Jon & Kate Plus 8 It's Official, Jon and Kate are Divorcing

hbluva posted on Jun 23, 2009 at 01:56AM
After long speculation, we found out that the rumors are true. On June 22's episode Jon and Kate confirmed they are filing for divorce. Also shown on People Online

According to Yahoo!, Jon and Kate have stopped production of the show until August. "TLC continues to support the Gosselin family and will work closely with them to determine the best way to continue to tell their story as they navigate through this difficult time," the statement read.


Photo Credit: Yahoo!
After long speculation, we found out that the rumors are true. On June 22's episode Jon and Kate conf
last edited on Jun 24, 2009 at 12:16AM

Jon & Kate Plus 8 13 replies

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over a year ago Bandgeek_XP said…
Well that's Sad
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Yeah, it's sad. It will be tough on the kids, but it's probably best for them.
over a year ago krmujn said…
I am so disappointed in Jon. He's just abandoning this family. So typical.Of course raising 8 kids is stressful. He couldn't step up to the plate.If he cared about those children as much as he has always said, he'd find a place nearby. But no. He's looking for a place in NY.Typical man.
over a year ago LBarnes316 said…
Ahhh! Jon and Kate are separating =( I was watching the episode last night and tears were coming to my eyes. I read this article about the divorce and what will happen with the show here: link I also found a photo gallery of the family during the good times to hopefully cheer me up during this sad time, hopefully it will cheer all you up too: link
over a year ago hbluva said…
I cannot help but wonder what the Gosselins will do next.
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Does anyone know if they are continuing on with the show? I know TLC ordered a full season, but I wonder if they're gonna stop it now.
over a year ago hbluva said…
They cant... I don't think. They are on a contract. They will air new episodes again August 3rd.
over a year ago krmujn said…
their going on "hiatus" for a few weeks. I will miss seeing them but its kind of hard to watch right now. So mad at Jon. I heard they told the twins but i don't know if they have explained it to the sextuplits. No matter what they say, if you divorce your wife you divorce the whole family. Those kids were so attached to him. I shudder to think what will happen pschyologically to those little ones.I think of all the times Jon said to them, "I don't care!" when one of them had an issue. So insensitive. I hope they can become friends eventually. She says Jon has a lot of anger." sure he does. He got caught cheating on his wife. Such a rightous Christian man. Apparently it's ok if you don't get caught. The boys will grow up w/depression issues and the girls will have insecurity problems w/their young men friends. Madi will blame her mother. Cara will prob. be ok. All that damage just b/c he got caught. I hope that dawns on him eventually.
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
krmujn- Don't forget that Kate cheated, too. She is just as much at fault as Jon is. Consider the reasons why Jon is angry: from what we've seen on the show, Kate has been very harsh towards him, which I believe she actually admitted. I'm not saying I agree with Jon's actions; I'm just saying that Kate is just as bad as he is.

I do agree that the kids will most likely have issues with depression and who knows what else, and the publicity surrounding their divorce will only make things worse. These kids will now be able to relive the horror of their parents' divorce on DVD. The public will most likely remember the Gosselin family solely for Jon and Kate's actions; the kids will suffer the consequences of their parents' actions.
over a year ago krmujn said…
I don't believe Kate cheated. When would she have the time?
I don't think I can watch the "highlights" show they're showing Monday night. Too sad. You would think they could consider what's better for the family. Jon's freedom vs. the stability of 8 children. And in the end, she's stuck w/8 children.
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
She supposedly had an affair with her bodyguard, who would have been with her all the time. Right now, it's impossible to tell whether she'll be the one "stuck" with the children. From what was said on the show, it seems like Jon still wants to be involved with the kids, and Kate was upset over the fact that she won't be able to spend as much time with the kids since they'll most likely be with Jon half the time. And, considering the recent brouhaha over Kate spanking the kids, the judges may decide to give Jon more custody rights than Kate.

I didn't even know about the "highlights" show, and I definitely won't be watching it. With the exception of this week's episode, I've stopped watching it altogether. I only watched it this week because of the "big announcement", which I figured would be about their divorce anyway. Honestly, I now feel ashamed for watching this show in the first place because of what it has done to the kids.
over a year ago krmujn said…
It hasn't done anything to the kids accept that they are a little spoiled. We are raising a generation of brats b/c giving a fresh kid a good swat has been demonized.
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
I agree that many children today are very spoiled, but this show has done worse than that in my opinion. It has brought a lot of negative attention to them, which they will most likely have to deal with at some point if not now.