Klaus and Bonnie Klonnie Fanfiction 'ideas'

skins-01-fan posted on Nov 06, 2011 at 10:12PM
Alot of people mainly fanfic writers are needing ideas for Klonnie. So I thought a fanfic thread would be fun and beneficial to us fans and the writers.

Klaus and Bonnie 12 replies

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over a year ago jazzywazzy08 said…
big smile
Awesome idea skins!

Klonnie Fic Idea:

1. Time Travel- Bonnie back in the time of the Originals.

2. Black Magic- Bonnie's mother left because she started to pratice Black Magic and she gets Bonnie into it upon her return. Bonnie goes dark and develops a thing for Klaus.

3. Fake Death- Klaus fakes his death and Bonnie finds him after realizing they need him on their side to defeat Mikael and he and Bonnie go into hiding and Klaus tells Bonnie about his life while helping her develop her powers and Bonnie falls in love.

4. Memory Loss- Bonnie loses her memory and before her friends can find her Klaus swoops in and takes her under his wing claiming to be her one true friend and protector. He starts off using her but falls in love in the process.

5. Love Spell- Elena is convinced that Klaus will understand her and Stefan's love if he experiences it himself and that he'll break the compulsion if he does. The only problem is Elena doesn't think that he is capable of falling in love on his own so she asks Bonnie's help. Bonnie finds a spell but something goes wrong while casting it and Klaus falls in love with Bonnie or Bonnie falls in love with Klaus doesn't really matter.
over a year ago BB8fan said…
These are GREAT Jazzy!!! Absolutely wonderful!!! Do you have any ideas for ONESHOTS for me!!! REALLY want to write one tomorrow!! Can NOT think of a ONESHOT plot right now!! :( Help PLEASE!!!
over a year ago lilou265 said…
in the old time age what about bonnie have a Handicap like deaf or blind and she been abandoned by her family for that, to a little village church and where she live and help the father/nun sens then,and in the village she meet the only little guy who want game with her, and him has been soo fascinate by her and defended her with those stupid kid's who making fun of her!!!!
over a year ago jazzywazzy08 said…
@Ani:Um you could do a one-shot where after Bonnie breaks up with Jeremy she gets really drunk and sleeps with someone but doesn't remember who and it turns out it was Klaus!LOL! I'll think of more ideas after class....
over a year ago ducky8abug4u said…
I have a fanfic idea. It goes like this:

Strip Basketball

Bonnie & Matt are playing strip basketball two blocks down from Mystic High. Down to a pair of skivvies and sneakers, Matt makes a three-pointer, turns around and cockily grins at Bonnie, who's now standing in the middle of the court in nothing but a t-shirt and socks. Smiling broadly, she removes a sock and throws it casually on a pile of clothes, while dribbling the ball towards the hoop, unaware of the sudden shift in the air. As the leaves begin to rustle and quacke, she feels the ghost of a hand slide down her back. Startled, she jumps away and quickly turns around to swat whatever it was that had touched her. But when she turned, all she saw was the backdrop of Mystic High lit-up by streetlights. She turns back perplexed, and shakily grins at Matt in an attempt to erase the uneasy feeling of being watched. However, unbeknownst to Bonnie, Klaus was standing under the cloak of shadowed trees, quietly watching the Bennett witch & her boy playing hoops.

Moments before, walking alone and drowning in memories, he'd heard the distant sounds of laughter echoing from afar. It sounded young, alive, and bitterly sweet. He grimaced at the sound, as a twinge of rage coursed through his vein. And then he heard it again. Laughter full of a quality he hadn't tasted in a millenia, innocence. It pierced through an impregnable night, awakening the ghost of lust within him; and so he lifted his head, hunting the very thing that made his body ache with need.

In a flash, like a hound sniffing out its prey, his body lurched towards the sound, locating he's target near the backdrop of Mystic High. Bloodlust began to creep in and overtake his control. He studied the backdrop of the school, as it sat amongst the distant shrubbery of tree-lined houses and launched his way towards the source. As he grew closure, the need to vanquish that sound became an itch he could barely scratch. He ran closer and closer, and almost would've snatched her off her feet (seconds before her sock hit the ground) if it weren't for the sad expression that crept in her down-turned face.

Unable to stop at 98 miles per hour, Klaus manages to swerve an inch or two from full impact, but not wide enough that he couldn't slide one heated hand down the side of her back. He didn't understand why he did it. Couldn't fathom where this need came from, but devoured every second of the contact. Being so close to the witch (his mind later recognized) was a heady feeling, one he couldn't resist even after all these centuries. And as he finally took control of his body, he turned slowly (safely hidden under a thicket of trees) and leveled his lust on a girl who's smile made his body burn with need.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jazzywazzy08 said…
A couple more one-shot ideas for you Ani...You could do a one Bonnie luring Klaus into a trap of some sort and maybe have it involved the "Poison-Ivy" kiss she used on Jeremy on the night she attacked if you know what I am even talking about...LOL...Um you could do a one-shot with Bonnie begging Klaus for Stefan's humanity and he agrees but he wants Bonnie in exchange.
over a year ago femme_fatal said…
I want them to play chess, and Klaus to say something about Bonnie in relation to his queen piece :)
over a year ago Desara said…
I have a few, hope these are ok !!

- He takes her to be his slave and slowly they fall in love ;)
- Klaus save her from a wolf and she see there is good in him
-(one shot) Klaus gives bonnie dreams of him and she goes to him to tell him stop and then he kisses her ;)
- Bonnie saved elena which helped klaus to make hybrids. So klaus has to do something for bonnie in return ;)
- Klaus turns bonnie in to a hybrid becasue he love her and doesnt want to be alone. She hates him becasue thats not what she wants. Then they slowly fall in love ;)Becasue he opens up about her and she the same
- Bonnie saves rebekah from her dad.(love to see Bonnie/kat and rebekah/claire acting together)they become friends. And the klaus takes a likeing towards her much more.
- (one shot)Jeremy hurt Bonnie with anna. Klaus is there to pick her back up again.
- When Bonnie first tried to kill klaus, they bonded somehow and they cant stop thinking about eachother. They meet again and there is no killing, but loving !

I would write them my self, but im no good in writing storys.

I write some more if i can think of anymore storys ;))
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SaintMissAnna said…
(love to see Bonnie/kat and rebekah/claire acting together)they become friends.
oh tak! albo z inną siostrą klausa :)
over a year ago jazzywazzy08 said…
@femme_fatal: That would be awesome! I would love to see a chess fic with these to with a total power play subcontext!
over a year ago SaintMissAnna said…
heh and I'll write ff about how Bonnie leaves the the crypt mad at Elena (last episode) and meets Klaus (which explains why Klaus really helped Caroline later) :D
over a year ago bella_princessa said…
I am totally going to use the amnesia idea that jazzywazzy thought up. Hope its okay!!