Morgana & Morgause Updates

an icon was added: Emilia Fox- Vibrant <3 over a year ago by Sarah2393
a comment was made to the poll: Do you ship them? over a year ago by Articuno224
fan art was added: M & M over a year ago by Idunn
a comment was made to the poll: Do you think Morgause is still alive after the season 3 finale? over a year ago by FlightofFantasy
a video was added: The Vision Morgana & Morgause over a year ago by MoonSiren
a comment was made to the photo: morgana and morgause over a year ago by rosalindmelilot
a poll was added: Do you think Morgause is still alive after the season 3 finale? over a year ago by Sarah2393
a comment was made to the poll: do you think morgause has told morgana the trueth about what happend with merlin over a year ago by Schnusch
a comment was made to the poll: ** Potential Spoiler ** over a year ago by Schnusch
an answer was added to this question: what do you think is going to happen in season 3 over a year ago by ami_loves_damon