Milotic vs. Cresselia Updates

fan art was added: The Two Females over a year ago by CoolNala
an icon was added: Milotic in the Anime over a year ago by CoolNala
a screencap was added: Cresselia in the Anime over a year ago by CoolNala
a poll was added: How long would a fight between the two last? over a year ago by CoolNala
a comment was made to the poll: On a scale of 1-10, how epic would the fight be? over a year ago by alphakate21
a comment was made to the poll: Who's the more beautiful Pokemon? over a year ago by alphakate21
a poll was added: On a scale of 1-10, how epic would the fight be? over a year ago by CoolNala
a comment was made to the poll: Who would win in a fight? over a year ago by alphakate21
a question was added: How would a fight between the two Pokemon go down? over a year ago by CoolNala
a poll was added: Who would win in a fight? over a year ago by CoolNala
a poll was added: Who's the more beautiful Pokemon? over a year ago by CoolNala