jdrss club Updates

a video was added: Cool pic.s bad music over a year ago by jdrs
a photo was added: My imvu picture over a year ago by jdrs
an icon was added: this is daniel i love him over a year ago by jdrs
a comment was made to the article: Ghost over a year ago by jdrs
an article was added: Ghost over a year ago by jdrs
a comment was made to the photo: i did this over a year ago by jdrs
a comment was made to the photo: crazy stuff no one want too see over a year ago by jdrs
a video was added: young forever over a year ago by jdrs
a poll was added: if someone fell in love with you what do you do? over a year ago by jdrs
a video was added: moment 4 life over a year ago by jdrs
a comment was made to the poll: who are you? over a year ago by GeekGirl
a poll was added: who are you? over a year ago by jdrs
a poll was added: who hates you? over a year ago by jdrs
a comment was made to the question: One thing that happend to you that you wish that it didnt happend? over a year ago by jdrs
a question was added: One thing that happend to you that you wish that it didnt happend? over a year ago by jdrs
a video was added: when your gone over a year ago by jdrs
a video was added: Whataya Want From Me over a year ago by jdrs