Learning French French Swearwords

Ratdog posted on Mar 17, 2008 at 10:17PM
Just wondering, cos online translators are crap, does anyone know some swearwords, any will do, in French? I know some, courtesy of my French teacher, but I would really like to know more.

Learning French 17 replies

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over a year ago blisslikethis said…
haha. les quelles sais-tu déja? veux-tu des mots plutôt Parisiens ou Québecois?

ben, quelques-uns que j'emplois assez souvent sont:
"câlisse" (used pretty much the way we use fuck in english)
- "câlisse, c'est chaud!" (fuck, it's hot!)
- "il a fait mal en câlisse" (it hurt like hell/it fucking hurt)
on pourrait employer aussi "tabernak", qui veut dire plus ou moin la même chose...
- "tabernak, y fait frette calisse!" (holy shit, it's fucking cold!)

voiçi encore quelques-uns qui sont un peut plus sévères:
"vas te faire foutre" (go fuck yourself)
"nique ta mêre" (go fuck your mother)
"pute" (bitch/whore)

et des autres qui sont moins sévères (these are the ones my grandmaman uses):
"merde" (shit)
"sacré bleu" (holy crap)
"zut (alors)" (damn.. but more like darn)

.. my all time favourite is "swing la bacaisse dans l'fond d'la boîte à bois", which literally translates as "swing the fat lady to the bottom of the wood box". it's more of a general expression than a curse word, but it's still pretty awful haha.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Ratdog said…
Merci beaucoup. Parisiens s'il vous plait. These will come in handy in my French lessons!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago bainmoussant said…
I love those swear words from Quebec! Here are some very bad ones from France (very useful when driving in Paris, not recommended in a classroom!):

Putain (damn)
Connard (for a guy, asshole)
Connasse (bitch)
Salaud (bastard)
Salope (bitch/slut)
Va chier (go fuck yourself)
Tête de noeud (dickhead)
Dans le cul (up yours)
J'en ai rien à branler / J'en ai rien à foutre (I don't give a fuck)
Je t'emmerde (fuck you)
Bordel de merde (fucking hell)
etc etc etc

I think those should get you started. If you need more, I can always add a few hundreds to the list!
over a year ago kittyeb said…
love the one bout the fat lady :)
over a year ago Subsidl said…
According to dict.leo.org "Va te faire enculer!" means something like "kiss my ass"

I only had french for two years and that's ages ago. I hardly remember anything from it, but a classmate told me a sentence I really liked. I just don't know how to spell it. It would be great if someone could correct it.

Parle à mon cul en effet ma tête de malade. It's supposed to mean "talk to my ass because my head is sick".
over a year ago Lunatic said…
Correction: Putain is bitch, not damn. Damn is zut.
over a year ago pixie09 said…
big smile
hahaa .. this is awesome!
over a year ago CULLEN-HALE said…
i live in louisiana so i know some cajun french
lamad (i spelled it like it is pronouned) is sh*t
and if you say "tete lamad" (again i spelled it like it is pronounced srry) its "sh*t head"
over a year ago burgundyeyes said…
there's also:

trou de cu - asshole
ta gueule - shut the hell up
ostie - pretty much like câlice or tabarnac
con - a short for connard

it's quite funny here in quebec. you can sometimes here all in a row " ostie de câlice de tabarnac!"
over a year ago SouthParkSmart said…
I think "vache" (literally "cow") means "bitch", too.
over a year ago carolgreen481 said…
Connard (for a guy, asshole)
Connasse (bitch)
Salaud (bastard)
Salope (bitch/slut)
Va chier (go fuck yourself)
Tête de noeud (dickhead)
over a year ago carolgreen481 said…
et des autres qui sont moins sévères (these are the ones my grandmaman uses):
"merde" (shit)
"sacré bleu" (holy crap)
"zut (alors)" (damn.. but more like darn)
over a year ago carolgreen481 said…
Putain is bitch, not damn. Damn is zut.
over a year ago carolgreen481 said…
big smile
. it's more of a general expression than a curse word, but it's still pretty awful haha.
over a year ago carolgreen481 said…
These will come in handy in my French lessons!
over a year ago carolgreen481 said…
Je t'emmerde (fuck you)
Bordel de merde (fucking hell)
etc etc etc
over a year ago fizzywhizzy10 said…
Va chier
Tête de noeud
Dans le cul
J'en ai rien à branler / J'en ai rien à foutre
Je t'emmerde
Bordel de merde