Klaus and Bonnie Episode Discussion

jazzywazzy08 posted on Oct 27, 2011 at 10:37PM
Squeal, Rant, and Chat about Vampire Diaries Episodes here!

Klaus and Bonnie 78 replies

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over a year ago lilou265 said…
big smile
love episode 7 it was just AMAZING!!! Grams,Lexie,Mason part was just love, and no DE scene that was on of the BEST PART!!! and OMG every time Bonnie cry for grams i was full of tears!!! AND THE END WHEN THEY BOTH SAY THE SPELL I JUST BREAK IT WAS JUST SO MUCH!!!! Kat is just wonderful when she cry you just feel the pain she send!!!!
over a year ago skins-01-fan said…
Yes I agree no DE scenes made it even more perfect! Loved the Bonnie scenes gotta say the writers are sorta improving on her! Liked the Caroline/Bonnie scenes to me their much better than Bonnie/Elena. Kat is an amazing actress! God that girl can cry up a storm and you can feel her emotions when she does it. The Stelena scenes were wonderful, lexie trying to help Elena to bring back stefan was cute. Mason/Damon were hialrious in this ep! Glad that Alaric/Damon finally made up. I love their friendship. Overall this was a great ep!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago martinachan said…
big smile
This is my favorite episode right now, finally Bonnie shined; she deserves a storyline, and she has proved to be strong, proud and brave GO BONNIE!!!
I especially loved there weren't DE scene too!!!
over a year ago skins-01-fan said…
^ IKR! I think the writers are finally starting to listen to us! :)
over a year ago BB8fan said…
Personally, I was disgusted by the Alaric/Damon bromance! I'm sorry!! I guess I've just been so P'd off with Damon lately, that I didn't even want Alaric to forgive him!!! I DEFINITELY wanted him to work harder for it, than he did! But whatev! They're not GIRLS!! Damon is just ANNOYING as HECK sometimes!!! REALLY!!! But yeah! LOVED Caro and Bonnie!!! LOVED Elena being defensive of Bonnie and mad at Jere!! LOVED LEXI!!!! Stefan and Lexi!!!! GRAMS!!!!! AHHH!!!!! I LOVED Grams!!! She ALWAYS brings out the BEST in Bonnie!!! Miss her SOOOOOO much!!! :( Just a GREAT episode!!! Even enjoyed Damon and Mason! When Damon wasn't annoying the CRAP out of me!! Sorry! But I have NOT been liking the guy lately! :( ...
over a year ago skins-01-fan said…
^ Me and you both! I especially hated him during the bamon scene. When he said 'fix it' that really irked me. I mean would it kill the guy to add please on the end of that?
over a year ago martinachan said…
Girls, I'm happy we have the same feeling, I get bored seeing Damon scenes (without mentioning Bamon scene), Damon is fading....
over a year ago skins-01-fan said…
^ I agree with ya mate. He's starting to loose his mojo. It's like he's a different person now. His obsession for Elena had turned him into a completely different person. It's weird & sad seeing him like this.
over a year ago BB8fan said…
He IS sadly!! I'm glad we're ALL on the same page!! I just feel like he had NOOOO reason to be so RUDE to Bonnie!! It kind of broke my heart actually!! It's like they'd made ALL this progress in 2x18 and 2x21 when they worked together!! It seemed like they were starting to like each other and maybe even trust and respect one another! But NO, I guess!! Hold your horses!!! NOOO progress was made WHATSOEVER apparently!! Damon is still his same BUTTHOLE self!! And that can be tolerated SOMETIMES...RARELY, but SOMETIMES!!! But when he's a BUTTHOLE to Bonnie!! SORRY, but it's just NOT cute!!! NOW! Her being a BUTTHOLE back TO him is another story!!! ;D If I see that, maybe I'll be back on the DAMON train, much less the Bamon train! But until then! I'm done with the eldest Salvatore! I'm not even gonna blame Elena for this. He's just a whiny, crybaby, selfish, thoughtless JERK!!
over a year ago skins-01-fan said…
Wow! BB8fan you really dislike the guy. I can't blame ya though he's starting to become my least fav. character. In fact he's right next to that Becca chick. Gosh I really wish someone would stake her! Anyway ya Damon had no right to be that rude to Bonnie. After all he was coming to her. I was hoping that Bonnie would of torched his butt for that but was surprised when she didn't. I just hope in the future Damon will learn to respect her more. I'm glad Klaus doesn't speak to her like that. Unlike Damon he's a guy with class and manners.
over a year ago BB8fan said…
big smile
Yeah he is!!! LOVE Klaus!!! BUT I've gotta admitt, I'm excited!! I'd like to see Damon pull that crap again next episode!!! With Bonnie heartbroken, angry, on edge, with a POWERFUL witch's talisman in HAND!!! PLEASE Damon!!! Try that AGAIN!!! He'd be the PERFECT candidate to take her frustrations out on! ;D Bring on the Bamon angst!!! Bring on the KLONNIE angst!!! Bring on BONNIE'S angst!!! I was AGAINST it at first, but given all Bon has been through now...BRING IT ON!!! I am SOOOOO ready!! :D
over a year ago skins-01-fan said…
big smile
I'm ready also! It's time for her to take a stroll on the dark side!
over a year ago lilou265 said…
OMG girls i just wait this sssssssoooooooo long I mean i was just so in love with Bonnie every time she give the elder Salvatore a kick ass fight!!!!!
and now i just waiting Damon do some joke about her/Jer and she will just make him suffer till his knee touch the ground and please her the stop!!!!! and a BIG KLONNIE moment cause Klaus come back next episode so i wont some BIG Klonnie!!!!
OMG girls i just wait this sssssssoooooooo long I mean i was just so in love with Bonnie every time s
over a year ago jazzywazzy08 said…
OK so I had a love/hate relationship with the last episode! I love seeing Grams, Mason, and Lexi! I loved the Bonnie and Caroline scenes! Damon can STFU! Seriously whatever Bonnie isn't his slave he needs to learn how to talk to ppl or maybe if he doesn't want his murders to come back and bite him in the ass he can stop killing ppl just saying! I mean KLAUS was nicer to Bonnie and had more respect for her in 3x05! Anyway I have come to the conclusion that ALL Gilberts are fickle inconsistent idiots who deserve no love from anyone! Jeremy can die he has no use to me now and even though I am glad they broke up and I never shipped them seeing Bonnie in that much pain makes me ill! I am so glad Grams told Bonnie that she was stronger then all this crap because she is and she needed to hear it! Oh and the necklace OMG! It said "Kil Klaus"! And Grams telling Bonnie to stay out of the Original buisness....TOTAL FORESHADOWING! KLONNIE ANYONE!
over a year ago jazzywazzy08 said…
Ok things I liked about he episode:

1. Bonnie/Alaric
2. Klaus' hair...
3. Elijah's hair...
4. Stefan/Damon Bromance (ruined by the end but whatever)
So the Original Witch is Klaus' mother...wow..still confused about all of this crap and I am not even going to bother trying to figure it out. It would have made more sense if the OW was a Bennett descendent but whatever....I really hope that Bonnie is in NO WAY blood related to the OW because it will kill this ship...I am guessing that Klaus' mom is just going to use Bonnie and nothing more which sucks because I was hoping for a better storyline but whatever I am actually glad about the hiatus cause I need a break from this mess...
over a year ago martinachan said…
I loved:
Bonnie/Alaric (I hope Alaric don't try to get together Bonnie and Jeremy)
Bonnie (she's gorgeous)
I didn't like Stefan/Damon Bromance: I wished him to say " I save you because you're my brother or my family " and not " I own you " ... and the final scenes ... Damon sometimes (when he's close to Elena) is pathetic...
and now??? is Bonnie in the next episode???
PS as Jazzy said, I need a break too
over a year ago jazzywazzy08 said…
@Martina: I loved Reckah too! She is so awesome! I love how protective she was over Klaus which is more than I can say for Damon who chooses his brother only because Elena says he should and Elena who is making googoo eyes and the man who snapped her brother neck...but whatever! I also loved that she said she wasn't going to chase after Stefan until he treats her better it shows she has some self repsect. I want some Bonnie and Rebeckah scenes I feel like they would get along.
over a year ago lilou265 said…
I loved:
Klaus/Becca the Flashback thats all

heat the Stefan/Damon in the end he told his brother that he wont the save him JUST BECAUSE HE SAVE HIM!!!!!SERIOUSLY!!!!YOU NOW LIKE JUST A BIT I THINK HE WOULD SAY WORST LIKE "i wont the save you because of Elena"and i think it would be worst or more PATHETIC THAN HE ALREADY IS!!!!! and i heat it cause I'm looked at season one again and the way Stefan always save his brother make me TEAM SALVATORE MORE than ever and i saw this episode make me heat DAMON MORE THAT EVER!!!!!END THE END IS SHE REALLY SERIOUS SHE SAY SHE IS FIGHTING FOR STEFAN BUT SHE CAN DO THE SLUTY BITCH AND THE GOODY EYES IN THE BED WITH THE BROTHER WHO SHE IS SUPPOSE THE FIGHT FOR!!!!!! I HEAT THE ALMOST HOLE EPISODE IT LOOK JUST LIKE A JOKE FOR ME!!!!!!!
over a year ago martinachan said…
Girls, we have to wait... but we need to hope, and I hope with all my strenght the next episode is a new beggining for our Bonnie; actually Bonnie, Stefan and Klaus are the reason why I continue to see TVD, I don't care in this moment about Damon and Elena, their scenes don't touching me... and I'm happy to join this spot because after all we have a fun!!!
over a year ago jazzywazzy08 said…
big smile
@Martina: You are right we still have one more ep before hiatus and hopefully it'll be worth it because its on my birthday...LOL...but yeah I am only watching for Bonnie, Klaus, Stefan, and maybe Rebeckah at the moment. I mean Damon is whatever and I can't enjoy Forwood because all they do is have sex but oh well...Lets put last episode bhind us.
over a year ago lilou265 said…
big smile
i really hope so cause it the last episode for 2011 and it need the be big and it will be an AMAZING gift for @Jazzy!!!!!
over a year ago martinachan said…
big smile
WOW!!! It's you birthday!!! @jazzy You deserve an AMAZING gift, as @lilou said!!!
over a year ago jazzywazzy08 said…
LOL! Thanks you guys I am hoping that the writers think so too! HA!
over a year ago LuCe60bis said…
Oh then this episode NEED to be AMAZING ! :D
I want a BIG cliffhanger in our favor !

My thoughts/speculations for the next epi :
* Mikael putting his master plan in place
* Father/Daughter talk with Rebbeka
* She will be by his side, and so will be the others
* Rebbekka will call Klaus and ask him to come back
* I dont know if Klaus will come back alone or with some surprise, like an army of hybrids...
* Stefan will learn about it, and warn the others, but still stand by Klaus's side, if anything happen to his bro or Elena, he will certainly protect them anyway
* They will need help to stop Klaus
* Elena will, with the help of Rebekka, find Elijah and will awake him
* There will be a lot of fights
* They will succeed to kill Klaus
* Stefan will be "back"
* When they will think they have won the fight, there will be some sort of revelation of shocking stuff.
I can actually see Rebbekka being killed by Mikael, last episode was some sort of goodbye to her character in my opinon, like feeling for her, so when she'll die we would care, because she will have betrayed her brother, loosing him, reunite with his father who will be in fact the one to have killed her mother, he will probably tell her just before killing her. I can totally see that happenning lol.

It could end like that, but i dont know exactly how Bonnie could feat in this, im lacking imagination.
I think next episode 3.10, she will be even more important in the story, when her mother come back, we will probably learn, that she was the one, or one of the witches who put Mikael in the tomb, and why she/they did it, why he was put there, what he really want, why she left her daughter, etc etc... maybe they will eventually bring back Klaus to life with the necklace, and will made "The New Deal" ;P lol
over a year ago jazzywazzy08 said…
Alright I love your specs so much but I really don't want Beckah to die but I could see it sadly...but maybe not since they are setting but a Caroline/Tyler/Beckah thing....Anyway I have a feeling Elijah will be back too...

Okay so incoporating Bonnie into all of this....I have a feeling Bonnie won't be at the dance maybe she and Alaric opt to solve the necklace mystery and go back to the cave...While in the cave Esther sends Bonnie a vision of how she died and Bonnie sees that she was killed by Mikael...(this is assuming the necklace said "Niklaus" in ghost world and not "Kill Klaus")...Esther tells Bonnie to protect Klaus and/or Bonnie freaks out and tries to warn them about Mikael but is too late because Klaus is already dead killed by Mikael's fancy new weapon and bring him back won't be as simple as pulling it out...Mikael shows his true colors and Bonnie realizes that she'll need to bring Klaus back in order to stop him and/or figure out how to kill Mikael herself....Bonnie goes off to find the witch that trapped Mikaeal to see if she can help with bringing Klaus back and killing Mikael and it turns out the witch who trapped Mikael is Bonnie's mother! 0_0 Okay now my hands hurt from typing..lol
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LuCe60bis said…
ahahah, i love you hun ! that's a great way for Bonnie to feat in all of this, and it make perfect sense ! :D
I love your spec, especially the vision thing, that would be insane !
And yeah im more and more certain the real message is to PROTECT Klaus, and not killing him, i think the (whispers)witch KNEW about Mikael being back to kill him and she tried to warn Bonnie and sending her the message, so your theory about a vision would be awesome if it was true !
over a year ago jazzywazzy08 said…
I am really hoping that it pans out because it would put Bonnie in the Original story and if Bonnie's mother was the witch that trapped Papa Original then it would be a nice way and reason to bring her in so I want this to happen.
over a year ago lilou265 said…
OMG @Jazzy it so good to now that you in this spot cause you bring me so much hope for that show/Couple!!!! love you @Jazzy
over a year ago martinachan said…
Ok girls, I like reading your speculations ... and @jazzy I want yours become true .... anyway I think that Becca should die too... as @Luce said, the previous episode seemed a goodbye :(
over a year ago jazzywazzy08 said…
@Lilou: I love you too....I have to have hope Klonnie has too much potential to be wasted....@Martina: If Beckah does die then I will be really sad and it would be terrible because Klaus would lose yet another person...but if Mikael was the one to kill her at least the others would see their mistake in resurrecting him in the first place.
over a year ago jazzywazzy08 said…
Ok so I love Stefan so much it hurts and I love that he was protecting Damon...yet again....here's the thing though taking Klaus' family was completely idiotic I mean seriously....all Klaus wanted was Mikael dead and he got that and since his plan went fine there was no reason for Klaus to go after Damon so Klaus would have taken his family and left but noooooo now everyone's ass is grass...I mean come on what did Stefan think that Klaus would play nice to get his family back....um my Klaus doesn't play nice....EVER! Just saying....

Also Bonnie is a BAMF...only my bb can be all vulnerable and angsty and take down a vampire and a hybrid at this SAME TIME in one episode! I love her she is the greatest I have the biggest lady crush on Bonnie Bennett/ Kat Graham and I have no regrets...she kicked ass and looked good while doing it! Kudos!

Klaus....my poor bb...the tears....and I am so glad he was willing to sacrifice Elena's life (even if it was just Katherine) its about time someone was if you ask me I am tired of her being the end all and the be all. Also this episode with Klaus being all lonely and teary eyed and Bonnie being all lonely and dateless made me want Klonnie even more...and yes and squealed like a little girl when he said, "There's Bonnie," and no I am not ashamed.

Sidenotes: Glad to see a Bamon scene and love Bonnie protected Tyler (maybe now they can have an actual conversation....hint hint writers!).....I am kind of relieved about Forwood taken a break that relationship is too much sex not enough substance....Mikael was unimpressive glad he is dead and glad Klaus did him in....Also Damon needs a haircut....Elena needs to work on her damn pokerface cause she looks scared at ALL times (and not just tonight either) seriously all that Kat had to do to fool Klaus is look like a deer in headlights and she was dead on....Stefan is still a sexy selfless beast even if he is kind of dumb too...I am still tripping that Katherine had more faith in Stefan than Damor OR Elena...looks like I am no longer aboard the Stelena ship...I now ship Elena with Lady Gaga's Pokerface and maybe an inhaler cause the heavy breathing needs to go to....My poor Rebeckah they better bring her and Elijah back...all in all not a bad episode for my birthday.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lilou265 said…
over a year ago lilou265 said…
over a year ago jazzywazzy08 said…
Exactly! OMG the Klaus tears! So many CREYS!!!!! My EMOTIONS! Give us Klonnie it is sooooo time!
over a year ago lilou265 said…
he is one of the only men that is SEXY when he CRIED OMG i was crying with him!!!!!!!
over a year ago jazzywazzy08 said…
That one lone tear is always sexy! To me JoMo was so SEXY the whole episode!
over a year ago lilou265 said…
big smile
for me too in that hot suit!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lilou265 said…
am I crazy or is Klaus not always look at the Black girls!!!!!
over a year ago jazzywazzy08 said…
LOL! He does flirt with a lot of black girls I noticed that too!
over a year ago lilou265 said…
over a year ago jazzywazzy08 said…
True facts! Proof that Klonnie is inevitable!
over a year ago lilou265 said…
i was so sad that bonnie was still sad for that stupid douche bag!!!!!
she feel soo sad and she has non one to talk about it!!!!
over a year ago jazzywazzy08 said…
I know but she said she loved him so it will take her a while to get over him thats why I am glad this Jamie guy is coming because he can be her rebound so Klaus won't have to be and when Klonnie happens she won't be thinking about Jeremy at all.
over a year ago lilou265 said…
well i was just hoping she will still be sad when Klaus will "pick" her!!!!
you now seen Klaus consolat Bonnie will be soo good!!!!
over a year ago jazzywazzy08 said…
But then she could excuse her feelings for Klaus on being lost and sad because of Jeremy and I don't want that I don't want what she feels for Klaus to have ANYTHING to do with Jeremy. And when this Jamie thing doesn't work out she will probably still feel lost and alone and he can still console her but I don't want Klaus to be a rebound this Jamie thing won't be serious so it won't count for much.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lilou265 said…
big smile
over a year ago jazzywazzy08 said…
Lol! Thats because my imagination runs wild when it comes to this pairing!
over a year ago lilou265 said…
big smile
did you hear in the Bamon scene when Bonnie was give both Tyler/Damon aneurysm Damon SCREAM HER NAME!!! it WAS HOT!!!
over a year ago martinachan said…
big smile
Oh girls you makes me happy!!! and @jazzy you recap is great, I loved every word ... I'm still laughing!!!
OMG...BONNIE was just amazing and the scene with Damon and Tyler: FANTASTIC!!! I'm ready for KLONNIE!!! Bonnie is the right girl for Klaus!!!
over a year ago jazzywazzy08 said…
Okay I am mad right now because although I'll be watching tonight I am going back to my mom's who has no internet so I want be able to discuss the ep with you guys.....Anyway I'll be back on Friday or Saturday! Have fun and keep the thread alive! I can't wait for the Bonnie and Klonnie goodness coming up and I hope you we get a taste tonight! Love ya!