Lord of the Rings *SPOILERS* What did you think of The Hobbit? Was there anything you didn't like?

ellie_bellie135 posted on Dec 31, 2012 at 05:31AM

I LOVED IT!! :D There were a few things I didn't like which were:
1. I thought there was too much CGI. It reminded me more of Avengers. It was top-notch, but I really liked how Lord of the Rings, for the most part, was done with miniatures, and so on. I thought that was what gave it that special gritty, realistic feeling. It made it timeless and I was a bit sad there wasn't as much of that.

And it bummed me out that the orcs were CGI too. I know it's a lot of effort to do the prosthetic orcs, but I think it would have been worth it.
They were really good though. Scarier than in LotR.

2.There was ALOT of repitition (particuarly with the OW-OW-OW of the Troll and the shut-up's from Gollum. They were SO over played and it was such a shame that basically Gollum's only line was, 'Shut-up!') and paralells to Lord of The Rings. At first I though it was cool, but by the end of the movie they seems so forced and I just wanted them to stop. They really irked me. I felt like the script was rushed in some places and I think the movie have been alot better if they'd given themselves a few more months to work on it.

But other than that I thought it was absolutely fantastic! :D REALLY well done! 'On ya PJ! ;D

What did you guys think? What were your favorite/ least favorite things about it?

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over a year ago sydnisan said…
big smile
I thought that whilst it was good, it was not as good as the LOTR movies. I agree about the orcs, the prosthetics were better, but I feel like Gollum's part in the movie was absolutely excellent. I think he looks a lot more detailed than he did in LOTR. I don't like how they added in Azog and all that. I am so glad that they added in the songs, however. 'Blunt the knives' was particularly catchy.
over a year ago LegolasGirl12 said…
big smile
Some of my favorite parts the plate throwing ("That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!"), The dwarf's singing was amazing, crossing over the mountains, and 'Out of the Frying Pan Into the Fire'. Though nothing can beat the original Lord of the Rings movies.
I also agree that the prosthetic orcs were a lot better in LOTR. Though the CGI orcs were scarier.

sydnisan: I also agree that they added in that Azog guy. You never hear about that back story in the book. I think that was a little more info than we needed, though it was a good added plot line to movie.

I thought the soundtrack was AMAZING!!! I liked how they used some of the same songs from LOTR love love love! Other than the CGI orcs and Azog, FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago firerose4457 said…
I loved it! When i watched it, it felt like i was in middle earth. Such a visual experience! The cast was picked PERFECTLY especially the actor who played Bilbo. Yeah, there was a lot of CGI , but i thought that the animation was so realistic that it defiantly added to the movie (the orcs were scarier and the effects were **amazing**) The dwarves were so elaborately costumed (the beards!!), and every character was so detailed! Peter Jackson is a GENIUS.

After seeing the Hobbit i watched the Fellowship Of the Ring and now you can see and understand that it is SO CONNECTED to the Hobbit!! Like when the fellowship goes into the mines of Moria, it's the gobiln's destroyed fortress(and they find BALIN's tomb) Or at the beggining of the Hobbit, Bilbo asks Frodo to put up that "no admittance" sign on the gate, and its there in the Fellowship of the Ring!! Elrond also says as he is reviewing the names of the fellowship, "Gimli, son of GLOIN." There are many other lines and actions that have a connection to the Hobbit, that you wouldn't have noticed if u hadnt read the Hobbit.

[i TOTALLY agree that Azog (and many other characters and scenarios that were not in the book) are a little bit extra. I mean, they did add alot to the plot, but its not original.]

over a year ago Book-Freak said…
I absolutely adored it, I think even more than Lord of the Rings. It shows elves as more than pretty faces - they have bad, selfish sides and the Hobbit really shows this. It also has more Elrond and Figwit, which was incredible. The actors were incredible, the score was beyond belief and each scene held a new delight for me.
over a year ago ellie_bellie135 said…
^Yeah, I agree with you there! :D Particuarly about the elves not just being pretty faces. Helped explain the animosity between the Elves and Dwarves, too.