May unlike any other doll Updates

a video was added: May trailer over a year ago by Dark-Blood
a video was added: May trailer over a year ago by Dark-Blood
a comment was made to the answer: Ebert gave an excellent review saying that it was not like typical horror which attracted me to see the movie. Though may was ultimately hurt by those... over a year ago by sentinelwolf
a comment was made to the answer: Ebert gave an excellent review saying that it was not like typical horror which attracted me to see the movie. Though may was ultimately hurt by those... over a year ago by Gothic-Cherry
a comment was made to the answer: Adam was a poser. He acted like he was in to film and gore like H.G. Lewis, but he was really a whimp. And a user over a year ago by Gothic-Cherry
a comment was made to the answer: Polly was narcissistic. She used people for her own needs. Though she was funny how she could not understand the doctor. over a year ago by Gothic-Cherry
a comment was made to the answer: Susie was May's only friend. Yet in a way it almost seemed as a psycitzofrentic side of May in the shape of a doll. Almost like Ed Twins mother. over a year ago by Gothic-Cherry
a comment was made to the answer: Yes. Good notice over a year ago by Gothic-Cherry
a comment was made to the poll: Can u see urself as may over a year ago by Gothic-Cherry
a comment was made to the poll: Did u like may over a year ago by Gothic-Cherry
a comment was made to the poll: Did u think may was pretty over a year ago by Gothic-Cherry
an answer was added to this question: What was ur in take on the whole movie over a year ago by bathory_650
an answer was added to this question: Personally what did u think about Adam over a year ago by bathory_650
an answer was added to this question: Personally what did u think about polly over a year ago by bathory_650
an answer was added to this question: Personally what did u think of susie over a year ago by bathory_650
an answer was added to this question: Did you noticed? over a year ago by bathory_650
a photo was added: may over a year ago by Gothic-Cherry
a question was added: Did you noticed? over a year ago by Gothic-Cherry
a question was added: What was ur in take on the whole movie over a year ago by Gothic-Cherry
a question was added: Personally what did u think of susie over a year ago by Gothic-Cherry
a question was added: Personally what did u think about polly over a year ago by Gothic-Cherry
a question was added: Personally what did u think about Adam over a year ago by Gothic-Cherry
a question was added: Personally what did you feel about may? over a year ago by Gothic-Cherry
a poll was added: Growing up did u have a doll like susie over a year ago by Gothic-Cherry
a poll was added: Did u think may was pretty over a year ago by Gothic-Cherry
a poll was added: Can u see urself as may over a year ago by Gothic-Cherry
a poll was added: Did u like may over a year ago by Gothic-Cherry
a poll was added: Did u get to see may over a year ago by Gothic-Cherry
a comment was made to the icon: m1 over a year ago by Gothic-Cherry
a comment was made to the photo: m2 over a year ago by Gothic-Cherry
a comment was made to the photo: m3 over a year ago by Gothic-Cherry
a pop quiz question was added: What body part did May donate? over a year ago by bathory_650
a pop quiz question was added: who was the head of the doll? over a year ago by bathory_650
a pop quiz question was added: whos' torso did she use? over a year ago by bathory_650
a pop quiz question was added: whos' legs did she use? over a year ago by bathory_650
a pop quiz question was added: Whos' hands did she use? over a year ago by bathory_650
a pop quiz question was added: Who dose May use to make the neck of her doll? over a year ago by bathory_650
a pop quiz question was added: who taught may to kiss? over a year ago by bathory_650
a pop quiz question was added: where dose Adam take May on a date? over a year ago by bathory_650
a pop quiz question was added: why dose May keep her doll in a case? over a year ago by bathory_650
a pop quiz question was added: what is the name of Mays' doll? over a year ago by bathory_650
a pop quiz question was added: who dose may date first? over a year ago by bathory_650
a pop quiz question was added: What did Adam say when May told him he was perfect? over a year ago by bathory_650
a pop quiz question was added: Why did May wear an eye patch when she was young? over a year ago by bathory_650
an icon was added: m1 over a year ago by bathory_650