Lego Hero Factory Club Updates

a pop quiz question was added: What is Furno's first name? over a year ago by vetyking14
a poll was added: Which Stormer Version Do You Like? over a year ago by vetyking14
a poll was added: Which Furno Version Do You Like? over a year ago by vetyking14
a comment was made to the video: Von Nebula-Bad Romance PaRoDy(Credits 2 the guy who made this) over a year ago by TheLonelyBlader
a comment was made to the photo: lego hero factory 3.0 hero canister sets over a year ago by TheLonelyBlader
a video was added: Von Nebula-Bad Romance PaRoDy(Credits 2 the guy who made this) over a year ago by Reshiramdragon
a comment was made to the poll: when is hero factory made 4.0 and what does it look like over a year ago by TDI_FAN_SKIDZ
a poll was added: when is hero factory made 4.0 and what does it look like over a year ago by mikeblaster9109
a photo was added: lego hero factory 3.0 hero canister sets over a year ago by TDI_FAN_SKIDZ