Jon & Kate Plus 8 Jon & Kate are seperated?

darryljames posted on Mar 06, 2009 at 03:11AM
...there is a story in Star magazine and on other sites around the web that Jon & Kate have been seperated since Feb. 2nd.
Jon stays with his mother now and at the guest house of their new mansion while they tape the show because they are under contract until June.
Has anyone else read about this?

Jon & Kate Plus 8 5 replies

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over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Someone posted a pick about this a few weeks ago. I wouldn't be surprised if it were true, but on the other hand, the tabloids usually aren't very reliable. Jon and Kate do seem to be very miserable in the most recent episodes. I guess we'll find out the truth eventually.
over a year ago darryljames said…
...The Enquirer and The Star get a bad rap but there is always a bit of truth to most gossip.
yes, if you notice the body language in recent episodes..they are on opposite ends of the couch. there is also none of the playful slapping and teasing.
over a year ago ggoforfamily said…
Jon got caught with a person (Woman). No big deal.
over a year ago ggoforfamily said…
Nevermind. Its a big deal with the whole world. I following the story of Jon. The lady Deanna Hummel came out. She should've stay to herself!! Her big brother said they was having affair. Then her ex boyfriend just open a site with the picture's of the sex type they made. It dose look like her in the picture's. She will lose her job over this. They also said that Kate probably cheated too.

I think this is nothing, but one whole big MESS!!
over a year ago teecool said…
New Book Release
I really like Jon & Kate Gosselin show, I followed it from when it started, it's sad to see what happened. But Has anyone heard about a author who wrote a marriage book just for them Jon & Kate Gosselin. I found it and downloaded a copy is was a good book. Here is link
