Military Updates

a link was added: Popo Medic 1 month ago by LegateFasendil
a photo was added: Paratroopers Answering The Call 6 months ago by PraetorianGuard
a comment was made to the poll: Vote for a New Club Icon over a year ago by ROTJ
a video was added: What's Great About America: Our Military over a year ago by PraetorianGuard
a video was added: SEAL Team Six SMOKED These Pirates - Jessica Buchanan Hostage Rescue over a year ago by PraetorianGuard
a link was added: Simple History over a year ago by PraetorianGuard
a link was added: Yarnhub over a year ago by PraetorianGuard
a poll was added: Vote for a New Club Icon over a year ago by PraetorianGuard
a poll was added: Vote for a New Club Banner over a year ago by PraetorianGuard
a video was added: How US Military SMOKED Russian Mercenaries... over a year ago by PraetorianGuard
a video was added: 5 Reasons You Shouldn't Mess With The USA over a year ago by PraetorianGuard
a link was added: The Operations Room over a year ago by PraetorianGuard
fan art was added: Royal Marine Commando over a year ago by PraetorianGuard
a comment was made to the poll: Do you have a family member in the military? over a year ago by jackb24lover
a comment was made to the link: defiance trailer1 over a year ago by temp2012
a comment was made to the video: John Michael Montgomery-Letters From Home over a year ago by Winterose
a poll was added: Could you get married to a soldier? over a year ago by Winterose
a poll was added: Do you have a family member in the military? over a year ago by Winterose
a comment was made to the poll: Best U.S. counter Terroist team over a year ago by ghosterxx
a comment was made to the poll: Which Branch? over a year ago by ghosterxx
a comment was made to the poll: Who has the strongest military in the world over a year ago by Shadowman33
a poll was added: Best U.S. counter Terroist team over a year ago by mongose-dog
a video was added: Russian Red Army Dance Ensemble over a year ago by stoneprince
a video was added: military tribute-hero skillet over a year ago by hinata3125
a comment was made to the photo: Military over a year ago by New1Superion2
a comment was made to the video: Join the Navy over a year ago by New1Superion2
a comment was made to the video: Army Gollum over a year ago by New1Superion2
a question was added: Why aren't large civilian boats OR ships armed with swivel mounted or turreted guns for defense? over a year ago by New1Superion2
a question was added: Will we ever see a NEW military aircraft (piloted OR drone), like Vought's XF5U "Flying Flapjack"? over a year ago by New1Superion2
a wallpaper was added: us army over a year ago by sethzero