Madagascar:Escape 2 Africa Updates

a poll was added: What's your favorite part of one of these? over a year ago by mollydiva12
a pop quiz question was added: Who won the game of chess? over a year ago by peacebaby7
a comment was made to the video: Official Madagascar 2 Music Video: I Like To Move It over a year ago by megafilip
a comment was made to the screencap: alakay over a year ago by ricoiswsome
a comment was made to the poll: what do you think of alex's parents? over a year ago by alexlionis1
a pop quiz question was added: What track from the original soundtrack does Alex and his dad (Zuba) dance to together to show the New Yorkers who Alex is? over a year ago by ElmoNoddyPeach
a pop quiz question was added: Who does the voice of Melman (the giraffe)? over a year ago by ElmoNoddyPeach
a pop quiz question was added: does rico have a flat head and a scar over a year ago by hookie12
a video was added: Moto Moto scenes over a year ago by disney2011
a video was added: Plane crash over a year ago by disney2011
a comment was made to the poll: Is it weird that I know basically all the penguin's lines? over a year ago by alexlionis1
a poll was added: what do you think of alex's parents? over a year ago by alexlionis1
a comment was made to the icon: Alakay over a year ago by alexlionis1
a photo was added: Moto moto over a year ago by disney2011
a link was added: About Madagascar 2! over a year ago by disney2011
an icon was added: Alakay over a year ago by sneshana
a poll was added: Is it weird that I know basically all the penguin's lines? over a year ago by AgentJazzy00
a screencap was added: alakay over a year ago by privates1fan