Jon & Kate Plus 8 Thoughts from a new viewer

Adlivia posted on Jan 22, 2009 at 02:07PM
I have only seen about a dozen episodes of this series and given the ages of the kids I'm guessing they would be the newer shows.

One thing that I can't get over is how poorly behaved these kids are. My daughter is the same age as the twins and my son is about 8 months older then the sextuplets and I am stunned at the number of tantrums that go on during any given day. The kids have no clue how to express themselves other then to slap at another kid or cry, scream and stomp their feet. These kids, especially Maddie & Kara, need to be shown other ways of expressing anger and frustration. Yes, there are a lot of kids living under one roof but that is no excuse for this kind of behaviour. It certainly wouldn't be tolerated in a classroom or nursery school. I get that kids have bad days and the occassional melt down is expected but this gaggle of Gosselins seem to do it over seemingly trival things... a juice cup... a craft project... having to hold a ring leash. I don't know what the solution is for these little souls but it is getting harder to watch because of it.

I adore little Aaden and Alexis and would scoop them up and bring 'em home if I could. Maddie really needs some help. I don't know what goes on when the camera stops rolling but she is very poorly parented from what I can see on TV. The world does not revolve around any singular person but she seems to think that it should. Yes, you have 6 cute siblings... get over it! I have never seen such a miserably unhappy kid in my life. I hope that once they are settled into their new house she will settle down a little... perhaps all she needs is a little peace and quiet.

I am annoyed with Kate and probably for the same reasons that most people are. I feel sorry for Jon and wish that he would put her in her place by reminding her that they are EQUALS and he is not one of her servents to be ordered around and belittled.

Overall, I do enjoy the show but sincerly hope that the parents decision to continue is based on what they feel is in the best emotional, social and psychological interest of the kids and not as a way to make a quick buck. Sacrificing your kids for a celebrity lifestyle is a huge price for them to pay.

Jon & Kate Plus 8 4 replies

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over a year ago CleoSertori1234 said…
YOU ARE MEAN ADLIVIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago hbluva said…
Maybe you should watch more episodes. The kids arent always having a tantrum. They have good sides too. I wouldnt be one to judge after watch just 12 episodes.
over a year ago CleoSertori1234 said…
I agree with hbluva!!
over a year ago Crepage said…
Umm!!! They are 4 and they are trying very hard to not through as many tantrums. I think Kate tries very hard but she has 8 kids and can't be focused on just one. Plus Cara is spelled with a c and not a k.