john carpenter's the thing Updates

an icon was added: MacReady 4 months ago by Bibi69
an answer was added to this question: How do you think the movie would have been different if it were an all female cast instead? over a year ago by setka13
a video was added: Fan Made John Carpenter's The Thing Trailer over a year ago by TwistedKingdom
a comment was made to the poll: should there b a #2 over a year ago by VINiman
a comment was made to the poll: Who do you think would make a good or better female "MacReady" in a sequel that takes place after John Carpenter's original film (e.g. in a city)? over a year ago by VINiman
a question was added: How do you think the movie would have been different if it were an all female cast instead? over a year ago by MasterOfFear
a poll was added: Who was your favorite character? over a year ago by MasterOfFear
a comment was made to the poll: did it scare u the 1st time u saw it over a year ago by MasterOfFear
a comment was made to the poll: do you know what the Norwegian guy said at the start? if yes what was it? over a year ago by MasterOfFear
a link was added: Concept art, storyboards and blueprints from 1982's The Thing on display over a year ago by jasonhollywood
a poll was added: Who do you think would make a good or better female "MacReady" in a sequel that takes place after John Carpenter's original film (e.g. in a city)? over a year ago by TheThing800
a comment was made to the poll: whats better the game or movie over a year ago by oldfan
a wallpaper was added: The Thing in Whiteout over a year ago by oldfan
a comment was made to the fan art: The Thing (suggested banner) over a year ago by william_laughs
fan art was added: The Thing (suggested banner) over a year ago by william_laughs
a photo was added: The Thing over a year ago by william_laughs