LGBT What's missing?

paperclip posted on Jan 30, 2008 at 06:03AM
There are already a lot of countries that have legalized civil unions and same-sex marriages as well as the protection of the GLBT community. However, there are still a lot of homophobia cases and nations that are anti-homosexual.

From our side of the spectrum, what do you think is missing in the GLBT advocacy and what can be done to change it?

They say we're in one global village... I think it would be great if we realize that GLBTs should actually unite at an international level to show our unity and number... this way we could let them know that we are not just a minority and influence others to fight and be out of the closet.

(yes, I do tend to be idealistic)

LGBT 3 replies

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over a year ago Cinders said…
Aw, but it's idealists who change the world, paperclip.

We are as much of a minority as any (mainstream) religious group. Was the statistic one in eight or one in ten? Either way, that's 10-12.5% of the global population. The amount of global Hindus is 14%. The amount of Jews globally is .22% (under Sikhism even). The only real major religions that have us beat pretty badly (as far as numbers are concerned) are Islam and Christianity. (link)

My point in mentioning all this is just to back up your point that we aren't a minority, nor are we even "abnormal" or deviants.

I think trying to gather the global GLBT population together would be fantastic, although extremely difficult.
over a year ago Spotty_Vision21 said…
I wish we could make the whole world a better place in one big moment. But, sadly, the world doesn't work that way. We need to take it one step at a time, and one day the whole world will be equal and fair. We simply need to take the step, and overcome these prejudices. And yeah, uniting the worldwide LGBT group would be awesome.

Oh, and Cinders, it's 1/10.
over a year ago robertchaseicu said…
Yep, well, I'm one of the lucky one out of ten and I think that if (and this might be a crappy idea) we show them that we don't care about them and it doesn't affect us then it will get better.