Lenny Kravitz Longest running fan

mscottfoster67 posted on Aug 20, 2018 at 10:08PM
I lived in Nashville, TN in 1988 and one of my closest friends was a DJ at the alternative rock station there and the Let Love Rule demo came in and we fell in love with it. This was before the album was released. Lenny did a show in Nashville in either late 88 or early 89 and I was able to attend. A few years later, another friend of mine in Memphis, TN made me a copy of the B sides of his first singles that I believe was only released in the UK. The song that comes to mind from the album I called, The Other Side of Lenny, is Sister Mother Lover. I've sense lost that copy and would love to get another copy to go with my collection. I'd also like to get a new box set of the entire collection. I've seen Lenny live 7 times and my favorite was the early 90s when he was touring with Rusted Root, Blues Traveler & Dave Mathews. The tour was called HORDE Feast (Horizons of Rock Developing Everywhere). Has anyone been a Fan this long and does anyone know how to get the UK released songs and/or a box set?

Let Love Rule


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