Jon & Kate Plus 8 Jon's Job

krmujn posted on Apr 14, 2009 at 11:53PM
In the face of all the rumors that have been flying, it looks like TLC is trying to do some damage control. Jodi
& Beth have been in a lot of the re-runs lately & the last one that was on tonight Jon was saying that he was able to get a job with more flexability by going to work for beth's husband. So if Kate really told beth she was off the show I'm sure all the friction would have lost Jon his job, as well. That's why I'm doubting the rumors are true.Would Kate jeopardize Jon's job like that? After all, the show could evaporate overnight & then where would they be?

I did see the video of Jodi saying it was true but the video was very dark, it might have been her sister. And the audio was very bad all I could make out was that she said "what you have been hearing is true." and shortly after it was pulled from the internet so who knows. I'll be glad when the new season starts.

Jon & Kate Plus 8 3 replies

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over a year ago Crepage said…
I heard that jodi was going to be off the show so jon wouldnt lose his job if he does work for beths husband!
over a year ago krmujn said…
the rumor has been that Beth was kicked off as well, but I'm just hoping that's just talk.
I've been watching the reruns & it looks like the production company is trying to do some damage control. They have been running the ones where Jon & Kate talk about how the children come before anything else, the family "mission statement," and lots of the ones where Jodi & beth were there.And a lot of the ones where Jon & Kate hug & express love for one another. And they both go into great detail about how grateful they are for both Beth & Jodi.
over a year ago Crepage said…
I like both Jodi and Beth but i really think that Jodi is kicked off. Those rumors!