Lee Evans Updates

a photo was added: 809E964E 8505 4419 9C5F 4B17EA421708 over a year ago by samworld78
a question was added: I have 1 ticket for at sheffield arena on 13th my friend can't go anymore so asking if any fan wants to go with me this sat for the price on the ticket over a year ago by steeleranne
a comment was made to the video: Lee Evans - Wembley over a year ago by johautedfan
a question was added: Will Lee Evans be doing a tour this year (2012)?? over a year ago by Morgan_Carter
a comment was made to the link: Lee Evans Official Site over a year ago by Mandylou66
fan art was added: Get all the glory over a year ago by XxcrystalxX
a comment was made to the poll: do you like his song's at the end??? over a year ago by megan202020