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LOL Question

when you hurt yourself, do you usually laugh about it rather than make a big deal about it??? or is it just me and my weird friends?? :O

 RiderOfTempest posted over a year ago
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LOL Answers

MoonHeir said:
I always laugh,like the other day I tripped over a small rock (don't ask how),while walking home from school with my friends,and i'm all yelling"Bitch you tried to kill me!!"at the rock and my friends are cracking up,then after we got over it and started walking again suddenly blurt out "Owww that hurt."and my friends start laughing again and saying "You're so late." so that's my answer :p
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posted over a year ago 
coriann posted over a year ago
Princess_Vivi said:
When I ever I hurt meslef I laughed or if its something wrost I groned.
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posted over a year ago 
ok? lol that works...hope you didnt break anything
RiderOfTempest posted over a year ago
BlindBandit92 said:
I normally laugh or if it's worse cringed.
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posted over a year ago 
RiderOfTempest posted over a year ago
mrsjb923 said:
if its narly i cry, if its emarassing i laugh!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
superstar45 said:
Lol I laugh
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posted over a year ago 
rapunzeleah123 said:
No, I laugh, and say something emo like "it hurts so good!" and my friends crack up.
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posted over a year ago 
thats either lol or weird
wolfclan121 posted over a year ago
Probably both.
rapunzeleah123 posted over a year ago
Heroine999 posted over a year ago
jessieinCA said:
Yes of course!
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posted over a year ago 
adultswimperson said:
If it hurts alot I laugh and I swear in a funny way for the humor part.
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posted over a year ago 
johnnyrules53 said:
i do(:
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posted over a year ago 
TeamSongz4eva said:
lol i just sprained my ankle the other day and i was laying in the middle of the street cuz i couldnt get up and my frans were standing there laughing going "did you see how you flew??" lol we had a good laugh bout that even though i was in upmost pain lol yeahh its not just you lol
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posted over a year ago 
^ ^ lol
coriann posted over a year ago
wolfclan121 posted over a year ago
Ms_Mania7 said:
I always laugh, unless it's major!
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posted over a year ago 
xoPixie-Popxo said:
When I was preparing my outfit for school the day after, I pulled a shirt from my hanger which hit my eye. I started crying and swearing at myself, then I started laughing about how stupid this was. When I came into my sister's room, with my watery eye, of course she would think I was crying. I just said, "My hanger smacked my eye." She starting laughing hysterically. To answer your question, first I get upset, and then I start laughing about it. :)
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posted over a year ago 
h2olilli said:
dipends on how badly i hurt my self. if it dosn't hurt that much i'll laugh and same with my friends.and after we've a little bit the person that got hurt will say "ow"
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posted over a year ago 
coriann posted over a year ago
ColieAnne91 said:
i laugh && if it hurts i laugh && cry at the same time.

once i fell 3 times in less tham two weeks && it hurt every time but it was funny.

1st time...i decided to run down the road with my friends but i got a foot cramp && fell face first on the pavement. i bleed a lot.but me && my friends thought it was awesome && funny.

2nd time...i fell off a bike on my back && hit my head on the ground. me && my boyfriend laughed at my pain.

3rd time a few days later... i slipped on clothes && fell on my hip in front of my boyfriend && we laughed && i was embarrassed.

i am so so so clumsy
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posted over a year ago 
Hope your not too hurt, you should wear a helmet from now on XD
RiderOfTempest posted over a year ago
coriann posted over a year ago
LillyTheOmega said:
When i hurt myself i just ignore it every time i just ignore it :D there oooh and sometimes i cuss in my head when i hurt myself XD
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posted over a year ago 
SummerPoM said:
I laugh! xD
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posted over a year ago 
kamy89 said:
hahaha i laugh if i fALL i laugh if i trip i laugh i just laugh alot nd especially wen i get hurt hahahaha
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posted over a year ago 
Sara4477 said:
I laugh but if it's realy serious than im like O.o wtf ouch! xP
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I laugh but if it's realy serious than im like O.o wtf ouch! xP
posted over a year ago 
KrazyVampy18 said:
I laugh...only if it's funny..
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posted over a year ago 
RiverIce said:
i make a big deal about it sarcastically and then all my friends and my laugh.
like if i trip ill be like
and we'll laugh
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posted over a year ago 
Bekkah_Heart said:
Yeah Once I Was At My Boyfriend's House And We Were Walking Outside To His Trampoline In His Backyard And I Didn't See A Hole In The Yard And I Stepped In It And Fell. We Cracked Up. Lol.
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posted over a year ago 
:D lol
coriann posted over a year ago
coriann said:
im very sensitive :\
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posted over a year ago 
coole440 said:
Since me and my bff are always together we laugh at each other in pain witch causes the other to laugh and it goes on like nothing happend.
ex1: Me and my bff NEVER wear shoes she stubbed her toe on the street and cracked up laughing causing her to laugh uncontrollably.
ex2: I fell down in my kitchen and was cursing out the water puddle and then cracked up laughing because my bff was in said water puddle laughing her ass off XD
Its not just you its all of us on the hilarious side of the world XD
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posted over a year ago 
LoveFrom said:
1stky me and my friends are llike the wierdest JOKES i laugh if its really bad i try not 2 cry.....
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posted over a year ago 
GoldnSnitch_96 said:
Depends. If it was funny, and/or it was an accident, and I wasn't hurt that bad, absolutely. But if my friend trips me over so I fall into a pile of rusty bayonets, then yeah, I get pretty pissed.
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posted over a year ago 
NikkiLovesMJ said:
I always laugh.
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posted over a year ago 
donnasnoop said:
oh your not alone when my besties are with me and I get hurt they laugh and then I laugh then my laugh turns into a laugh cry like haoohaoo LOL
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posted over a year ago 
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