Huddy FanFic Forum

bluehue posted on Oct 20, 2010 at 08:53PM
HuddY FanFic Forum
Created By: EVERYONE!

OK busy busy is the fanfic thready.
So, IF you need a work or study break, feeling hiatus blues, can't sleep or better yet..have scenarios & ideas but no time to write a full length fanfic...welcome!

No “rules,” just a few user friendly suggestions...posted in 1st comment box on PAGE-1- (for future reference). This way, if & when we write things..the topic info doesn’t take up page space.
HuddY FanFic Forum
Created By: EVERYONE!

OK busy busy is the fanfic thready.
So, IF yo

Huddy 75 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 75

over a year ago bluehue said…
A Fic begins when one Fan starts us off with...any one or all of the following:
1. Post a title, theme or topic description.
2. Write a few words, lines, paragraphs or “dialogue.” (Any form or combination).
3. Add a pic.
4. Add a “challenge” for next person(s).
Note: A challenge may be declined, delayed or responded to by 1or more fans.

What IF?
Don’t feel like writing, not inspired...suffering from writer’s block?
Add anything you can think of to help (build story) & play along with your mates.

5. Post a “stand alone” mini-scene, pic-scene...any random HuddYness!
6. Post someone else’s line you like, tweak for fun or add a pic, ect..
7. Add fanart, odes, lyrics or songs for “mood music.”
8. Play reviewer & add some criticism. (Suggest future topics to explore).
9. Be mean & drop a “fake” OMG spoiler or blind you know who. (Grrr).

How do we know when a story is finished? Hmmmm...good question.
(We’ll just go with the flow).
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago playingcold said…
big smile
@BH, awesome idea! Sadly, I have to go now but I will check on this thread later!
over a year ago bluehue said…
big smile
Thanks @PC & @rrennie..nice to meet you!
I'm not a fanfic writer or a very good thread we'll just see. Give it a we say.
over a year ago bluehue said…
Hey guys, it's me again. I spent all my time on (masterpiece..ha) forum picture & NOT on a story.

But, I will try to start up a basic story topic..based on our thread talk.
We discussed a beach fic, due to the fact we may never see one. Cry cry.

Remember this summer, some reveiwers were calling those Huddy beach pics
Beach Blanket Bingo? After some old movie..I guess. Ha. They were was
really Beach Blanket Boggle 'cause House said “I LOB3 you,” so there!

Title: Huddy’s Get Away Beach Weekend. (or something like that).

It sees like ages ago now, but it remains true that at least one of the last times House had wild apartment sex with Cuddy & his front door..was hallucination trickery. Also, we learned Cuddy’s lipstick wasn’t lipstick. It WAS a kind of twisted Huddy progress, because it wasn’t Stacy’s “crimson desire” either. I’m dwelling on the past to make a point, which is..the last time we saw House relaxing on the beach, ocean waves crashing...was ALSO hallucination trickery. This time via the bicycle crashing POTW.
So however illogical, I’m insisting it stands to reason we must make it to the beach, some how, if only in our imaginations.

Of course, Huddy has been a long time coming..but the tide has turned.
That fateful dark night when House & the mirror seemed equally shattered. Cuddy’s anger & engagement dimmed hopes. So we thought. Instead, as a saviour of love, Cuddy confessed her true feelings..making impossible suddeny possible & all very real, no trickery. These two screwed up people picked up the broken pieces and now Huddy is just beginning. We don’t know exactly where this is all going...except one place we would like them to go...

Challenge: Any of who, what, when, where or how to get to the right beach scenario. (No hurry).
Hey guys, it's me again. I spent all my time on (masterpiece..ha) forum picture & NOT on a story.
over a year ago bluehue said…
@RR, Sorry! We posted at same time. Some of us had discussed starting with a "beach story."

GO ahead. Maybe this supposed "get away weekend" starts out with some of your "fighting words!"

Later...I'm off to dinner & baseball watching.
over a year ago HLforever said…
Hey! The thread's up! Well, I'm studying right now (then why am I here? you ask. well, I happen to have very poor self-control when it comes to Huddy. I'm sure you can understand), so I'll try to contribute something later...

Oh and @BH I love that pic you posted (with the Huddy scene from Unwritten and the little cut-out dialogue pieces). Did you make that by hand? It's adorable :)
over a year ago bluehue said…
I know @HLF! I ask your same question..why am I playing?! "So say we all."
I always jump on & off line during quick it's hard to dialogue with people.
Not sure if writing a total "group fanfic" will actually work. No matter. Maybe this will be more like @Fran's boiling stew pot throw in little bits & pieces.

Thanks & glad you enjoyed my "pic-collage," because I'm thinking of making one to capture each episode of this season. Making stuff like that is easy, fun, & relaxing for me, whereas writing is pure "kill me now" agony!

P.S. Yes, it is like a teeny tiny art project. Cut..paste..make..color it..& upload. LOL.

HAPPY studying!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago anonymously said…
big smile
AAAAAAHHH I'm so excited for this!! This will be the first thread I check tomorrow after my examS. I haven't read anything yet other than the 'thread presentation' I love the picture btw, well done!

over a year ago tammyr50 said…
Good morning ladies and it is probably good afternoon for you. I have ten minutes before I leave for work.

@BH love this idea and if I understand right you are thinking about addressing the beach trip.

Here is a small idea. If you can use any part of it? I will be back on in about 12 hours. Long day.

I was thinking we could go with the end of "Pox on Our House". House may not put himself in a dangerous situation but it looks as if he might. So here was the idea that justpopped in my head:

Let's say that it was a really dangerous thing to do and that the treatment put the hospital and House's life at risk.
But he survives and when he gets out Cuddy is wondering if he even thought about her.

House's response: you fell in love with House the one that takes chances and is a little unorthodox. We have been holding this thing in our hands like it was a piece of glass and the smallest thing might break it.
"I thought that I was what you wanted", Cuddy replied. You spent months changing and making it clear that you wanted more than friends or colleagues. Now are you telling me that is not enough?
No. "I am telling you the opposite." I believe in us. I love you. i am "in love with you." I want to celebrate that. I don't want to walk on eggshells anymore.
"I know what I have in you." Aren't you tired of thinking that the smallest thing is going to break it?, House asked her.
The bike is outside and we can head to the beach. Let's call Marina and your mom and get a sitter for Rachel and leave for the weekend. I want to hold you, I want to laugh, and I want to make love to you all weekend.
When we get back the three of us will do something special.

Ok. Just an idea to get started and get them on the bike. It need a little work but you decide and I will be back.

You guys have a great day.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HLforever said…
Alright, I'll have a go.


It was the only way. Sometimes, in the struggle to save a life, the healer had to put his own life at risk. It was brave, it was heroic, it was something that a good person would do, a person who helped elderly people cross the street, who lived in an apartment with a mob of stray animals, who lived for the smiles that people gave him when he told them that they were going to be alright.

So, one of the conflicting emotions that deluged Lisa Cuddy when she turned the corner and saw House in the isolation room without a suit, without so much as a mask to cover his mouth, was shock.


Oops, well I was originally going to go further, but it's getting late and I have to go sleep...anyways someone please continue!
over a year ago bluehue said…
I'll sum up so I follow along with you all, starting with @RR, (let's say House & Cuddy are together). Yes..things sound a little tense in Huddy-PPTH world due to this POX situation. (Just learned about that spoiler today). House..wire rim glasses in hand..heated discussion with Cuddy.

Hi! @TAM, I like your idea of going from the tense this "weekend alone." But now I'm into this life & death scare for a bit.
House to Cuddy: "You fell in love with House the one that takes chances."
This risk scenario really gets our hearts pounding for sure. I think we see one reason why Cuddy is drawn to him..her wanting to protect him from himself..all the while knowing he will do the ultimate to get to the right answer...thus drawing Cuddy into the circle of danger..and love.

House is not about to wait around for proper paperwork to be signed off on by the CDC or some "too late" autopsy for that figure out the puzzle if he can get to the truth saved.

@HFL, Lovely paragraph, an inspiration!
"It was brave, it was heroic, it was something that a good person would do." This IS a great way to think of House..not that simple view of him so many "fans" have. You know, oh..he's a jerk who only likes puzzles..doesn't really care about people. He IS a good person who cares enough to SOLVE the puzzle..not one to just go golfing after work and forget about his patients.

"Cuddy turned the corner..conflicting feelings..her emotional of shock!"


"Shock, disbelief & pure fear..enough to take her breath away..gasping & just catching herself from screaming the word if to question why?! As a doctor she knew only too well what could happen to House if he was wrong in taking such a chance...breathing the same air with this..deadly contagion for godsake! Telling herself that he is nearly always right..was hardly a comforting thought, he was not always first. (to be continued)...

Thanks guys!! Will stumble along more later...over the weekend I'm sure.
P.S. I promise to write shorter comments!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HLforever said…
May I continue? @BH If you had something specific in mind to follow that, please ignore this and continue..if not:

House was nearly always right. But this time, with this patient...Cuddy recognized this one. It was the smallpox guy. Of course, he couldn't possibly have the disease, but whatever he did have was slowly killing him. And the chances that it was contagious were far too high for House to be sure that he wouldn't get the disease as well...

So why? Why was House, of all people, risking his life for a patient? Had she really changed him so much? Or had she not changed him at all? Perhaps this was proof that he still had a hard time finding things that made his life worth living.

Maybe he didn't really love her, after all.

All these thoughts blew through Cuddy's mind like a whirlwind, gone in a matter of seconds, but leaving a trail of devastation behind. She felt her heart thump faster as each step took her closer to the isolation room.

"House!" Cuddy yelled as she neared the room. Her voice came out torn, strangled.

At the sound of Cuddy's voice, House's head snapped around, and their eyes met. Her gray eyes, stormy with anger, uncertainty, and fear, met his sharp blue ones. And she saw that he was just as afraid as she was.
over a year ago bluehue said…
@HLF, U R are most polite..but of course to go on (when ya can). Exciting addition too..thx 'cause I'm seeing this more clearly now. I'll type in some more words a little later today.

Oh, in case this is helpful for others, here is the short description for
"A Pox on our House," that we're writing, speculating on for fun.

FYI: Not really that SPOILERY...basic promo info.
After a 200-year-old medicine jar found on an off-shore shipwreck shatters in a teenage girl's palm, she is admitted to Princeton Plainsboro for symptoms closely linked to smallpox. When the Center for Disease Control's Dr. Dave Broda institutes a lockdown on the hospital and suspends House's team's ability to diagnose, Masters grows suspicious of Broda's motives and becomes convinced that the patient is suffering from a different disease. The girl's father soon experiences similar symptoms, and House is forced to make a precarious decision that puts his own life in jeopardy. Meanwhile, Wilson and Sam comfort a 6-year-old chemotherapy patient who prompts them to examine their relationship.

"Cuddy's voice..torn & strangled" (wahhh cry).
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago bluehue said…
Their shared looks of fear through the glass wall were more painful than ever before. Now that they crossed over a great divide, one that reached all the way back to another time when students, bringing them back to the very real their senses, loving each other body & soul. Mixed up souls that is. The fear was short lived because House in his usual manner brushed it aside & remarked, “Yea, sweet irony huh? I could literally become what you all think of me, one giant throbbing pink pustule!”

Cuddy worried- “House please, you look flushed...running a’re sweating.”
House trying to lessen her worries- “You definately have that effect on me..and yes I am smokin’ hot! Okay, I’ve a small fever...could be any number of things at this stage.”
Cuddy- “I’m dealing with the CDC on this situation..they are putting the hospital in a lockdown.”
House- “I’m locked in just with teenager and mystery rash...and this, (pointing at and holding up a silver bedpan)...makes for great company.”
Cuddy- “I wish you wouldn’t have....I’ll be back soon as I can.”

P.S. Please any which way.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago tammyr50 said…
Cuddy was still trying to get the team out of jail. She needed their help. She needed someone to help her help House figure this out.

The head official for CDC was approaching Cuddy's office.
Dr. Cuddy we have put the hospital in lockdown. We are going to get the patient out of here and airlift her to our facility where we can monitor her.
"You can't do that", Cuddy said. Dr. House has went in and he has been exposed. He is the leading diagnostician in the country and you need to give him a chance to get this diagnosed.

Cuddy calls the DA and pleads with them to release Dr. House's team.
"There is an emergency here at PPTH and I need Dr. House's team released to help get this illness diagnosed", Cuddy was pleading at this point.
"Lives are hanging in the balance here", as she continued to reason with the DA. "I will go the bond and be responsible for them", please she begged."

"She went to the room that House had locked himself and the patient in." She told him she was trying to get the team released.
"She was still pleading with the CDC official to give her some time."
CDC decided to give her two hours.
Cuddy looked at Hosue and asked him if he had any ideas. "As he looked at her", he told her he had plenty of ideas. Her in a cheerleading outfit dancing among the top five. The other four were very similar.
"Cuddy looked at him with tears welling up in her eyes", you looked flushed and tired.
"Are you ok", Cuddy asked?
"She put her hand on the glass and he put his up mirroring hers."
"Perfect fit."
As their hands mimicked touching House fell to his knees.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HLforever said…
House slid down the glass wall of the isolation room and rested his head on his knees. It felt like it was on fire, and his leg throbbed painfully. Cuddy was in her office negotiating some more with the CDC guy. His team had managed to get themselves arrested. House was alone, and most likely dying. He knew that his body was in the early stages of the disease, but if he didn't come up with a diagnosis in two hours, he and the patient were going to be airlifted out. That would only waste more time, valuable time, and they would probably both end up dead.

House rubbed his temples, thinking. He could feel the heat emanating from his forehead, but he also knew that the acetominophin would be useless now. He close his eyes.

What scared House more than anything else, was how much he didn't want to die. Not so long ago, death would have been preferable to what he was going through. But now...

He tried to clear his head, to string all the symptoms together and come up with something, anything. But all House could think of was Cuddy. How, if he did die, he would never be able to wake up next to her again, to hold her in his arms, to see that radiant smile...he didn't believe in heaven. Even if there was one, no one was going to let him in there. But knowing that, believing that, meant that he would have to spend an eternity without her. And he suddenly realized how unbearable that seemed.

For the first time in a long time, House had something to live for; it was refreshing, but also frightening. With an effort, he opened his eyes and looked over at the patient, who was squirming in pain on the bed. He had to figure out what the disease was, the thing that was slowly killing them both, because he did not want to die. For once, he had something to lose.
over a year ago bluehue said…
THANKS @tammy, @hlforever, & @rrennie!! Well, I for one enjoyed each of your latest story additions!! REALLY good. Sorry so late in responding.

POX story continuing...

Time was of the essence..with the Team locked up, House locked in & the hospital locked down, odds not looking good that a diagnosis was going anywhere fast. He couldn’t just sit here & observe failing conditions in isolation..the clock was tick tick ticking. He knew he needed to confirm his hunches with laboratory tests, like a skin biopsy shoved under an electron microscope asap damnit! He was counting on Cuddy’s help...he needed her.

House was trying to focus, but for a quick second, House thought of his talks with Nolan, the time Wilson asked him to move out. He imagined his two best friends wondering & worrying about him again. House of course knew his impulsive actions were never suicidal. He wasn’t driven by some twisted god complex or death wish. Only a man obsessed..slightly sociopathic YES..& believing in his own deductive powers above all else. The need to prove he is right. House being House. Such is his dedication.

Along with diagnosing this thing..his pounding heart was sending messages to his rational mind too, an overwhelming anguish deep down in his gut & conscience, an awareness that she is part of this equation now. Risking all or nothing includes Cuddy.

House, still slumped down against the wall of the isolation room, slowly lifted his steaming head off both knees..stared at his surreal..large beads of sweat the size of vicodin pills popping up on the skin, his body working overtime to cool itself down. He closed his eyes tightly, feeling sharp aching pain in his joints..drifting off (to sleep) for only a few minutes...but a feverish kind of dream state...

He could see himself walking along a beach with huge waves crashing onto the shoreline, but it felt good and cooling while nearly knocking his bad leg out from under him. Suddenly a curiosity caught his eye as he knelt down to pick up what looked like an ancient ceramic vessel..covered in seaweed & sand. He knew..that inside of it, this..medicine jar, contained some kind of answer to a question. He thought of Cuddy as if to will her into this picture..this scene, thinking he never had a woman such as tell his dreams...

Please continue on..or add to this fever dream..(maybe House will tell Cuddy about it later on too, after the case is solved).
last edited over a year ago
THANKS @tammy, @hlforever, & @rrennie!!  Well, I for one enjoyed each of your latest story additions!
over a year ago tammyr50 said…
@Bluehue - WOW.
over a year ago bluehue said…
Thank you dear @tammy!
(I'm being could mean, wow..that's really terrible..ha!).

Have a great HAUNTED weekend. I'm off to Baltimore & Washington D.C. for a few days, hope this thread "rallies" hint hint..and makes it to 2!
(If @HLF shows up, she'll know what I that).

Pumpkin pics..for your (H)alloween-type pleasure. BOO!
Sadly, no GLOWING "Huddy" jack-0-lantern here. IF I had time, I'm sure I would carve one up & stick a (l-o-v-e) burning candle inside.
last edited over a year ago
Thank you dear @tammy!  
(I'm being could mean, wow..that's really terrible..ha!).
over a year ago HLforever said…
@BH I AM SO JEALOUS. Sadly, I'm still of the age where the most freedom I'm going to get this weekend is going out with some friends for Halloween. Have fun though! I'm sure you'll come back with some amazing stories.

By the way you're amazing with words. "with the Team locked up, House locked in & the hospital locked down": loved that :D And yes, let's hope that this thread RALLIES...haha xD

Alright I'll add a little more to the fever dream...


The rumbling crash of waves against sandy shore exploded in the air, but steadily lost its force until it drifted lazily around House's ears, muffling them in the stifling serenity of the hallucination. His eyelids fluttered open. The brightness of the colors, the shimmering quality of the light, and the clarity of his thoughts immediately made House realize that he was hallucinating. Slowly, he sat up, absentmindedly rubbed his temples, blinking and trying to clear his sleep-clouded vision.


House turned his head slowly and saw Cuddy, her head nestled in the hollow of his neck, her breath tickling his skin. They were leaning against a bleached, hollow log. In the comfort of the fantasy, House did not find the suddenness of her appearance strange.

"Hey," he murmured, lightly nuzzling the top of her head. They were silent for a long time, an eternity, the waves rolling in and out, the sun a blazing splash of blinding white in the sky. She leaned back, he held her closer in his arms, and they remained there: a photograph that had long since lost its luster, unceremoniously stuffed under a pile of books in the attic, where not even the dusty summer sunbeams that filtered lazily through the tiny window could make it shine once more.

But this eternity, trapped in the adrenaline rush of a single moment, was gone. Cuddy spoke after a few seconds had passed.

"We should go."

"Why?" House asked, his tone slipping into a whine, less surprised than he should have been. "It's nice here." It was warmth, and glowing light, and comfort, and safety, and paradise. Why would he want to leave?

Cuddy shifted her head to gaze up at House, a familiar glare of incredulity hardening her storm-gray eyes. "Are you serious?" she asked, the sharp, ragged edges of anger seeping into her voice. "This is really where you should be right now?"

With an effort, House furrowed his brow and stared into Cuddy's eyes. In his peripheral vision, he saw the beach, the sand, the waves, all disappearing around them as the blues darkened, the grays sharpened, and the temperature sank thirty degrees. House suddenly became aware of an ice cold object in his hands. He looked down and saw a ceramic jar, bland, crudely shaped, and sinister. The frozen ice of reality began to creep into his heart as the fire in his head slowly grew again and all the aches and pains of life rammed through the walls of the dream and into his body. His thoughts began to grow foggy, and he knew enough to wrench his gaze from the jar and back to Cuddy's face. Just one more glimpse. But her eyes were cold. They repelled him. Their hardness was trying to tell him something, and a sense of urgency billowed up inside him: paradise was not the place to be. He knew something now, something important. He had to go back.
over a year ago tammyr50 said…
@HL - OMG -How could you guys be this awesome. I mean I really am amazed at you and @bluehue.
@BH - Wow - Means you took my breath and just as I was getting it back HL came along and took it again.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HLforever said…
@tammy Aw you're too sweet! I totally agree with you about @BH's though, it was pretty breathtaking. Anyways, we made it to the second page! I'm thinking someone should come and continue this (maybe you, Tammy, if you're feeling inspired!). We should finish this one and then publish it as a collective article!
over a year ago anonymously said…
You girls are great! keep going! :P
over a year ago tammyr50 said…
@HL and @BH maybe you can use a part of this:

She stood at the glass slowly becoming more anxious. He was sweating profusely and had been delirious for a couple of hours now. He wasn't responding to her.
"House", you have to wake up.
"Please, open your eyes." "Speak to me," Cuddy cried."
House was still in a hallucinatory state. "cuddy could hear him mumbling but it made no sense.
He was taking one last glimpse at her wanting to stay at the beach and never leave. He could hear her calling him. He knew he had to go back. He knew she must be worried sick.
"He wondered if she knew how much he had come to love her."
"She had made him better."
"The thought he could have possibly made her better seemed overwhelming to him."
"She began to rise to her knees "Please don't go," his eyes said so longingly, as he grabbed her elbow.
I just want to hold you. We are safe here. "This is just our world", House was thinking in his mind.
"We have to go back", Cuddy said.
"There is something here", House said. "Not yet."
"Wait!", House yelled. I see a ship and on the side of it, it says "Santa Maria". Columbus?
What the .........?

"As he was coming out of the halluncinatory state", he opened his eyes ever so weakly and he mumbled to Cuddy", "Santa Maria", Columbus".
"His eyes rolled back in his head", as he faded back into unconsciousness.
House!!! House!!!!!! Wake up and tell me what that means.
"What does that mean", turning to Martha, Cuddy asked?
'Martha looked at her and said", Dr. House is just delirious.
"Cuddy looked at her", no he is trying to tell me something.
"Cuddy turned back toward the glass and looked at him."
"What are you trying to tell me?"
"She knew in her heart he was trying to tell her something."
Then it hit her.
She turned to Martha and asked her to get her computer.
"Please go to my office and get my laptop", Cuddy asked.
"Martha ran to Cuddy's office and was back in what seemed like seconds."
Cuddy began to type "Columbus" into her seach box and found the article she was looking for. Paying attention in the historical medical class may have just payed off. The article read as follows:

Syphilis was known as “the mimic’s disease”. It began with a smallrash that mimicked smallpox (the variola virus). Hence it was given thename the ‘Pox’ and ‘Greatpox’ and was mistaken for smallpox whenever it killed a royal (as in the case of the Duke of Gloucester and his mother Queen Anne). The name ‘Syphilis’ was drawn from the name of a shepherd in one of Leonardo da Vinci’s poems.
The first recorded outbreak of syphilis occurred in Naples
(a transport epicentre) in 1494, with links to Columbus’ crew. The Italians called it ‘the Spanish disease’. When it spread to the French Army it was called ‘the French disease’. The French then called it the English disease’, the Russians called it ‘the Polish disease’ and the Arabs called it ‘the disease of the Christians’. None wanted to take the blame for “Miss Siff”.
Columbus claiming already occupied America backed by th Santa Maria, Nina and Pinta; surrounded by Court beauties;
and a Santa Maria sailing replica. The World Neurological complications of syphilis included personality changes, emotionalism, hyperactive reflexes, small and irregular pupils, a disordered spinal cord, a shuffling walk, bobbing head, hallucinations, insanity and death.
Syphilis came back with Columbus and return trips became necessary to get treatments for the disease that so cleverly concealed itself as "Small Pox".

"Columbus", "Santa Maria", It is "Syphillis"! Cuddy shouted.
"House is trying to tell me it is syphillis", Cuddy was astonished.
"Go get me vancomyacin and Cipro stat", she turned to Martha and said.
"Cuddy moved toward the glass."
"Oh God House, is that what you are trying to tell me?"
"Martha came back with the vancomyacin and the CDC official was right behind her."
"Cuddy was suiting up to go in and administer the medicine", and the CDC official told her that she couldn't go in.
"She looked at him and she said", I am the "Dean of Medicine" and this is my hospital and until the time that I am removed from that position the decisions are mine.
"He told her to let them test the cultures they had and see if this is what it was."
"Dr Cuddy", he said, we can't go in there until we know.
"She handed him the medicine."
"She was there for hours and the tests came back positive for a resistant syphillis."
They suited up and went in to administer the medicine.
"She stood there and she waited for what seemed to be hours."
"Please open your eyes House."
"Cuddy with tears streaming down her face", was so scared that they didn't find it in enough time."
She put her hand on his face. It is as if I have loved you all my life. I can't remember a time when I didn't love you. I never want my heart to know what it is to live without you again.
"House"...... At that moment she felt him touch her hand.

I put a song with this. Just a thought. I always felt like the whole season would build up to the moment that they realize the depth their love goes and just as important they show us where how deep it is.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HLforever said…
Oh my God @tammy. That was beautiful. I don't have anything to add right now but I want to quote something:

""He wondered if she knew how much he had come to love her."
"She had made him better."
"The thought he could have possibly made her better seemed overwhelming to him.""

Aaaahhhh...just wow. In a GOOD way, haha :D I also liked that you thought of a plausible smallpox-related disease...I was having trouble with that. But mostly, it was moving and just generally amazing.

over a year ago tammyr50 said…
Oh My HL. Thank you. Was hoping I was on the right track as to where this was suppose to go. It took me a minute to figure it out.
over a year ago bluehue said…
BACK from rally to restore sanity and/or fear! More on that later, 1 word= BRILLIANT!!

Ok,YEA HuddY FanFic TEAM! We made it to page 2!

@HLF, You amaze me, bc U have a knack, an ability to follow along & help make sense of things!
Applause applause. I see you rescued us from House's dream state..ha, "This is really where you should be right now?" He had to go back." Of course he did. (Bravo).

@tammy, our DID IT, solved the case!! (You're ready for House's diagnostic team). Thanks for your expert help..gosh, I even learned about some history of small pox ect., from your latest posting. I R smarter now. Which song did you choose @tammy?!

FYI: (for your information). thought back there was to get House to have a short little dream, because he was feverish..& you know how that can mess up your own sleep & dreaming. I tried to link the idea of the contaminated medicine jar found on the beach by POTW, (washed ashore via the Atlantic ocean in NJ) & THAT gave us our connection to House's dreamy vision about the ocean.. 'cause we have been trying to get our Huddy by the seaside..ha. Then LATER, this comes true...when House is all better from his POX scare, he asks her to go to the beach for reals, making his feverish dream come true..bringing us to a most "happy ending."

P.S. If you guys want, I'll try to finish the story, so we can say, "The End."
@HLF, I had the same thought as you, (in the beginning) thinking we would take ALL the postings, edit a little & publish one final team huddy fic.
Let me know if this is what you would like to see. OR, if you simply want to end it here..on these pages.

P.S. Again...Thanks too @anony...for your comment. Appreciated it. LOL.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago anonymously said…
@Tammy, that was beautiful (I liked the song too)
I love it when you all include actual medical facts in your fics! :D
over a year ago HLforever said…
Ugh I was so frustrated because I wrote an ending and MY INTERNET DIED. So I had to rewrite it.

Anyways, @BH I wrote an ending already so I thought I'd share it. It's not exactly like what you said you wanted it to be, so feel free to object! (unrelated: I saw the first part of the rally on TV, but I hear that the end was really the best part! It must have been different to have actually been there was it? TELL ME MORE!!!)

Alright, here goes:

House’s eyelids drifted open, the filmy blur of unconsciousness slow to recede from his eyes. Vaguely, he heard a voice calling him, but he was still in the groggy waters of the dream. His thoughts were incoherent and slow to form.

And suddenly, House’s head broke the surface and it was like a blast of fresh air had hit him in the face. The colors, the shapes, the sounds, all of it came rushing back to him.

“House! House…oh come on, just say something, just tell me if you’re…” Cuddy was sobbing, kneeling on the tile floor next to him, her hands clenched tightly around his as if he would blow away in the wind if she let go. House was alarmed. He had never seen her lose control like this.

“Your hand…” he whispered. His voice was ragged, his breathing made difficult by the disease that had not fully left his body. But at the sound of his voice, Cuddy’s head snapped up. She leaned towards him, her eyes frantically searching for his. House’s head was still leaned back against the glass wall, his eyes gazing at the ceiling. Cuddy’s strangling grip on his hand was painful, and he had wanted to say, “Your hand’s hurting me. I’m not going anywhere, you know.” But then House looked down and saw Cuddy staring at him. Sky-blue met stormy gray, and he suddenly realized that he did not want her to let go.

House had tried to avoid thinking about this for a long time. He was afraid that the thought might be too much for him. His heart had not been whole for a while now, after all. But, as House gazed into Cuddy’s eyes, he realized something. Somehow, without his really knowing it, he had let himself fall for her. There was no turning back.

This revelation scared House, but it was also exhilarating, something reminiscent of a new beginning. He dwelled on this new, warm, wonderful feeling as he pulled Cuddy close to him and wrapped his arms around her. She pressed her face against his chest and hiccupped slightly.

“I thought…” she began, but House shushed her.

“We don’t need to talk about that,” he said gently. Suddenly, an insane thought occurred to him. “Hey, do you want to go to the beach?”

Cuddy looked up at house, slightly incredulous, but then her face relaxed into a grin. She settled back into his arms. “Mmm,” she said.

But those were just words after all. There really was no need for them, House thought. His urge to go to the beach, to relive his hallucination, was a mere trifle. What really mattered was the almost impossible reality that she was his, that he had somehow become an irremovable part of her very soul. House pulled Cuddy closer into him, and rested his cheek against her temple. No, nothing else mattered now. As long as she was still in his arms, as long as tears could still turn into laughter, as long as their hearts could still beat together…

That would always be enough.
over a year ago tammyr50 said…
@BH - You finishing sounds great. The song is just an optioin. There are so many great ones. "You're The Half That Makes Me Whole", by Amel Larrieux.

@HL - As long as she was still in his arms, as long as tears could still turn into laughter, as long as their hearts could still beat together…

That would always be enough.

My heart melts as I think on that...........Beautiful.

@Anon - As alway you appreciate detail which makes me know you are wise beyond your years.
over a year ago bluehue said…
@tammy, I'll look up that song on Amazon, I don't know it. (YouTube doesn't work on my laptop). I like learning about songs & music others listen to.

Hey @HLF, I’ve not had the net-connect drop, but have accidentally deleted things several times. It is "ugh" annoying, then hard to remember what ya wrote. So now..if I write something very long, I type it onto a word processing page first..then drag & drop it into the fanpop comment box.

Aah..what a loverly romantic finish to our little saga!
Of course, as you suggest House's feelings, of wanting NEVER to let her go, "sky blue meeting stormy gray," perfect Huddyness. I wish it were so. I would only add that towards the big finish, Cuddy brings House a cold sparkling ginger ale with a bendy straw in it..ha. (That's what my mom always did when I was sick).

Yours follows @tammy's phrasing so nicely too, her part about, "It is as if I have loved you all my life. I can't remember a time when I didn't love you. I never want my heart to know what it is to live without you again." Sigh.

Well, I have a feeling this particular episode will not quite follow our script ideas, but it should!

Also, I don't want to mess up the finish, so if I do anything, I'll try to put all the story lines together, edit a little here & there and publish/post with all your names. Any title ideas? No rush, it will take me a couple days to put this together. I'll let you know first too.

P.S. This was really a fun adventure, because I liked the fact that we didn't know what we were doing exactly, but that didn't stop us.

@HLF, I really had great fun at the rally. It was uplifting, inspiring, humorous, all in the spirit of wanting to lower the volume of nasty & over judgemental our public domain & media.
It's too bad the mainstream media did not cover the event, it was awesome. I liked the part when Sam Waterston read Stephen Colbert's "Fear Poem." SO GREAT!
I especially enjoyed Sheryl Crow & Kid Rock's (new) song they performed, I think it was called, "The Least I Can Do Is Care," it was a knock out. My eyes teared up when the 70+ Tony Bennett came on stage..(I LOVE the man)..and sang and spoke a few words. Jon Stewart's 15 minute "soliloquy" at the end..I'm sure you will hear about, was truly heart felt & meaningful. I'll post some good links for you soon..and a few pics too. I'm sure it will be televised at some point.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago tammyr50 said…
@BH - sounds like an amazing weekend.I love Sheryl Crow and Tony Bennett is classic. Is the Fear Poem somewhere online so we can read? Want to hear more about this weekend.

@HL - sky blue meeting stormy gray," perfect Huddyness.

House’s eyelids drifted open, the filmy blur of unconsciousness slow to recede from his eyes. Vaguely, he heard a voice calling him, but he was still in the groggy waters of the dream. His thoughts were incoherent and slow to form.
So dramatically written. WOW!!!
over a year ago bluehue said…
@tammy, Here's the "Fear Poem." ENJOY!
You must have a listen to Sam Waterston reciting it in his super serious voice though, to get the full effect....they played that LA LAW "tha thump" sound before hand...I'm sure you know.


To see vids go to: YouTube or Comedy Central, type in "Rally to Restore Sanity & or Fear."
To see pics go to: Flicker & type in the same.

The Greatest Poem Ever Written
Sam Waterston Reads A Poem at the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear in Washington, D.C.

Are You Sure?
Copyright 2010
By the Reverend Sir Dr. Stephen T. Colbert DFA

Did you hear that?  No?
You’re probably going deaf
It’s your kids back home
Cooking up some crystal meth

Did you turn off the oven?
Did you set the alarm?
They still haven’t caught
the man with one arm

Look around at these people
How safe do you feel?
You’re car
when you parked
did you lock it?
Thinking reasonably now
what are the odds
that no one here
is a pick-pocket?

That guy who just coughed down your neck
Could he have an infection?
The restaurant where you went to brunch
did it fail its health inspection?

A mad man could set loose a virus
for which there isn’t a cure
and while these things may be unlikely
ask yourself … are you sure?

And can you be sure
that you won’t get ebola
from a tainted diet cola
toxic waste or getting chased
by a bearded Ayatollah.

Funnel clouds inhale
anthrax in the mail
your lover will discover
your vestigial tail.

Someone’s robbing your house
I can see through your blouse
Your mother was right
you chose the wrong spouse

Unlabeled Drano tornadoes torpedoes
the horrible sights of some guidos in Speedos
STD’s, PCB’s SUVs, UV Lights
A giant pimple on your face
you have a date tonight

Chocking on a biscotti
being whacked by John Gotti
Getting trapped overnight
in a full port-o-potty

And I have a final fear to drop in bucket
about a friend of a friend of the man from Nantucket

There once was a man from Eau Claire
Who no one was able to scare
He wouldn’t join panics
about the Hispanics
And later he was killed by a bear
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HLforever said…
@BH Ahh I need to go back and watch the whole thing now!! The "Fear Poem" really made me laugh...I think Colbert's ridiculous "fear" stance, though hilarious, makes for an effective foil to Stewart's "sanity". I hope this rally has worked to restore some of that as well...

Oh, and if you feel like you're too busy to edit this fic together I can do it, because school's off for me tomorrow...I realize that most people on here have actual important things to do, unlike me xD

@tammy I found the clip of Sam Waterston reading the "Fear Poem", so in case you haven't seen it you should watch it! He has such a solemn, dramatic voice, which makes it funnier but also more meaningful.
over a year ago bluehue said…
@HLf, I totally agree with you, "Colbert's fear stance makes for an effective foil to Stewart's sanity." Hope so too. (I'm glad you found that clip).

YES, it would be totally righteous of you to write out the fic, please pleeease do!!
I am kinda swamped with work..ugh. honor of our beloved Reverend Sir Dr. Stephen, it popped into my head to work up our own "Huddy Fear Poem." We could goof on all our reasonable & unreasonable Huddy fears. Hmmm..thinking..thinking & shaking with fear & VERY worried. (Worry face icon).
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over a year ago HLforever said…
@BH A Huddy Fear Poem? YES. I'm guessing this should be the next project for this thread?
over a year ago HLforever said…
big smile
Alright everyone, the fic is up! (as an article). It's actually pretty damn long...9 pages on MS Word!! Anyways, I hope you don't mind the little things that I edited and added to make the story flow more smoothly...please read it and tell me what you think!

Also, I took the liberty of coming up with a title, but I think it's a little corny and not really relevant to the story. Anyone else have better suggestions?
over a year ago bluehue said…
You did a super job putting all the posts together..editing, tweaking and publishing.
I'm pleasantly surprised..amazed really, that while reading through it, the story is actually complex & interesting and makes sense enough. The title is apt & thanks for inserting a spoiler alert.

Okay, good, glad you are on board for next stop, "Huddy Fear Poem."
Of course, using the word "poem" loosely. Free form.
I would REALLY like to create stanzas in the same format & style of Stephen Colbert's.
It seems fun, very do-able & reads easily too...don't you think?

For myself, I plan to get started by jotting down some Huddy fears & can see the shape or extent of it. "Meat" for the "bones" as they say. Then will try to create some stanzas.
Let's say..once we have a dozen stanzas or so that we like, we'll then edit, put it all in best order of "flow" & post. BE NOT AFRAID! (Go for it).
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over a year ago tammyr50 said…
@BH - Maybe this would be a Start.
Your words were harsh and could hurt to the core
But looking past all the anger I always saw something more
For years you built walls and focused on the pain
And to bear you up you used vicodin and a cane

The storm in your eyes spoke of a hurt little boy
The rage in your mind had determined your life to destroy
In you the purpose of my life has been revealed
The love a lifetime no longer concealed

over a year ago HLforever said…
@tammy Oh wow, that is BEAUTIFUL. o_______o I love how you managed to make it rhyme AND keep the serious tone of the poem (because more often than not rhyming can make it sound childish)...great job!

I have nothing good to add right now, but @BH on Youtube I just watched the closing speech that Stewart made at the rally and I have to say, it was inspirational. Really. And it got almost 1 million views in 3 days. I have to wholeheartedly agree with some of the comments that I read: it really is amazing (and slightly sad) that a COMEDIAN can give a more honest and inspirational speech than most politicians. While I love Colbert too and he is hilarious, I really, really respect this man.
over a year ago tammyr50 said…
Of course this House's point of view.

I was lost in the fog of my anger and pain
The fire of your passion lit my path in the night
Could I release the past and reach out to this light
You entered my heart and broke down the wall
I tested and tried you as I push the limits of your will
I hurt you and I cut you with my words and I drew not blood but tears
My resolve was gone and I was in the darkest hour of my life
Just as in times past your love was an overcoming light
I was a prisoner locked inside my armor tight
Your touch, your words, and your kiss released my soul from this torturous fight.
After all this time as I undress your body and drink you in
My body has burned with desire that I held deep within
And as I take you in my arms I am ready for love to begin
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago bluehue said…
@tammy darling, I'm just enjoying your poetry all by itself! Beautiful dreamer you are! I'll try to add some lines tonight, (off to work now) but I FEAR that I would ruin the loving spirit or mood you've created. I'll dig deep tho & try..promise.

BTW, my way of thinking about HuddY & life in in a constant state of confusion..pain. I swing dramatically back 'n forth between the comical...or dry humorous observation, (& gentle sarcasm) to that of a serious heart-wrenching cry state. It really depends on my mood.

@HLf, glad you caught Jon’s, that’s alot of hits too. I too respect both of these comedians for different reasons each. Jon is more serious & journalistic in his approach. Stephen plays a character to get his point across & sometimes he doesn’t quite pull it off...but I love his bottomless a child. Thanks again for your organizing the fic!!
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over a year ago anonymously said…
That fear poem was awesome :D
I'll be back to read the Huddy one

Will you be starting a new collaborative fic?
over a year ago bluehue said…
YES @anony, I think we will start a new collab fic (after finishing off Huddy Fear Poem).

Feel free to post a topic idea that starts up a new one..and then of course join in when it you can, even if you & others can only add a few lines (hopefully more) all helps make up the fic!

P.S. As you can see, things move along at a slower pace on this thread...because we have to take time to digest what each of us may write..think about it & then write..or add something else. it's easy to check in once a day & not be too lost.
over a year ago tammyr50 said…
@BH - Yeah I thought maybe that might even be an ending or just using a verse here and there. I am watching the last four episodes of season 5 to get truly inspired. Take my dreaming heart into that dark place that House use to abide and put myself in their shoes and the things that they are afraid of
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over a year ago tammyr50 said…
@BH - Here is a few lines.
Fear cripples the heart and damages the mind
The hero inside becomes hard to find
The doubts and the turmoil rage to leave you less than whole
Fear strips your paasion and destroys your soul
over a year ago bluehue said…
Hello @tammy!
After carefully reading your stanzas, I can't help but see your words as a strong, singular LOVE poem about the many things Huddy has faced & IS facing. I think you should put it all together, add a title that you like to fit your poetic style and definately PUBLISH!! It's so right.

I would not want to add my silly, VERY goofy version to your thoughtful writing.
Ha..believe me, you'll see what I mean, because mine is inspired more directly from Stephen Colbert's (sarcastic) fear poem, maybe because of my recent experience at rally. So I'll call mine, HuddY INSANE With Fear Poem. (& I apologize in advance).
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over a year ago bluehue said…
HuddY Insane With Fear Poem
(Inspired rather directly by Stephen Colbert's Fear Poem).

Is House really in lobe..or still just a jerk?
Who sleeps with the boss? That IS quite a perk!

He was hooked on hookers and Vicodin pills,
to name just a few..this man has some ills

Hallucination door sex, all such a blur,
is Dr. House cured..are we even that sure?

Yea what about Lucas..Cuddy’s private eye guy?
Ex-boy-toy stalking her, the NERVE of that spy!

Poor baby Rachel who swallowed a dime,
lucky she poo-pooed it, maybe not next time!

Hilson together, maketh not a good sitter,
call 911..oh and please ask for Tritter!

Thank goodness for Cuddy her doc has 9-lives,
he’s gone through about will he survive?!

If not past addiction, what affliction?
Ah-ha this is spoilery...but here’s some prediciton..

This show we all watch on a channel called Fox,
puts House in isolation with a real deadly pox

YES you say...I’ve heard that is the case,
But it’s what we don’t know..that makes hearts race

Cuz hardly the worst sort of HuddY type FEAR,
No, it’s more a Miss Lydia who would suddenly appear!

My head is kinda there I cannot go,
or toss threads in a tizzy with that scenario!

last edited over a year ago
HuddY Insane With Fear Poem   
(Inspired rather directly by Stephen Colbert's Fear Poem).

Is House r
over a year ago bluehue said…
@tammy..I need to work on getting touch with my feelings..hopeless!!
over a year ago tammyr50 said…
@BH - Applause!!!!!!! Bows in humble humility to your masterpiece. It is hilarious!!!!! Just a great piece of work.

My Huddy heart bows to your wit
My sense of humor I am trying to develop it
Could my romantic heart be the fault of House
Or could it that Cuddy low-cut blouse

last edited over a year ago