Jon & Kate Plus 8 His next atrocity

krmujn posted on Oct 09, 2009 at 12:14AM
Apparently whoever is giving Jon assertiveness lessons has skipped the class on when it crosses the line into totally obnoxous behavior. he is planning to crash Madi & Cara's 9th birthday party b/c "SHE'S not going to tell me when I can see my kids. I WANT to be there on their birthday!! She'll probably call the cops; I don't care."
What a selfish shi#! He is going to embarrass & ruin his children's birthday just to get his way. Madi is very fragile as it is, can you imagine what a scene on her birthday will do to her? He managed to drag himself to the party for the sextuplits after Kate did all the work. Now he wants to be included in the twins' birthday? The lawyers should have worked this out; anticipated the situation knowing the twins' birthday was coming up.
I can't believe he could be this stupid. Way to get yourself restricted, Jon! Sheesh. yeah, you're going to endear yourself to everyone involved, especialy your girls. And then he will say it's Kate's fault that they don't want to see him, that she poisons their minds about him.

Jon & Kate Plus 8 No replies