Michael Cera wow! im not gonna beg you to take me to prom but i'd like to ask you to contact me

jcain321 posted on Oct 23, 2008 at 03:50AM
i know your to busy to take me to prom or to come out of your way to vesit me, but are you to busy to write me? i have been searching high and low for a way to contact you! this seems to be the closest thing i could find. i searched on myspace, and apparently you dont have an official page... but i added a few anyway. :) i also wrote them messages, so hopefully one of them belong to you. you may think im like all this other girls who are obsessed with you being famous, and have money, but i honestly am just after getting to know you. i have been on a never ending quest to find love ever since my ex and i broke up. you just struck me as someone who i could give lttle kisses to and talk to, even though you are reading from scripts. im hoping your not like all these other teen heart throbs, i hope you are as sweet as you appear on camera...

like i said in my last comment.
my myspace URL is myspace.com/jcain321

my e-mail is abercombiechik2@aim.com

(notice i spelt it wrong, i made that account when i was in 6th grade. lol)

thank you.


Michael Cera 3 replies

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over a year ago Shandiii said…
This isn't an official website either. It's made by fans. I don't think Michael Cera will read this, and even if he did, I'm pretty sure he's dating someone.
over a year ago dottie said…
i can not believe you are trying to copy my twin sister and i. We asked michael to take us to prom seven months ago! The only copycat michael is interested in is my twin and me! Michael would be more than just a rebound to us, we are meant for eachother. So, step off bitch!
over a year ago Team_Edward77 said…
As with what shandiii said, this is just a site powered by fans. The chance that he would read it is VERY slim. Sorry for bursting any bubbles there...