John Krasinski Business School

kathiria82 posted on Jun 09, 2007 at 07:50AM
Jim is the only person in the office that Pam really confides in. She basically talks to him about everything. He is the first person she tells about the art internship, and he supported her all the way. Why didn't he go to her art show then? I was kind of disappointed in him. Any thoughts?

John Krasinski 12 replies

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over a year ago marissa said…
well, i like to think that he didnt know about it until it was too late, or else we would have gone.

didnt karen rip down a poster in a deleted scene? and i dont think that she came and asked him directly, so...

anyways, i like to think its evil karens fault.
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
Really?, I've never seen that!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago brokenbrain said…
I was really bummed that he didn't show up too. I felt so bad for Pam. I guess Jim was trying to move on or something...but he still could have come to support her as a friend. I blame Karen too! Did she take the poster down or did she just think of doing it? I can't really remember...
over a year ago sandyboard93 said…
i like to think that karen was out on a date with jim and made him forget about it damn evil karen....
over a year ago Phylob_forever said…
I really thought he was gonna go, but oh well. Ends happy!
over a year ago ilovehinder said…
micheal was so sweet at pams art show when no one went.
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
I know, that is one of my favorite Michael moments. He was so supportive!
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
That was probably the meanest thing Jim's ever done. I hope it was Karen too cos the Old Jim wouldn't miss it for the world.
At least someone was nice though. It was really sweet.
over a year ago iar said…
I think Jim was really hurt because Pam had just gotten back with Roy at Phillys Wedding (that was the previous episode) so he decided not to go, seeing her with Roy was going to be very painfully.
Sometimes when we are mad with people that we love or really care about, we do or say the things that we know that are going to hurt the other really bad.
I think that Pam felt that between them was a really big distance but she was hoping him to show up, like she never really asumed that what had happend in the Casino Night really had changed things, that the relationship with Jim was deteriorated.
I think after that, Pam start to realize or accept that the distance with him was really big, they were very apart from each other. And, Jim demostrated that distance with not showing up or not going to the counter to eat jellybeans, for example.
Then, she tried to move on with Roy and after that she realized things had to change and that she was the only one able to made the changes.
I think Jim was really hurt and he tried to move on and not being the unconditionaly friend of Pam because it was doing the same old things.

I´m glad that things are in the past! =)!
And I this is a great show with a lot of background to analize.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago abcd said…
Karen saw Pam's flyer for the art show and knew that Jim was going to go and Karen didn't want him to so she took it down so he wouldn't go
answering your question about marissa's comment
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LavenderGirl said…
Yes, I agree that Jim's absence probably had something to do with his relationship with Karen and his awkwardness with Pam at that time. Still, it was disappointing that Jim, Pam's closest friend, did not go to her art show. Too bad the deleted scene did not make it into the episode, maybe then the story would have made more sense.
over a year ago Office_001 said…
Karen was the reason Jim didn't go because so ripped down the flyer in the deleted scenes.