Huddy I Will Survive (the Hiatus) - A Deprived Huddy Support Group

HLforever posted on Nov 30, 2010 at 05:01AM
Sooo I suppose the name of this thread is pretty self-explanatory...I mainly just wanted a place where I could keep track of my slow decline into Huddy deprivation over this hiatus, and others in the future.

Post whatever you want here!! You can join me in my daily diary entries (which I will start below), share some tips about dealing with the lack of Huddy, or anything else your sad, Huddy-starved heart desires. Complain about life! Post cute furry animal pics! Write poetry!

Alright, now join me as I start documenting my own journey through the dark tunnels of Huddy deprivation...and feel free to join me! Just start from your own "Day 1"...

last edited on Dec 03, 2010 at 03:34AM

Huddy 275 replies

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over a year ago HLforever said…
Day 1 (not actually Day 1 of the hiatus, but Day 1 of my own documented hiatus)
November 30 2010
12:02 AM

First thought: why the hell am I on Fanpop at midnight? I should be sleeping...or at least rewatching Now What...

Okay, my records for rewatching Season 7 stuff so far:

Estimations (not exaggerated):
Now What (whole ep): 4 times
Opening sex scene: 12 times
Bath scene: 12 times
Surprising collapse-onto-bed-panting-with-no-clothes-­on scene: 5 times
Couch kiss: 8 times
House-says-"I love you" scene: 26 times (let's be honest, it's probably more)

Selfish (whole ep): 1 time
Bed scene with sweet smiles and kiss and (drool) arm stroking: 18 times

These are the scenes that I have rewatched most so far (I'm not going to go into the later eps right now...too tired xD). I do want to go into this though: number of seconds (in a row) spent staring at a screencap--

Holding hands from the first scene in Now What: approx. 25 seconds
Holding hands in the "I love you" scene near the end of Now What: approx. 40 seconds
House's face while talking to Cuddy on the couch at the end of Now What: approx. 1 minute
House smiling at Cuddy in bed in Selfish: approx. 20 seconds
House's small smile in Cuddy's office at the end of Small Sacrifices: a bajillion hours (spent reveling in his glorious hotness)

Phew. Well, since this is becoming a diary entry of sorts, here's some other random stuff:

1) Heard rumors that RSL is leaving the show. If so, plan to cry eyes out. It's also even more scary because I can see how Sam breaking up with Wilson could be a segway to Wilson/RSL leaving the show.

2) Heard rumors (from BTS pics, suspiciously all from the same scene, of someone being operated on, and the Lisa in one of those surgery caps that could be for the patient, or for a presiding doctor) that Cuddy could become sick and need surgery and die and Lisa would also leave the show. Which I don't believe will happen, because House would lose A LOT of viewers. Think this might be some dirty GY plot to scare us paranoid Huddies. Evil man.

3) Nooo I had a number three, but I forgot it because I ended up making number two longer than it should have been...noooooooooooo I hate it when this happens.

I am now going to watch some Huddy vids and tell myself to sleep. This has been a very productive Hiatus Day 1 journal entry!! If anyone wants to do the same, you can copy my format (I don't really have a format) or just do something all your own! Anyways, for now, peace out my Huddies. We will make it through together!! :D
over a year ago mysuspicionis said…
Day 1: Why am I on fanpop at midnight also?--I have to get up for work, I'm not on vacation anymore. Great idea for a thread. Someone said we will get a Valentines Day episode this year. I struggle through the desert of hiatus in the hopes of finding and oasis of Huddiness within the upcoming Cuddy mother episodes and the Valentines Day one. Strange rumors of Wilson leaving? Let it not be so for I should be as devastated as House.
over a year ago maverickangel35 said…
Day 1: Why am I on fanpop at midnight? Oh I know--because of the truly awesome people!

Tip for getting through the hiatus: do like I did this morning at work!

Picture, if you will, mav sitting in an office at 5:00 in the morning (thats right, 5:00 am in the morning. blargh.) counting money money money stacks of money counting money and at random, this snippet from a season one ep started playing over and over in my head:

"You put him on lupron."
"Uh huh."
"And you told him it was like milk."
"Is there any way in which that is NOT a lie?"
"'s creamy... but I had three reasons--"
"Good ones?"
"Well we'll see in a minute. I'm just making them up now."

Over and over, that same little bunch of lines. Why? No idea. But it certainly was entertaining... :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago schonste9 said…
@HLF: Great Idea for a Site! You know me by now to know that I'm a fellow House addict, so I will participate, as it's a cool idea. I live in the Pacific Standard Time Zone, but as I've said on the Hugh-laurious site, first of all it's an earlier time earlier here, so I don't feel that guilty, but mostly, I recently had major leg surgery and have major insomnia, so I am often on the internet throughout the day, off and on.

Day One: Watched the FOX network's rerun of "Now What." Sad to realize we'll probably no longer see such a 'sexy' episode again for various reason, but I've watched it so many times, over and over and over, that I'm actually kindof "over" watching it and I crave new material in a major way!! And I long to hear the words "I love You" spoken again"!! And the medical dramas are all great, by I'm a total Huddy girl/fan!! For me, it's all about "house" for me as a viewer, his personality development, and if that relates to his patients, that's great - otherwise, I'm not really interested.

Otherwise, maintain my "house" connection with mostly friendly fanpoppers like HL! I love to post pictures and videos on that site, hugh-laurious. Have a great day/evening, everyone!! : ))
over a year ago volt1 said…
good morning every one or have a nice sleep(in the other part of the planet)
the rumours are real?i'm worry,about the cuddy (of course)
keep writting girls,please share info..

"Day 1: Why am I on fanpop at midnight? Oh I know--because of the truly awesome people! "
so do i!!!

over a year ago true_love_huddy said…
Hello dear Huddies!:)

@HLforever-This thread is a great idea, absolutely love it!:)"Now what" is a true miracle that writers have given us to enjoy until the end of our lives, and so on...:)As I mentioned it in the "H-morning"-thread, I don't want to give up hope about a brand new, very special, never seen before Huddy-kiss, gesture or confession, that would transport us directly to heaven!!I don't want to give up hope, but sometimes I tend to loose my faith because of the pure reality the writers are keeping, and the lack of romantic moments. I honestly love the medical dramas too, and the complicated character of their relationship, the drama, the complexity which makes us think, but my emotional side is still alive, now in the hiatus more alive than anytime before. It doesn't mean I expect from them a cheesy or hiper-perfect, not authentic relationship!NO!What I expect is the same reality and complexity, but cherished with a sweet, well, sometimes bittersweet Huddy-romance: tender and passionate kisses, deep stares, erotic tension and verbal manifestations of their undescribably original; true, deep, real, unconditional and live romance they have. I fully respect if for somebody it would be too much or something, but for me, if it would come true, that would be heaven itself.:)

I don't want to be anxious because of rumors, I hope the writers know what they are doing!;)

over a year ago maverickangel35 said…
November 30, 2010

Day 2: have the day off work... cloudy and gray outside... laundry in the machine...

Nothing on tv; nothing for it but to turn on the dvr for some reruns, starting with The Softer Side and then Social Contract and then Here Kitty perhaps until a good movie comes on the telly at 3:00...

Will probably try and add a few lines to Just Friends and perhaps meander my way over to the huli fanfic thread and see if anyone has posted any awesome since last night! And that is how I will get through today...
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
LOL i love this idea! Well it is now day 2 for me....

2:45pm: i am currently on fanpop when i should be working on my 20 pg paper....hmmmm.......

Also, I've created a little challenge for myself. I am going to post on my friends facebook wall 1 Huddy quote for everyday of the hiatus (i would tell you how many days that is but that just makes it seem WAY worse so i wont :p) Hopefully i can make it! :0

i think that we should also start icon or fanfiction contests or something. it would help past the time. i know over my winter break for school i have a fanfic of huddy to finish and then i might try a lie to me crossover one....;)
over a year ago HLforever said…
Day 2 (huzzah!!)

November 30 2010
4:15 PM

Ahh it is drizzling and gray outside (@mav it seems that we live under the same huge cloud...bleh). Not doing so great today, Huddy-wise. I see the word "huge" and think "HUGH." Someone says "blahblahblahHOUSE" and I whirl around, before realizing they are talking about BUILDINGS. I got an email from a teacher with the first name "Lisa". And, to top it all off, for some reason there was a lawyer named JAMES WILSON who played some small part in American history, and is therefore mentioned once again in my APUSH textbook. Ahhh life. Why?

@TLH "What I expect is the same reality and complexity, but cherished with a sweet, well, sometimes bittersweet Huddy-romance: tender and passionate kisses, deep stares, erotic tension and verbal manifestations of their undescribably original; true, deep, real, unconditional and live romance they have."

Wow. Haha I believe you just defined Huddy, beautifully and truly. :D

@mav Did I hear the words "JUST" and "FRIENDS"?????? xD
But in all seriousness, no pressure. I mean, your FF was totally NOT the thing that first drew me to the Huli spot, and it was DEFINITELY NOT the reason why I decided to make an account in the first place...heheh.


*runs back*

Oh wait, I forgot, I wanted to ramble for a little bit about my favorite Season 7 scene (in case you can't tell, it was the one at the end of Now What when House finally says "I love you".)

All I have to say is, Hugh is just amazing in that scene. Lisa is too, but Hugh's acting actually got me tearing up. And this was after 20+ times of watching the scene already. I think I needed to watch it that many times to catch the subtleties in his expression, the way his eyes linger on her face, the desperate beauty in the way he grabs her hand and doesn't let go...

That scene was the scene in which I could really appreciate the beauty of the Huddy relationship. Even though, as we now know, there were some exceptions to the things about House that Cuddy claims she does not want to change, there's something incredibly moving and, well, beautiful, in seeing such a screwed-up guy like House decide to give love another chance. That was a very long sentence. Moving on...

I forgot who said this before, but the difference between Huddy versus Hameron and House/Stacy (I really don't like "Hacy") is that, in different ways, both Cameron and Stacy tried, or expected, House to change. And yes, Cuddy does too, but in a much smaller way. She never asks House to change himself in a major way for her, because she knows that in the process House will lose some of his identity. And I believe that this is House's worst fear. Losing himself.

(Get ready, I'm going to use the words "beauty" and "beautiful" a lot again) I think this is what adds to the beauty of Huddy, and of the moment when House tells Cuddy that he loves her. No matter what he may say, he is already taken a leap of faith by going into this relationship. And the part when he says "I love you", caught up in the passion of the moment...I think when Cuddy told him that she didn't want him to change, House suddenly realized that she might be THE ONE, just like Wilson said, and suddenly, in that one desperate moment, he had to somehow convey to her how much he loved her.

I've been trying to come up with the reasons why House and Cuddy love each other. House - Cuddy is pretty easy:

- Cuddy's smart, funny, and has a zesty bod
- She really is a very strong woman, the only one who can really keep up with House and control him (to an extent)
- She was there when everyone else avoided him, when they were all too scared or too indifferent or too unsure to help him, both in UMS (although that was in House's own mind), and finally in Help Me. She was there for him, and I think that was what did it. She was his savior, and House will always remember that.

It's a little harder to come up with good reasons why Cuddy would love House. Of course:

- He's hot, both physically and mentally (geniuses are attractive)
- He's intriguing, a legend, brilliant, etc.

But the, I realized that love can really be irrational. If I was asked why I loved certain people in my life, I couldn't really come up with a list of coherent reasons. But sometimes, there's just something about two people that makes them meant for each other. And I have officially lost my train of thought.

Haha, this is turning into a stream of consciousness...well, my consciousness is streamed out. It does feel good, though, to let all of this out. If I didn't, it would probably have steadily built up inside me until one day I started screaming at my mom about how beautiful Huddy is.

Ooh, I want to start a countdown too. From now until Larger Than Life, there are:


last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mysuspicionis said…
@HL "If I didn't, it would probably have steadily built up inside me until one day I started screaming at my mom about how beautiful Huddy is." ----Pictures herself suddenly going crazy during the hiatus and screaming in the middle of a crowd of holiday shoppers. "House is a fascinating show about the nature of truth and the character's struggle between rationality and the possibility of emotional connection with others.!!!!!!" dragged away by security still yelling..."I love you, I wish I didn't but I can't help it defines Cuddy's feelings and shows the depth of her love for him as flawed as he is." That wa a beautiful description of their relationship HL, and you gave me an epiphany with you explanation of how House realized Cuddy might be "the one" when she said she doesn't want him to change.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago true_love_huddy said…
@Hlforever-"I forgot who said this before, but the difference between Huddy versus Hameron and House/Stacy (I really don't like "Hacy") is that, in different ways, both Cameron and Stacy tried, or expected, House to change. And yes, Cuddy does too, but in a much smaller way. She never asks House to change himself in a major way for her, because she knows that in the process House will lose some of his identity. And I believe that this is House's worst fear. Losing himself."

Fully agree. She doesn't want him to change, but she has her rights to ask him to make some effort and sometimes to please her. Improving skills doesn't mean changing.
over a year ago true_love_huddy said…
"I think when Cuddy told him that she didn't want him to change, House suddenly realized that she might be THE ONE, just like Wilson said, and suddenly, in that one desperate moment, he had to somehow convey to her how much he loved her."

And I'm DEAD!!!:)
over a year ago HLforever said…
Hahahah @mysusp well now when I see a story on the news about how a crazy fangirl started going berserk and spewing psychological analyses and deep philosophical theories about love, I'll be able to say, "Oh, I know her!" xD

Also: I am very honored to have given you an epiphany, .I do hope that everything suddenly seems clear and shiny now. :DDDD

@TLH Glad you agree :D
To be honest, I'm getting a little pissed at the guy who wrote about "House (the show) jumping the shark" with Huddy. If only he could come on here and read one of yours or @Delia's analyses of the relationship, THEN he would truly understand...I feel like right now he's just being ignorant.

Then again, though, there are probably plenty of smart people who are non-Huddies. I'm obviously pretty biased...but JESUS MAN. HOW CAN YOU NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH THESE TWO???!!!

(BTW just call me HL :D)
Hahahah @mysusp well now when I see a story on the news about how a crazy fangirl started going berse
over a year ago HLforever said…
Wait a sec, I feel the urge to picspam.

Wait a sec, I feel the urge to picspam.

over a year ago HLforever said…
Ugh, the beautiful desperation in his eyes...
Seriously, if Hugh was looking at me like THAT, acting or not, I would pass out.
Ugh, the beautiful desperation in his eyes...
Seriously, if Hugh was looking at me like THAT, acting
over a year ago HLforever said…
Gotta say though, they look a hell of a lot sexier when they're together...
Gotta say though, they look a hell of a lot sexier when they're together...
over a year ago HLforever said…
And they're also sexy while they're having sex. I'm not picky. :D
And they're also sexy while they're having sex.  I'm not picky.  :D
over a year ago HLforever said…
And just plain making out too.
And just plain making out too.
over a year ago HLforever said…
Oh no, feeling rather dirty now...quick, a cute furry animal!!
Oh no, feeling rather dirty now...quick, a cute furry animal!!
over a year ago HLforever said…
Oh wait, and I totally forgot:

over a year ago evropia said…
big smile
And with all this grabbing....
And with all this grabbing....
over a year ago mysuspicionis said…
Girls I was killing time just now watching some fox tv show and the guy was going to hire an actor to play a doctor to trick someone. On a whiteboard there were a list of tv doctor actors: George Clooney--NO Hugh Laurie--House---No and so on. I freaked out just at the sight of the name Hugh Laurie ;)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HLforever said…
Haha @mysusp...I would have freaked out too xD
My mom's watching "Saviors", which I have not seen before, which is very sad. But I was surprised to find out that it was from Season 5, since most of the reruns we have are from Seasons 2 & 3...anyways, both Chase and Cameron accuse Cuddy of being in love with House, and of course I smiled like an idiot. And then I walked in on a Hameron scene, and watched it, and suddenly craved Huddy SO MUCH.

I think a rewatching of all Huddy scenes in Season 7 is in order. HUZZAH! :D
Haha @mysusp...I would have freaked out too xD
My mom's watching "Saviors", which I have not
over a year ago mysuspicionis said…
LOVE Season 5 so much! So angsty and suspenseful!
over a year ago HLforever said…
Ohhh my, I just remembered this from summer (I watched this at least once every 3 days)...SO DELICIOUS.
over a year ago evropia said…
The jealousy scene in the clinic is one of a kind....Cuddy did marked her territory well....

I just love season 5....It's when the flame turned into fire...and hopefully it will last forever....

The jealousy scene in the clinic is one of a kind....Cuddy did marked her territory well....

I just
over a year ago schonste9 said…
@Evropia: Beautiful pic. I hope it will last forever as well. And only a few more days until Dec.4th to vote for the PCA's!!

@Evropia: Beautiful pic.  I hope it will last forever as well.  And only a few more days until Dec.4t
over a year ago HLforever said…
@evropia Ahhh I love that pic so much...haha I tried to post it several times but it just wouldn't load. Stupid computer.

I really need to get to watching Season 5. I know that there are websites with full eps, but for some reason I can never find the time...

Oh BTW, @evropia again, PLEASE consider entering the Huddy FF contest...we've already established that you're amazing with words, an I'd really like to read a fic by you...pretty please? At least think about it? There's still a whole month to write...

THIS GOES OUT TO EVERYONE. We need to help each other out during the hiatus!! Enter the FF contest, or just write an FF, or share a way to cope...ugh I AM SO HUDDY DEPRIVED. (Actually I just strongly recommend that you enter the FF contest. Just sayin')

I'm in need of some good Huddy fanfiction though...*sigh*
over a year ago maggiemay23 said…
Why the 4th? I thought it´s the the 7th?
over a year ago mysuspicionis said…
your screen name is great!
over a year ago maggiemay23 said…
The Song was on the radio.And I like Rod Stewart!
over a year ago true_love_huddy said…
@HL-You are nice!:)Agree basically with everything you wrote, and I like so much your enthusiasm!;)I've just read half or the critic that guy has written, because non-Huddies always make me nervous, I can't help it...

@evropia-Yes I also think you should write fanfic. That would be a great pleasure for us, and of course for yourself as well!:)
over a year ago evropia said…
Thanks for the trust girls....Maybe i'll give it a try....
over a year ago bluehue said…
Aaahh..just noticed this thread! Wonderful. I'll catch up by reading thru U-all on my night shift.

Love @evropia's pic..posted up top too! Besides House's lovely forehead & nose nestled warmly into Cuddy's shoulder..they are wearing my fave color combination..dark blue & purple. Ciao4now.
over a year ago HLforever said…
Day 3
December 1, 2010 3:51 PM

Ugh, it's STILL raining. Except this time it's pouring. I got completely drenched on my way home from school...bleh.

So far, so good. Have not completely collapsed into a Huddy depression yet. Then again, it's only been 8 days...NOOOOOOO.

I have been 2 days completely Huddy-sober, though, which is pretty impressive. Well, actually, I stared at some screencaps. But that doesn't count xD.

The amazing @wendus put up HQ screencaps of the UMS tongue-kiss...I literally forgot to breathe while I was staring at them.

Umm, so yeah. Actually doing pretty well today, Huddy-wise. It's not like I really want the new episode or anything. I mean, I'm not THAT obsessed with Huddy, right? It's not like they're all I think about 24/7, it's not like I'm part of any online fan communities, and it's not like I have a bajillion sexy screencaps of them on my computer. Haha seriously, come on. Who's THAT obsessed?

Day 3
December 1, 2010 3:51 PM

Ugh, it's STILL raining.  Except this time it's pouring.  I got compl
over a year ago maverickangel35 said…
December 1, 2010

Day three: icy cold feet, warm hands? And the first snow of the season...

Watching Massage Therapy and trying not to throw a shoe at House for being such a MAN. Honestly. Absolutely exhausted from a surprise VIP visit at work that completely dropped out of the blue with no warning whatsoever and is now turning things all topsy-turvy and come on, people, don't you know Christmas is not the time to spring things on me?

Am looking forward to tomorrow--a whole slew of great reruns will be on television for me to dvr, including Joy, the Itch, and Let Them Eat Cake. Huzzah!

And now I will nap.
over a year ago HLforever said…
@mav Snow? SNOW?? Jesus you are so lucky. All we get is stupid rain. I'm pretty sure my basement is flooding as I type.

Yes yes, huzzah for reruns! If only I wasn't in school and had homework and could actually watch them sometimes...

Oh well. A quick dose of hotness, and I'm peaceing out.
Damn history homework.
@mav Snow?  SNOW??  Jesus you are so lucky.  All we get is stupid rain.  I'm pretty sure my basement
over a year ago mysuspicionis said…
@HL "I have been 2 days completely Huddy-sober." Good for you-- the hallucinations should stop soon... I was thinking "would any of us ever have believed as children that we would say I can't wait for Christmas to be over..." lol
over a year ago HLforever said…
@mysusp I know, this obsession does crazy things to me...I also never thought that one day I would with that the weekend was over so it could be Monday, which equals House...ahh, there's no hope for us.

This doesn't look too bad, right? Living on the streets should be fun...
@mysusp I know, this obsession does crazy things to me...I also never thought that one day I would wi
over a year ago mysuspicionis said…
ha ha you guys find the best pictures. I LOBE it.
over a year ago HLforever said…
Haha yeeaahhhh Google Images!!! :D

But of course, the best pics always come from Fanpop...
Haha yeeaahhhh Google Images!!! :D

But of course, the best pics always come from Fanpop...
over a year ago mysuspicionis said…
what were your keywords happy homeless person ha ha
over a year ago mysuspicionis said…
I found some spoilers!!! Posted a link
over a year ago evropia said…
Living on the streets would be fun as long as i have my laptop and internet connection....Today i said i will stay Huddy free but who am i kidding...I ended up watchng season 5 again....

All this tention is killing me....

last edited over a year ago
Living on the streets would be fun as long as i have my laptop and internet connection....Today i sai
over a year ago schonste9 said…
@HLF: You do have great pics! Sorry it only rains where you live, I live in a sunny state...

@Evropia: I miss the tension as well, and I don't care if this was simply a 'hallucination', it was hot...

@HLF: You do have great pics!  Sorry it only rains where you live, I live in a sunny state...

over a year ago evropia said…
It was just hot...more like burst in flames short of thing....

last edited over a year ago
It was just hot...more like burst in flames short of thing....
over a year ago HLforever said…
@schonste Well normally it doesn't rain this much...which just makes this downpour doubly depressing (triple alliteration!! haha I'm such a writing nerd...)

@mysusp I googled "cardboard box house" xD. Of course, that one isn't nearly as snazzy as the one we're going to live in...I say we pool all our money into buying a huge flatscreen TV, all DVD box sets of House, and possibly Hugh, if we can save up enough. Screw food, right?

Oh no, but if we buy Hugh we'll have to buy Lisa as well...damn. Do we get a discount if we buy them together? xD.

Well, I'm off to bed my lovely, crazy Huddies. End Day 3 for me.

over a year ago evropia said…
Good night @HLforever...huddylicious dreams...
over a year ago mysuspicionis said…
"and possibly Hugh" lol
over a year ago evropia said…
big smile
Hmm...i have to organize my dreams better....