Ianto Jones Updates

a comment was made to the poll: What do you think Ianto and Jack's relationship should be like ? over a year ago by Puckurt
a comment was made to the poll: Which of the people in torchwood is the hottest? over a year ago by lilith84
a comment was made to the poll: Do you like Russell T Davies ? over a year ago by lilith84
a comment was made to the screencap: 2x07 - Dead Man Walking over a year ago by PhoenixFlames
a comment was made to the answer: Nawww :C makes me even sadder! :C I want him to be back in Torchwood! over a year ago by NeonBlues
a comment was made to the answer: Nawww :C makes me even sadder! :C I want him to be back in Torchwood! over a year ago by NeonBlues
fan art was added: Ianto :3 over a year ago by totaldramafan96
an answer was added to this question: has anyonelse seen this its so cool!!!! over a year ago by totaldramafan96
a comment was made to the poll: Do you think they should bring Ianto back into Torchwood ? over a year ago by purpleninja3714
an icon was added: Ianto over a year ago by robin221
a screencap was added: 2x12 - Fragments over a year ago by cicino1
a link was added: Russell T. Davies response to the angry over the death of Ianto Jones fans over a year ago by JoannaVonDoom
a link was added: 23 Most Shocking TV Deaths over a year ago by cicino1
a video was added: Ianto Jones ; Fuckin Perfect over a year ago by cicino1
a comment was made to the video: Torchwood What About Us over a year ago by terhenetar
a comment was made to the icon: Ianto Jones over a year ago by terhenetar
a comment was made to the icon: Ianto Jones over a year ago by terhenetar
a comment was made to the poll: Do you like the phrase "Save the coffee boy, save the world" ? over a year ago by terhenetar
a question was added: has anyonelse seen this its so cool!!!! over a year ago by tymple