Jon & Kate Plus 8 Watch next Episode

kimmy_g22 posted on Mar 17, 2009 at 02:10AM
They do have problem's.

Watch it next Monday the 23rd.

You might be surprised.

Jon & Kate Plus 8 4 replies

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over a year ago courtney7488 said…
I didn't pay too much attention to the commercial for next week's episode, but I do remember hearing something along the lines of, "This is the can't-miss season finale." I just thought it was odd that they would use "can't-miss" to describe an episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8.
over a year ago kimmy_g22 said…
Its a finale & its a full hour long.
over a year ago gkidsrgrand1 said…
I have been a long time fan of the show and enjoy watching all the kids on the show. They are great kids...very well behaved and respectful. Though I don't like the way Kate treats Jon, I know there is alot of stress with 8 kids and Jon is a little immature.

I think anyone watching this show can tell there is a problem between Kate & Jon. I don't know much about body language but they are practically hugging the armrests at opposite ends of the couch when the camera is on them. They seem very ill at ease.

I have also noticed that the last shows have shown Jon OR Kate with the kids...not Jon & Kate. I just hope that Jon & Kate have the good sense to stop the show if it is causing problem between them.

They are always quoted as saying they ask the kids all the time if they want to stop filming. I bet if they asked the kids if they would rather film and have tension between the parents or if they would stop filming and have a "normal" life with both parents having a regular job. I bet they would choose the latter.

I hope the finale is that they are going to work on all their problems privately and send the crew home for a while.
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
hmmm.... I don't know if the kids would ask them to stop filming. The twins might, but the sextuplets probably are too young to understand that millions of people all across the country are watching them on TV. They probably think every family has a film crew that follows them around.

However, I do agree that they should stop the show now before things get worse... or is it too late?