Jon & Kate Plus 8 Sad News

Stasija posted on Jun 11, 2009 at 02:59AM
I would just like to say that all the news about what is going on in this family has really upset me. I have been watching this show for a long time now and I feel as if it is my own family and I do not want them to split or anything to happen to them I know there are hard times in any marriage but if you work together you can get through it please say there is still a chance the kids need their parents together.

Jon & Kate Plus 8 1 reply

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over a year ago krmujn said…
stasija, I have been watching them a long time too, and I feel the same way. Since the new season started, I have detected by their body language and communication that they are working on it. TLC asked them to go to counseling & I'm sure they took them up on it.
I have a feeling that Jon has been feeling trapped & needed to sow some wild oats. Maybe Kate will stop treating him so mean, too.
Didn't anything the pastor said at both weddings mean anything to them? I hope someone points that out to them. Jon seems ticked that Kate is going out to book signings, and HE has to stay home w/the kids. Too bad, Jon. If the tables were turned you wouldn't see a mother complaining like that.
Anyway, they have a lot of complicated issues to work out. I hope they can. And I wouldn't say either of them is to blame.
It wasn't him going to a party w/co-eds. It wasn't her nitpicking. It was RAISING 8 SCREAMING KIDS that broke the marraige. Once they can accept that, maybe they can heal. The kids are older now & don't need quite so much supervision. maybe that will help.
Jon needs to be there to act as a buffer between Kate & the kids when she get maniacal about mess & order. Kate needs to be there as a buffer between Jon & the kids when he gets fed up & is just plain mean to them. They can get over this if they just really try. In the last couple of episodes it looked like they are working on it.