Jon & Kate Plus 8 Hello Everyone Introduction Family with 9 Kids

mommyof9 posted on Jun 29, 2009 at 11:45PM
Hello, I was saddened when I heard the news of the divorce of John and Kate. As the mom of 9 kids I can tell you first hand that it is tough having a large family. My husband and I struggle, laugh, cry, and scream everyday. Don't believe me, look for yourself link
As I was saying, as a large family we have had the media follow us for a very short time, 3 months while a newspaper feature was written about us and for 6 days while a movie was made about us and it was really tough. So I can imagine having a TV show about them must have been really tough. I just hope their old fans understand. If you wonder what it is like for families with 9 kids just read my blog you will see. Thanks

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