.
over a year ago anonymously said…
@HL that sucks about the premiere. I really shouldn't, I get home at like 10 PM on mondays, and need to get up early the next day. so between homework and everything else, House shouldn't be my priority, plus I don't even know if I will be home that night or at a house I need to take care of for a friend. But I think no matter what I wont be able to resist downloading the ep!
over a year ago HLforever said…
Okay. Three (possibly more tonight? Fox appears to have gone maniacal on us) new promos. Including, of course, THE promo. You know what I'm talking about. The one that can only be expressed in the words "HOLY CRAP". But I've blubbered enough about that one tonight, so moving on...

@anon Now that I've seen what (AMAZING Huddy stuff) we can expect in the premiere, I'm even more depressed that I won't be able to watch it when it airs...and also that I will succumb to temptation and actually watch it, and then fail this school year. Dilemma, dilemma...

One quick thing though. I was arguing with my mom about what we should watch on TV tonight (we have DVR and a humongous pile of House reruns, along with other shows...and my mom had the remote). Anyways, Grey's Anatomy suddenly came into the conversation, and my mom said that GREYS IS WAY BETTER THAN HOUSE. Of course, this is a total lie. She said that House is just a bunch of people "messing around" whereas Greys is what?? A bunch if people just sleeping with each other. Okay, so GA is occasionally my guilty pleasure. But House is just pure GENIUS. Oh well, I suppose my mom is just sadly delusional...she can go on living in her world of McDreamys and McSteamys (oh God that sounds so disgustingly cheesy now) but we've got HUDDY. Who, even though they're evidently going to be frolicking around like the Grey's people, will forever be superior. Just because they're House and Cuddy. No one beats Huddy. NO ONE.

Haha alright, that is my House love-rant for tonight (and also my attempt to keep this thread alive...shh!) Good night people! Sweet Huddy dreams :)