K Which would you be and why?

Riku114 posted on Apr 20, 2014 at 02:43AM
Which of the Kings would you rather be a clansman for and why?

Personally, I would rather be one of Mikoto's clansman rather than Shiro's Munakata's or the Gold King's clansmen. Shiro's is a well bonded group as it seems though it just doesn't have a very bright appeal to me even if meeting Kuroh would be awesome XD Then Munakata's Scepter 4 seems to uptight and too the law/rules that it just wouldn't be much fun in my opinion. Also, while the uniform for guys are VERY awesome, I don't really like the women's uniform. The Golden King........ I don't know enough about his style........ Then there is Mikoto's Homura. Good bonds. Freedom. It just seems like a lot more fun, comparability, and over all more enjoyable than the others as well as more appealing.

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