Jon & Kate Plus 8 Lets get real Jon

jimmie777 posted on Jun 29, 2009 at 10:23PM
Jon said it right first, "he's doing whats best for him" He needs to do whats best for his kids and get him self and Kate in counseling.
She made mistakes but you can tell she wants to work things out. Jon don't teach your kids when things get tough you run.
Claiming this is best for the kids is crap, if you wanted whats beat for the kids you would work at your marriage, do what ever it takes to give them a good home with a mother and a father. My husband said you were making the biggest mistake of your life and will some day regret not working to keep your family together.
Go have fun, hang out, party and chase young girls, I'm sure that's what you mean by best for the kids.
Your a father and until those kids are grown they should be your top priority, you should not be running around like a single 20 something. You will find with kids
" YOU GET OUT WHAT YOU PUT IN" You like what your putting in.
Both of you, work on your marriage, Don't do this to them, don't let your kids become a statistic.

Jon & Kate Plus 8 30 replies

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over a year ago krmujn said…
Jon made up his mind when the first sono revealed the 6 that he was going to bolt at the first chance he got. So typical.
what is with the radio on this page. I can't turn it off.
over a year ago jimmie777 said…
Your probably right.
over a year ago sageflower said…
Well, anyone who is a fan of the tv show has seen Kate's fury. I don't blame Jon for running away from her as fast as he can. She's a tyrant. I think she's a good Mom, but a horrible wife. She belittled him to the point where I would cringe. She also needs a few parenting lessons: for example, the gum chewing episode. I believe it was Mady's day out (and that child is ANOTHER story..exactly like her Mother). Kate's sister in law was good enough to watch the kids and Kate had the nerve to call her up and give her grief about giving them gum. Wow. She tells one child she has to throw his bunny away. "That'll teach him". What a witch. Love those kids. I watch the show because I adore them and to see what Kate will do next. She really needs to act her age and stop looking like she just stepped out of Cosmo. Reality is: anyone who has 6 kids that young should rarely look THAT good. The $ has gone to their heads!
over a year ago jimmie777 said…
No one is perfect, we all make mistakes but we don't run away from our responsibilities that's why they should both go for counseling. "Both" My point is she stayed he ran and the partying thing that's not about Kate or the kids.
over a year ago Saint_and_Fang said…
That's what my aunt and I have been saying since they announced their divorce. Why not counseling? I'll tell you why, he doesn't want counseling, he just wants out. Before my parents divorced, my mom BEGGED my dad to go to counseling, but my dad wouldn't go because, in his mind, he'd done nothing wrong. It was all mom's fault. The only thing I can say for Jon right now is at least he still loves his kids and is going to support them and spend time with them. My dad moved 2 states away and only comes by when he absolutely has to. I feel terrible for those kids, though, the innocent victums in this. My prayers go out to them.
over a year ago jimmie777 said…
I agree with you and your Aunt, I do believe he loves his kids but, it's easy to support your kids when you make 75,000 a episode. But in Jon's case he has cameras watching him 24/7 he knows how it will look to the public if he doesn't help.
Like I said I do believe he loves his kids but I also believe he wouldn't be there as much if he could get away with it.
over a year ago krmujn said…
I don't understand all the snarking at kate. Ppl rag on her for accepting trips & such, saying she is "ungrateful." I just watched
the Gosslins Go Skiing episode & she AGAIN thanked the ppl that make these things possible. She said, and it is ironic now, that she was grateful for the chance to make memories for her kids. And for the chance to do these things. She said, "before, we didn't even think we could afford to take them to a local amusement park." And all along, there's Jon, sulking b/c he has to help. Well now Jon, you've managed to get out of it, haven't you. I have no sympathy for him.
over a year ago jimmie777 said…
Your right, hes a coward. He played it off like a caring father and you can see he just wants to be free of the responsibility.
over a year ago breakingwave said…
I so agree, I have watched Jon's behavior get more self absorbed as the years have gone by, it is so easy for him to hide behind Kate's sacastic sense of humor. The thing I love most is how she makes me laugh. Let's see, Jon's in France with another girl friend and Kate's buying groceries and having a picnic with the kids. I think you can see who priorites are who's. I always saw Jon as getting the most perks, sking, a motorcycle, hair weave. i know Kate has gotten some things as well but I have always heard her being thankful.
over a year ago jimmie777 said…
I got so angry when I saw him with that girl in France. I wish I could just shake him in to reality and tell him he's not fooling anyone.
over a year ago krmujn said…
His behavior is so far from what it was, I wonder if he's had some sort of breakdown. he was so wrapped up in the kids & now it's as if, "well, I'll see them later." Kate had to do the b-day party alone. That was bad enough. but he took off for Utah, & now FRANCE! with what appears to be very little thought about the kids. In 65 years, I've never been able to take 2 or 3 'vacations' in a year! And especially if I knew I had 8 kids to be away from. It's as if he has abandoned them & don't think for a minute that those kids don't notice. I saw one report that said he was "engaged" to the Glassman girl & another that said no. Whatever. But Jon, just so you know, the girl is 22 and will want...children. Might be wise to stop hopping the globe spending your children's college tuition, which will be massive. And you might not want to piss Kate off too much. We've all seen how she gets when she's riled.
over a year ago breakingwave said…
I think if we can all see this now we will see there was a reason forleaving Kate and the first girlfriend was just a cover or the man is just that stupid. Have you seen the pictues of his newest history, he certainly doesn't have the best of common sense.
Sure I'll run right out and buy a line of children's clothing from you....
over a year ago krmujn said…
jon has made every episode from all the past seasons so hypocritical. The "family mission statement." The renewal of vows. The declarations of how they really love each other.Did you see the one where they made out their will incase anything happened to them? heartbreaking.
I could see the fabric coming apart. The episode where she insisted on taking all six + twins shopping for beds b/c "the twins got to pick out their beds." For God sakes, woman! 8 screaming kids while you're trying to buy furniture! And the OCD. She got so rattled when they were building the twins' new bedroom. There are so many things to get really nervous about in your situation. Why waste it on a little dust on your carpets. Jon had to be prodded at every turn to see what needed to be done daily. he behaved like Madi half the time.Now I see where she gets it. You bet I'll keep watching this show. I want to see what happens. They both said they would spend every holiday together b/c they wouldn't want to be separated from their kids on the holidays. Well kate, i guess you're going to have to accept your hubby's girlfriends at the table if that's true b/c it will only be a matter of time before the little bimbos he's courting stick their pouty lips out & whine, "oh Jon, I thought you were going to spend Christmas w/me?"
I can almost predict what will happen. he's going to get somebody pregnant & move far away. he'll see the kids maybe twice a year b/c "daddy has another family now." It's like a bad soap opera only real. Mark my words.
over a year ago krmujn said…
Watching the episode where Cara & Madi get pictures taken for by a modeling agency. Now Jon wants to use the kids to model a line of children's clothes that he supposedly designs. I can see this causing problems. Hannah's a little pudgey & that will exclude her. Madi has a face full of braces right now. It's so sad to see Jon & Kate on the couch laughing together.
over a year ago jimmie777 said…
I wonder if Jon would of kept his job would that of helped. For me and I think a lot of women raising children, that's how we define ourselves. I look at my grown children and that's what I'm most proud of, that is how I look at my life and feel successful. But I think men look at their life and feel successful by how they provide and protect. When Jon quit his job I think he lost his identity and therefor lost his self worth. I am proud I could work and provide for my family when I needed to but I'm most proud of being a mother. But I do think for some men it's different. I do know some men just don't care one way or the other but men like my father "for instant" it would of killed him if he thought he didn't do his best to provide for us. I think Jon has lost his way and if he doesn't figure it out soon he will loose a lot more. He has so much at stake and I don't think he really realizes how much worse this could get. He needs to know he will always be the bad guy because he's the one that walked out. He could be the hero if he would do what ever it took to put his family back together. But like the song "Where have all the Hero's gone"
over a year ago krmujn said…
There was a debate about when "irreconsilable differences" begins, since that's how they determine when the divorce is final.i'd say it began when Jon marched out in public hanging on some girl. I really think they moved too fast on this. granted, she said she'd been dealing w/this for 6 months but considering how much was at stake, I would have thought they would have given it a little more time and at least tried counseling. Sure, Kate's mad. I don't blame her. but a cooling off period might have been appropriate before they dashed off to sign divorce papers.
This business of Jon designing children's clothes...I hope someone isn't handing him a load of bull to get him to make a signifigant investment in something that will only be his b/c his name is on the letterhead. It would be easy to bilk him out of the money they have made from the show.
over a year ago krmujn said…
YES, i'M really annoyed at Jon but they just ran the episode where Kate complained that he was "breathing too load."
over a year ago breakingwave said…
I get the public view of Kate as the bad guy, but now when you look back on past shows it is easier to see how easy it was for Jon to be the good guy and Kate to look like she was a tyrant. I had been bothered at Jon's behavior and the rolling of his eyes and disrespect he began to display on the show and now it makes sense. I think he has been more self motivated all along. Frankly I think this will prove to be a good thing in the long run, I think it is more important to give your kids what is real than what is fake.
over a year ago jimmie777 said…
Ok that's it, Jon your just a jerk, you said you don't want your kids to google you and read bad things about you but it's obvious your not willing to change your bad behavior to achieve that, the wemon, now there's another women at your house and the Glassmen girl still thinks your being faithful, he's not even being faithful to his marriage, he is still married and was only seperated a short time before he started seeing other wemon. What do you think when your kids google and see there mom out side the gates crying because their dad wouldn't let her in because his current lover was in the house, with the kids for that matter. You make me sick. Your a father of eight wonderful children you have a wife totally devoted to her family, She's not lazy, she not on drugs, she has high moral standards, oh! now that I think about it that's proberly what your problem is, she makes you look so bad because we all know where your moral standard lies. Grow up Jon,
over a year ago rolie1 said…
big smile
Jon... take some time to just be with the kids... they need you... they cant watch their daddy with girls in magizines and google him up & etc. Jon and Kate should get back together but Kate should be nice to Jon and Jon should be nice to Kate. :D
over a year ago jimmie777 said…
I'm sure having 6 babies made Kate crazy but the kids are getting older and surely the stress level was getting better. Maybe she was so used to being stressed out she didn't know how to relax but after all this mess I think she is trying. I just wish Jon would try too! He needs to read the bible and understand what a mans roll is, and its not to party and have fun its to work and be a roll model for the kids, to make them feel safe and to be a moral compass for witch those little ones seek knowledge from their parents that forms their young minds until adulthood. Put the kids first, don't just say the words, PUT THEM FIRST!
"For better or for worse" Again Jon grow up!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago krmujn said…
I guess you all heard about the incident w/the police. Kate forgot something & had to`go back to get it when it was Jon's "time" to be at the house. There wa a girl in the house. Big Surprize. She called the cops on his a##. It's probably a term of their custudy agreement. Altho I can't imagine that this was good for the kids.
As for Kate & the "body guard" rumor, I've never seen pictures of Kate slinking around holding hands w/anybody. And it' not like the papparazzi would let that slip by them.
Now that we've seen the way jon is acting like a jerk, maybe we can understand a little better why she hollered at Jon so much. he was absolutely useless & clueless.
over a year ago jedigal1990 said…
heres my opinion i don't blame jon for this i think it is mainly kates fault she was a control freak and treated him like a child i mean it showed in the episodes and if kate really wanted what was best for her children she would be with them not going around to all the talk shows bashing and insulting the father of her kids i think jon is the much better parent that is just my opinion. I do wish they would work it out though and get back together
over a year ago krmujn said…
Did you see him on GMA? He said he "dispises" kate. Said it twice. Does he think Cara & madi are not going to see that? Nice going, Jon. Real classy. i want to see his face when all of this whoring around gets some girl pregnant. it will happen, mark my words.
over a year ago jimmie777 said…
You are so right. As a woman that raised a large family I can understand Kate's frustration with Jon, he was like a big kid, she needed a grown-up to step in and help, not have to be coaxed every step of the way. I could not believe the things that were coming out of his mouth on National TV. I wish he would take some time, go to a quiet place and really think things out, reflect on all that has happened and choose his steps carefully. I will continue to pray for him, Kate and the children.
over a year ago krmujn said…
Just how much time is Jon spending w/the kids? It it a w/e or a week or what? It's a 2 hr drive from the city to thier Pa. house.
They both said they were going to spend holidays together but after he said he "despises" her, I can't see that happening.
over a year ago krmujn said…
I think Kate is grieving. She talks about Jon as tho he were dead. I noriced it a couple of times when she was talking about him and yesterday when they did the film on the lawn episode & she had to carry the boys to bed, she was very sad when she said 'jon always did this & now it's just me.' very sad tone to her voice. Divorce is like a death. It is the death of a marraige. Funny, Jon seems to have strange ways of showing his grief.
over a year ago jimmie777 said…
You are so right, I saw it too. Kate may of made a lot of mistakes but she is real. She really takes her job as a mother seriously. Jon is just doing his time, don't get me wrong I believe he love his children but he's more interested in having fun with his friends. Kate is the true parent and I believe she still loves Jon. It is sad.
over a year ago krmujn said…
i have to laugh at Jon on Larry King & the talk shows; you caan just hear that he is parroting back everything that lawyer told him
" It's time for you to grow up Jon; be a man and be a father to your chilcren." And just how has he done that? Going on tv & saying he "dispises" the mther of his children. Took nearly all thre liquid acesses they had out of their banking account. What was thae excuse he gave? "That was my paycheck. She has 11 other bank accounts." Yes Jon, 8 of them are your children's. boy Kate, where is Gloria Alred when you need her?
over a year ago krmujn said…
Well, the season finale was very revealing.First, Jon parrots back all the stuff his lawyer told him he should say in public and then someone will ask him an unscripted question & the truth comes out.
Interviewer" What did you think when you 2 decided to separate?"
Jon: I'm FREE!"
Real nice, Jon.
From those 2 words, he just said he'd felt trapped & held captive to have to stick around & care for his children.
And by suing TLC, you have taken the food out of their mouths.
You know who else is headed for the courthouse soon? The Roloff's.
He's very inconsiderate of his wife & family & it is beginning to show just how much it irritates her.