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Jon & Kate Plus 8 Question

Since all this happened pretty quickly, is it possible that jon may be suffering from a psychological problem, such as bipolar. It just he seemed frustrated, but then just went over the edge.

zanesaaomgfan posted over a year ago
 anniekins posted over a year ago
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Jon & Kate Plus 8 Answers

Soccercutie18 said:
I doubt it. It's a good thought but Jon and Kate said this has been going on for a few months. I think having the tv show added stress to their daily lives and they just went ove the edge.
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posted over a year ago 
Mstep35 said:
I dont think kids should be exposed to much Television...if u think about it they r always doing something Trying to make money surley they made more than enough....Jon probably got tired of exploiting his children for $$$$$ so he may have a condidtion he want his children to be children. My opinion I am sure kate said we have 8 lovely children let rear them with the best up bringing or Money, Money ,Money cant think who sings that song but kate knows.
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posted over a year ago 
duckey94 said:
I really doubt it. If either of them have mental problems, it's Kate. Seriously, she's been pushing him and pushing him throughout the whole show. Their family's been strained for a while; I don't think this has been sudden at all. After a while, people snap. That doesn't make them bipolar.
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posted over a year ago 
rebecca12 said:
I think Jon is DEFINITELY going through a SEVERE calamity. His demeanor is very telling. He has chosen to ignore what were his stated beliefs (hence thoughtfully praying for Kate surgery, his boldness to wear t-shirts reflecting his faith in God, etc..)for what appears to be a life of "freedom". This is not just about Kate being a control freak...much has added to Jon desiring freedom...marrying young, media attention, chicks coming out of the woodwork and then you have disgruntled MEDIA HUNGRY relatives such as Jodi adding fuel to the fire. He is in a "mode" now that will run it's course and , I believe, he will come to regret the choices he has made. Hopefully, Jon has not been given over to a closed mind...he is clinging to his resentment (which surprisingly was not important enough for Jon to confront Kate with but was serious enough to warrant divorce = freedom to be with other women and party (which appears to be his MAIN focus) and it will be his downfall. For a while he will delude himself into thinking he has done what is best, but based on his earlier "beliefs" he knows that SERIOUS communication with Kate would have been the way to go...he will "play out" his freedom march and sadly come in last...tired and alone (in body and spirit,)...Ephesians 6:10-12
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posted over a year ago 
crissybella29 said:
While I don't think that he is suffering from any mental disorders and I know that Kate was not very nice to him most of the time,and as bad as Kate was to him he stayed for 10 yrs. and I feel like he could have at least talked to her instead of shutting her out(just my impression) and what about marriage counseling? I believe that Jon really just wants this divorce so that he can party and live it up w/his half of the fortune. I think that Jon wanted to stop doing the show because they had amassed enough fortune that he could quietly divorce Kate without all this public humiliation but,again that's just my impression.
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posted over a year ago 
Polexia said:
if he had bipolar it would have been diagnosed much earlier; what seems more probable is just that the pressure and attention of the television show became to much, this causes an loss of identity. As he said many times himself "I'm not just Jon any more, I'm 'Jon and Kate plus 8'". When in such a case, you don't turn to your spouse but to someone else this can have a devastating effect on your marriage.
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posted over a year ago 
jeffmusial said:
no, I think he's tried of her
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posted over a year ago 
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