Limbo Updates

a photo was added: Emo Gamers - Limbo over a year ago by seifist
a reply was made to the forum post: Limbo Role play? over a year ago by thatlimbokid
an answer was added to this question: Will there be a sequal to Limbo? over a year ago by thatlimbokid
a question was added: Will there be a sequal to Limbo? over a year ago by heartache504
a poll was added: ** Potential Spoiler ** over a year ago by heartache504
a comment was made to the poll: How did you like LIMBO's presentation? over a year ago by heartache504
a poll was added: How did you like LIMBO's presentation? over a year ago by UltmateUltima
a poll was added: If you could rate LIMBO on a scale of 1-5, what would you rate it? over a year ago by UltmateUltima
a video was added: 【LIMBO gameplay】 over a year ago by UltmateUltima