luigi's mansion 2 Updates

a photo was added: Luigi sucking a green ghost over a year ago by daisydog8889
a comment was made to the video: Luigi's Mansion 2 E3 Demo With Audio (E3 2011) over a year ago by daisydog8889
a poll was added: You think Luigi's Mansion 2 looks alot better than the first? over a year ago by daisydog8889
an answer was added to this question: is there more than one haunted mansion? over a year ago by daisydog8889
a video was added: Luigi's Mansion 2 E3 Demo With Audio (E3 2011) over a year ago by Spooky_Kid
a comment was made to the question: Whats the new polter ghost vacuum cleaner called? over a year ago by yoshi1234567890
a video was added: Luigi's mansion 2 trailer over a year ago by yoshi1234567890
a poll was added: ** Potential Spoiler ** over a year ago by yoshi1234567890
a question was added: How dose luigi make the ghost show its heart? over a year ago by yoshi1234567890
a question was added: how many ghost can Luigi take at once in his polter ghost? over a year ago by yoshi1234567890
a question was added: is there more than one haunted mansion? over a year ago by yoshi1234567890
a question was added: how dose luigi make ghost go into his polter ghost? over a year ago by yoshi1234567890
a question was added: Whats the new polter ghost vacuum cleaner called? over a year ago by yoshi1234567890